Chapter 200

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
Just go to work, the employees of Phoenix company's game production department are busy, they want to pack the game with exquisite packaging, and then paste the express bill number.

"Hurry up, everyone. The goods will be delivered in half an hour!"

"I found that a man bought 200 copies. It must be a game dealer..."

"Forget it, we can't take care of it. And let them hype it or not, but also increase the effect. "

One day yesterday, the collection version of "fatestaynight" was completely sold, and the employees had to help paste the order number, but it was no trouble at all, and dozens of people soon finished it.

After packing the things, the people were relieved.

"When will the second edition of the collection come out?"

"I don't know. It's said that there should be a certain interval, which can make fatestaynight famous."

"I heard that teacher He Xi is coming to work today..."

"If it's true or not, please sort it out quickly. Don't let the teacher see such a chaotic scene..."

There was a flurry in the game production department.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Meng Huo stood at the gate of Fenghuang mansion.

"What's the matter?" Alice came up to him with the paper and a smile on her face: "you haven't been back for two weeks. Don't you know the company?"

"No Meng Huo shook his head. He was just surprised at the Yellow statue outside the Phoenix building, which is a three meter high Pikachu doll. Beside the doll, there are some passers-by taking photos in surprise.

"What happened to that Pikachu?" He asked.

"Oh, this... This is from the TV station!" Alice said with a smile: "the audience rating of" pet elf "has exceeded 45%, and even is about to break the TV station's rating record. They specially made a doll for us."

"It's not urgent for the moment. Let's go back to the company first!"

Alice took Meng Huo into the building. As soon as she entered the gate, Meng Huo found that many people's eyes had changed. It was a mixture of worship and fanaticism.

"Good morning, Mr. He Xi."

"Good morning, Mr. He Xi!"

The security guard, the front desk lady and even the aunt who sweeps the floor will take the initiative to say hello when she sees Meng Huo.

Meng Huo came to the door of the editorial department of weekly youth. Before he went in, he heard the laughter inside.

"Ha ha, today's newspapers are really funny. They are all praising" fatestaynight ", which is the opposite of yesterday's!"

"I admire these reporters most. They scolded so fiercely yesterday, but today they can praise them as if nothing had happened. I think their faces are going to be swollen. That's how they beat their swollen faces to be fat. Ha ha!"

"Teacher He Xi will come soon. We will give him a big surprise."

Hearing the surprise, Meng Huo didn't want to go in so quickly. Alice beside him said with a smile, "don't rush in. Go to the chairman's office first."

Just back, she thought it would be better for Meng Huo to say hello to Xu Jing. Meng Huo nodded, then took the elevator to Xu Jing's office alone.

The old man was laughing with a newspaper. Seeing Meng Huo come in, he quickly got up and said, "come on, Meng Huo, sit down... You're making news again."

He pointed to the newspaper and laughed.

"Yesterday you swore at it, but now you praise it. A few newspapers that are close to us just called me to complain that they want you to have a spoiler before you launch the game in the future."

"It's impossible to be a spoiler." Meng Huo sat down and asked, "how's the sales of" fatestaynight "

He hasn't looked at the computer yet. He doesn't know what's going on.

"All the collections have been sold, and more than 50000 people have bought the digital version." Xu Jing said with a satisfied smile: "the total sales volume is..."

"Close to five million!"

On the same morning, the heads of hundreds of game companies in Ninghai and even Huaxia jumped up.

"One day of sale, sales close to five million! And the cost is only one million, and the production cycle is... One month? "

"Fatestaynight" generated amazing returns, so that these game practitioners gaping, shouting incredible. There are many small companies in charge of excited to jump up.

"Ha ha ha, here comes the chance!"

"The status quo of the industry has changed a little bit..."In the Chinese game industry, the current situation is a money burning industry. Small game production companies have limited funds and can't compare with big companies. The appearance of "fatestaynight" gives them hope again.

Tens of thousands of copies are sold a day. Is this a high sales volume?

Not high, many games are millions of players, tens of thousands is a fart. However, a game now needs several years of planning, and the capital needed is also hundreds of millions of Chinese dollars.

These small companies can't afford and also can't afford time. The structure of "fatestaynight" is very simple, with low cost and good benefits, which is the best choice for them.

"Have a meeting now, have a meeting!"

People in charge of some small companies are very excited. They find that word adventure games are promising and still a blue ocean. If they follow suit and launch the game early, they can easily earn back the capital.

"Fatestaynight" is five million a day, and the final profit can easily exceed the cost by more than ten times. Even if other companies are a little poor, is it always OK for the profit to exceed twice the cost?

Is there a cheaper and more profitable game?

Even if it fails, a million... The risk is smaller than any other game.

"Teacher He Xi is really our beacon..."

On Weibo, countless small company leaders @ He Xi expressed their thanks to him. This phenomenon has attracted the attention of some readers, but when they turn their eyes, they are surprised to find that——

Just a month ago, many Ninghai game practitioners also used microblog to scold He Xi. He said that he invaded the game industry to snatch their few jobs, but today, a month later, they regard He Xi as a beacon.

"I wipe it. It's too repetitive!"

One reader couldn't help commenting, and then the microblog owner answered in person.

"This is not repeated, but we know Teacher He Xi again. He has brought us a new opportunity in the game industry, and can afford the word" beacon! "

Meng Huo was totally unaware of the flattery of these people on the Internet. When Xu Jing told him that the final sales of "fatestaynight" would exceed 10 million or even more, he was calm.

Even if the sales volume exceeds 20 million, in fact, the number of buyers has increased by four or five times, and only 300000 or 400000 people finally buy the game.

Meng Huo is not surprised. First of all, "fatestaynight" is a niche game. It's quite good that so many people buy it.

"Why aren't you happy?" Xu Jing was surprised by Meng Huo's calmness. He said: "the cost of" fatestaynight "is equivalent to a web game, but the return is several times, and the market has a high evaluation of it."

"Meng Huo, are you not satisfied?"

Xu Jing asked, at the same time, his face also has a sense of examination.

"If you mean sales volume, it's average. The company is satisfied." Meng Huo smiles. He is not interested in the sales of "fatestaynight". What he is interested in is the impact it will bring.

However, this point has begun to spread among the readers.... in recent years