Chapter 231

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
The riot was just an episode, and after that, everything returned to calm.

In the next few weeks, the progress of both Phoenix and Zhongxia was speeding up.

The sales volume of "weekly boutique" is gradually increasing, but the increase of "weekly youth" is greater, basically maintaining at the level of two-thirds of the former.

At this time, however, Meng Huo was not in a hurry to sell the pirate king. Now he has the advantage, and the cards can be put. There must be other actions of Zhongxia company. They are too calm. The publicity campaign in the weeks after the commotion is limited. Compared with breaking through the sales volume, it is more like solidifying the current popularity.

And the sequel of Sherlock is even more strange. In a few weeks, the role of huiyuanai is the most popular. But the popularity of Sherlock sequel has not been reduced. Even in the weekly boutique, the comic book's voting rate has reached 30%, ranking first.

The comics of "weekly boutique" are all selected from the boutique of "Zhongxia daily", and another one has been selected in recent weeks. The high number of votes in the sequel of Sherlock proves that it is indeed the best comic book of China and Xia, and Li Xin's strength can not be underestimated.

But the reason for this phenomenon is that Meng Huo observed for several weeks and found that there are other answers - the plot of the sequel to Sherlock is developing rapidly.

The content of each issue of the comic book is excellent, and the rhythm of the story is very fast. The female detective and Shylock's fight for wisdom and courage are climax after climax, and the relationship between the two is warming up rapidly, which makes the reader tend to see the end in one breath.

"Sherlock sequel" is just like a car with full power. It doesn't intend to leave any foreshadowing. It goes straight to the end. Of course, it makes the readers who follow it shout.

"Is he crazy?"

Meng Huo can't understand why Zhongxia company or Li Xin did this. It's still a long time before the sales of the booklet. However, according to their speed, they will soon finish the story. What should we do?

He had a hunch that there might be a late move in mid summer, so he kept the pirate king for the time being and put his mind on the plot of Detective Conan, which made the sales of weekly youth rise steadily.

In other aspects, the cooperation between Phoenix company and Huamei has deepened. Huamei bookstore is satisfied with the effect brought by Meng Huo. They promote He Xi together with Phoenix, and both companies can benefit from it.

Meng Huo occasionally goes back to the company to check the progress of other work. Comics, animation and games are all going well, and the employees are full of fighting spirit.

Most of the time, Meng Huo still stays at home, painting and playing the piano. He has more time to read books and accompany Li Qin, which makes Li Qin happy. Alice is still busy with her work. She seems to be very busy during the holidays. She only comes over a few times when she receives the manuscript.

It's worth mentioning that the event Alice prepared for Meng Huo encountered an unexpected situation. After the proposal was put forward, Xu Jing opposed it - he wanted to make a bigger event.

After the internal discussion of Phoenix company, this activity was postponed to July. It was no longer a meeting for readers and a thank-you meeting, but a more solemn grand celebration of the first anniversary of Meng Huo's debut.

The celebration will be jointly organized by Phoenix company, Huamei bookstore, Ninghai TV station, other cooperative enterprises, and even volunteer readers. It is said that it will be the largest cartoon celebration ever.

Alice even revealed to Meng Huo: "the concert of the first-line stars in China can't reach the scale of your celebration."

However, she only said such a sentence, but she strictly guarded the other contents, and fished her appetite. Meng Huo was curious. He couldn't help asking Xu Jing, but the old man just said with a smile, "don't worry about it, we'll arrange it."

Everyone kept a secret, so Meng Huo had to give up.

Later, the mid-term results of Ninghai No.1 middle school came out. Meng Huo was the third in grade, and Shen Jie was the girl in grade one.

Shen Jie's studies have not declined at all. Music and voice actors have made great progress, especially dubbing. Now some readers have found that there is a mysterious voice actor in the voice actors of pet elf and fatestaynight.

This mysterious voice actor is responsible for the dubbing of saber, whose awe inspiring and beautiful voice has long captured the ears of a large number of players. Therefore, a small group specializing in the study of voice actors appeared on the forum of he Xizhi house. Fortunately, Shen Jie's voice changed so much that no one doubted her for the time being.

Every week during the holidays, Shen Jie will still actively come to Meng Huo's home. She keeps a low profile, but it makes Meng Huo feel cunning. Shen Jie often seizes some wonderful opportunities to launch attacks on him, which makes it difficult for him to resist several times.

In the last week of April, Meng Huo bought back a weekly boutique.

Shen Jie sat beside him, intending to watch with him. The girl hugged Meng Huo's hand happily and said, "Meng Huo, you're growing a beard."At the age of 16, Meng Huo grew a short velvet beard, which is a period that every man must experience. Meng Huo felt it a few days ago. This incident made him feel a faint sense of regret, people will eventually grow up, reborn he, sooner or later, will also usher in the day of adulthood.

Perhaps because of the better food and environment, his beard appeared earlier than his previous life.

His beard is very short and thin, just like the fluff on his body. Meng Huo didn't plan to shave it. His beard is very light. He shaved it for the first time when he was 20 years old in his last life. At that time, outsiders couldn't see it without looking carefully. In fact, many boys' first beard is like this. When the beard grows to a certain length, it will stop growing, which is not obvious.

Once shaved, however, the beard changes. It gets thicker, blacker, and grows fast - and that's a sign of maturity, a sign that boys have an extra job to clean up.

Meng Huo is only 16 years old, and he doesn't want to do the work yet.

So he ignored Shen Jie's words and put "weekly boutique" on the table, ready to tear off the film.

This makes Shen Jie slightly unhappy: "you are not surprised at all. Shouldn't boys show that they hate beards at this time?"

Meng Huo said with a faint smile: "if I express surprise, do you have any idea?"

During this period of time, he found that Shen Jie was becoming more and more sophisticated. As long as he gave her a chance, she would certainly make amazing actions.

"Or do you know me..." Shen Jie narrowed her eyes and laughed: "if you say you hate beard, I can pat my chest and promise you: let me do such a troublesome thing as shaving for you—— Isn't it handsome? "

She was full of fantasies that she could help Meng Huo grow up to take care of his clothes and shave, and then send him out every day. Maybe many girls hate these things, but this is Shen Jie's romance. She hopes to have such a close lover.

"Sure enough..."

Meng Huo sighed. Now Shen Jie is like this. Her growth speed is amazing. In the past, she confessed directly, but now she has learned to capture men with sweet words.

These words may not feel very good once or twice, but after listening for a long time, it will make people sink.

This girl is too perfect. There are many elements in her that Meng Huo envies. However


Meng Huo shook his head. He didn't say anything. He tore open the weekly boutique and was attracted by the content on the cover. Under the title of the cover, there is such a sentence: this issue of Speedpost - the sequel of Sherlock is over!

"The end?" Shen Jie saw the words on the cover and opened her eyes in surprise: "it's over!"

It's impossible. Did Zhongxia company give up the agreement?

Meng Huo was shocked. He quickly opened the comic book and looked at the main body of the sequel to Sherlock for a moment. Then he glanced directly to the last page of the comic book and looked at the place where the notice should have been written, where it is now printed——

"Next week's new series, Prince Antony's life-long efforts, the second part of Sherlock The detective, Hundreds of millions of people's waiting, the son of Shylock -- the serial of the son of the detective opens

After reading this sentence, Meng Huo understood everything. He knew the reason why Sherlock sequel is so fast-paced.

That comic book is not a real sequel at all, but a background. It is the supplementary ending of Sherlock forty years ago.

The sequel of detective Shylock tells the story of Shylock's falling in love with the female detective in China, which is a foreshadowing, and the purpose is to bring out their child, the protagonist of the detective's son.

"It's an amazing turn..."

Meng Huo laughs, "the pirate king" will not be lonely