Chapter 218

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1

In a villa in Ninghai, Xu Jing's holiday was interrupted by her daughter.

"Do you mean the same as the previous paintings?"

He poured a cup of tea, sat down and asked.


Alice nodded.


The old man frowned slightly, which was really a difficult thing to do.

"Alice, ye Xiong asked you to inform Meng Huo that you should stop drawing that kind of cartoon. Do you know why?" He asked suddenly.

"Why?" Alice was a little strange: "isn't it because you want to be conservative?"


Xu Jing shook his head and said, "to be honest, the Chinese Painting Association found our company and they wanted to take Meng Huo away. We had a hard time rejecting him, so we let Meng Huo take advantage of his strength and not let him continue to paint. "

Alice opened her eyes wide.

"Why? You didn't say that

"Because it can't be said." Xu Jing said with a smile, "do you know the real value of Meng Huo's simple paintings? Even in the traditional Chinese Painting Association, there are no more than three people who can draw that kind of painting.... "

There are billions of people in China, and many of them have painting ability. However, Meng Huo's ability can be listed in the top three.

"But Meng Huo never studied Chinese painting."

Alice looked surprised.

"Yes, he didn't study." Xu Jing does not deny this: "that's why it's terrible. Painters are all pursuing to show the most beautiful scene in their hearts, and their learning, efforts and skills are born for this... But Meng Huona is born with this ability."

"His pictures, even the feeling of using brush to draw brush, are unprecedented and unimaginable." He said: "the existence of Meng Huo is a negation to many people, especially to the existing painting technology... It seems that he doesn't need skills. As long as he wants to get it, he can draw it."

Xu Jing sipped his tea.

"The person in charge of the traditional Chinese Painting Association said that Meng Huo should not exist..." he said: "he is a monster who can materialize his fantasy... Funny to say, a group of old scholars in that association are afraid, so they will be rejected by us to succeed - otherwise, with Meng Huo's talent, he is now a treasure in the field of traditional Chinese painting."

"Therefore, if Meng Huo can make all the comics to that point, it will not be a simple matter for the comics industry."

When the Chinese people find Meng Huo's painting strength, the Chinese painting industry will also intervene. If they don't bring Meng Huo into the organization, the authority of painting formed in the long history will disappear.

Xu Jing looked at the surprised Alice and asked, "do you know the new humans in science fiction movies?"

Alice nodded. New human is a common term in science fiction movies. Even in reality, it can be heard occasionally. It is said that the Chinese government has begun to carry out the research on human evolution in secret, that is, the research on new human, for the sake of the cosmic immigration plan hundreds of years later.

New human, this is the human form optimized by gene. They are more adapted to the existence of the universe. Compared with human beings today, some experts say that there is a huge gap between human beings and orangutans.

Every new human is a beautiful man and a beautiful woman. Their intelligence and physical quality are several times higher than those of today's people. In today's society, they will be top talents.

New human beings will have the wisdom equivalent to that of adults at the age of 10. When they grow up, they need to absorb more knowledge than modern people. No matter what they do, they can succeed. It takes only a few days to learn an art, and they have the talent that ordinary human beings can't match.

"Meng Huo is like a new human..."

Alice was startled by Xu Jing's astonishing words, but when she thought about it carefully, the child really met the standard. He is good at everything. It's no exaggeration to say that he is a new human.

"Your suggestion is right. Now that he has grown up like this."

Xu Jing put down his cup and said with a bitter smile, "I'd better help him again,

That kid really makes people around him work hard. I've been working hard for channels these days. "

"I want to get in touch with Huamei..."

Xu Jing stood up.

"Huamei, didn't you contact me before?"

Alice was a little happy about Xu Jing's action, but she began to worry that Huamei, as the second largest chain bookstore in China, had been persuaded by Phoenix company for a long time, but the other party didn't agree.

"Recently, Huamei has heard that it has been acquired... It's a rare opportunity. I'll take the initiative to say hello to them. Although they are small in scale, they have a foundation after all."Xu Jing smiles. Alice frowns slightly. She has a long question.

"Dad, there's one thing I don't understand all the time. How does Zhongxia company achieve its present scale? Aren't they monopolies?"

"Zhongxia didn't aim at others blatantly, just like our comics, they just gave an answer that couldn't be approved. We have no evidence to say that they monopolized... And this is a legacy of history."

While Xu Jing ordered people to clean up the documents, he said: "when the novel industry was just developing, bookstores were scattered all over the country, a mess. The country needs a strong capital, and the United bookstore can open up the market and penetrate into the mountainous areas of the mainland. It can be said that the prosperity of the fiction industry now has nothing to do with the deepening and development of Zhongxia bookstore. "

At the beginning of the establishment of Zhongxia company, the capitalists behind it were all losing money to open up the market for the novel industry. Today's position is earned through hard work.

"But they have been comfortable for many years..."

After a pause, Xu Jing continued: "now, unlike before, offline channels no longer need to be developed. Zhongxia's continued existence is not conducive to multi-faceted development... In fact, their business is also shrinking. The most typical example is the vigorous development of bookstores in big cities. Zhongxia bookstore has no authority."

"With the passage of time, their advantages in middle and lower cities will gradually decrease, and they will be eroded by other small or local bookstores..."

Zhongxia Bookstore used to dominate the market in China, but now the proportion of sales in big cities is declining year by year. It can only maintain hegemony in small and medium-sized cities and remote places. However, even so, with the channel of the whole continent, it is still the leader, and it will be difficult to change in the next few years.

"I'll go first." Xu Jing took the paper bag from the servant, and Alice packed it up: "I'll go too."

She couldn't get out of the house when a blonde woman stopped her with a fork: "Alice, have you forgotten something? Don't use work as an excuse. What are you going to do today

Alice's cold sweat fell down.

"Then don't go."

Xu Jing glanced at her and left alone.

Alice looked at his back and sighed helplessly. At night, when she found Xu Jing again.

"Huamei Bookstore agreed." Xu Jing said a piece of good news, but in addition to excitement, he also had doubts on his face: "there's nothing wrong with the formalities, but how do I think they are more active than me?"