Chapter 222

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
"Come on, let's get in line, too!"

LV Xue happily pulls her husband to the back of the line. As soon as she walks past, she hears the comments of the two people in front of her.

"It's a coincidence that you're here to buy weekly boy, too?"

"It's you, ha ha. I heard that this issue of the magazine is going to be a column for Teacher He Xi. Besides, Nanhu city's first synchronous sale, other bookstores only have the goods in the afternoon, I can't miss the opportunity! "

"That's true. It's a spectacular scene. It's not in vain this time!"

"It's a pity that Huamei opens the door too late. Just open it early. I have to go to work later."

After hearing the chat between the two readers, LV Xue sighed that the sales volume of the magazine "weekly boutique" broke the historical record last week, and many media did not take "weekly youth" seriously.

But now this kind of situation looks, "weekly youth" may not be inferior than "weekly boutique".


When LV Xue hears the sound of taking photos, she turns her head and finds her husband holding a mobile phone to take photos.

"What are you doing?" She asked curiously.

"Take photos. It's rare to see such a scene." The husband replied, then pointed to the front line: "you see, there are still a lot of people taking pictures!"

LV Xue looked up and saw that many young people were taking photos with their mobile phones. Nowadays, people are very trendy. Taking photos and sharing online is one of them.

Share? LV Xue seemed to think of something, but before she grasped the inspiration, the team suddenly cheered: "open the door, open the door!"

Huamei Bookstore's aluminum alloy shutter door slowly opened a gap, and then suddenly stopped. The clerk inside heard the cheers outside and looked through the cracks curiously. Countless eyes stared at her. She was startled.

"So many people!"

The clerk has been working in Huamei bookstore for several years. He has never seen so many people gathering outside. What happened? Are all these people coming to buy weekly youth?

The salesgirl was a little nervous. She decided to close the shutter door again and ran into the bookstore in a hurry, shouting: "manager, manager, there are a lot of book buyers coming outside. We are short of hands!"

Huamei chain bookstore headquarters, the phone rings all the time.

"Yes, no hands? This is because you didn't prepare well in advance. We... "

"How many readers are there in front of the bookstore? Is it open yet... "

The operators are busy on the phone, while answering the phone, they have to record things on paper. The two men who bought Huamei bookstore are different from the former chairman. Their requirements are very strict, especially for data and reaction speed.

These operators need to record the situation of bookstores all over China in real time, and then hand in the statistics by special personnel. When others are still sleeping, they are very busy and sweating.

However, even so, the two managers are not satisfied.

"Slow, too slow! What time is it? They are so procrastinating! " Young people with glasses are particularly dissatisfied. Although the middle-aged man sitting on the sofa next to him is also frowning, he is more rational: "forget it, we can't put the previous standard here. This is an ordinary company, and the efficiency is OK now."

"Let them quickly calculate the future sales expectations. I think the situation is a bit wrong. If they are out of stock, it will be ridiculous."

Out of stock, this situation will make these two men shameless to face the elderly, when Huamei bookstore will be in charge of the other two better people.

They don't want to give up this task to others.

At seven o'clock in the morning, a quarrel broke out in the editorial department of Phoenix company and weekly youth.

"You want me to say several times that the magazines in Zhaoyang District are not enough to sell, and the bookstores there are calling to urge them! Professor Yang, please inform the publishing house quickly and ask them to send the stock in the warehouse! "

"No, absolutely not! The magazines in the warehouse will be transported to other cities in two hours. There is no extra quantity for Zhaoyang District! "

This week is the first week that Phoenix company and Huamei Bookstore jointly put on sale. Phoenix company sent half of the magazines to Huamei bookstore.

However, the current situation is unexpected. The channel of weekly youth is out of stock. Even in Ninghai City, which is well prepared, many magazines in bookstores will be sold out in just one hour.

"Sun Yang, inform the publishing house to add the printing immediately! The warehouse takes the lead in meeting the needs of the nearby areas, and the magazines printed by the publishing house are sent to various places. "

Ye Xiong, the editor in chief of the editorial department, calmly gives orders. He has a calm face. His appearance is very trusting, but his heart is turbulent.This issue of "weekly youth" is the one with the most works by He Xi, and the editorial department has expected that its sales will be booming. In addition, the number of magazines prepared in advance is more than twice that of the past!

In other words, although there are conflicts and overlaps between Huamei and Phoenix in some cities, Phoenix does not have any discount when calculating its own channel sales. Even in Ninghai, they have a million Magazine sales forecast.

However, now it seems that the editors underestimated the effect of He Xi's three words, and the company's inventory seems to be insufficient.

"Miscalculation, too many magazines to Huamei bookstore." Ye Xiong frowned, thinking that he might have overestimated the sales of Huamei bookstore. He knew that he should have given one-third of the magazines to Huamei bookstore and sold two-thirds of them by himself.

"Zhou Quan, you call Huamei bookstore and ask if they have any extra magazines to return to us."

Ye Xiong told one editor, but as soon as he finished, another editor suddenly exclaimed, "chief editor, Huamei has called!"

The young editor covered the microphone with his hand, turned to Ye Xiong and said, "Huamei said that the popularity of the magazine exceeded expectations, and asked us to provide another 400000 copies. What should we do?"

The whole newsroom breathed in, and then there was a dead silence.

"More printing?" Sun Yang, who is in charge of the negotiation with the publishing house, first jumped up: "impossible, the publishing house is already working at full capacity, and there is no way to print more!"

Ye Xiong slowly stood up, he was a little dizzy. What's the situation? Not only Phoenix company needs printing, but also Huamei bookstore. Both of them are facing the possibility of out of stock?

This week's "weekly youth" but in the past two times the volume of shipment, quick report has not come out, but just Huamei orders, more than the past total sales!

Why is that?

Is the plot of He Xi's three words really so excellent? This is not right. It will take several hours for the cartoon to show its effect. However, it is only less than an hour since it is on sale now. Almost all readers who buy magazines have not seen this issue of cartoon!

"Alice." Ye Xiong yelled, and the blonde editor stood up: "editor in chief, don't ask me, I'm confused."

Alice frowned slightly. She was surprised and happy, though she didn't know why the sales were so hot at the beginning. However, when readers read this issue of "weekly youth", the hot state will further increase. She is very confident in the plot of "Detective Conan".

"You don't know?"

Ye Xiong is very surprised. There is no reason for this, but he thinks that the popularity of Huamei Bookstore may be due to their good advertising outside. If the influence of Huamei bookstore is removed from the sales volume of Phoenix company, the current situation will not be too exaggerated

Although there are still a lot of doubts, these answers can be investigated afterwards. What is more important now is that——

"You answer Huamei Bookstore first, and we'll provide 400000 copies right away!" Ye Xiong patted the desk, and the editor on the phone said, then he turned his head and said, "Sun Yang, please contact other publishers and ask them to help with the printing."

The editors divide the work and Alice arranges the packages. She's going to the warehouse to supervise the distribution of the magazines.

"Alice, this issue of" weekly youth "may not be as good as" weekly boutique ", but it should be more than half of its sales." Ye Xiong said to Alice, "the gap will narrow in the future. You can inform Mr. He Xi of the good news."

"I'll let him know, but let's wait for the next two days..." Alice nodded and then said with a smile, "the boy is having an exam today."