Chapter 167

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
After the rain, a huge cartoon advertisement was moved out on the wet street.

In the bookstore, young people with umbrellas in their hands are waiting in line to buy weekly youth. The voice of discussion is very lively.

"I didn't expect that teacher He Xi's new serial was a story of a cartoonist."

"I'm surprised, too, but it's great. This kind of career story is more suitable for people over 30 than surreal stories."

"The boss is too much. There are three stories in dream eater. He only shows us the first story for free. It's not intended to tease people!"

"Yes, and the first words just stopped in Zhencheng to refuse the invitation of Qiuren. I want to know how Qiuren persuades Zhencheng."

In order to promote sales, the owner of the bookstore did a very bold thing. He fixed the number of pictures in the back of the weekly youth, which was used as a trial reading, with bookbinding pins, and only let readers watch the first words of dream eater for free.

It turns out that this method does arouse the curiosity of readers, but at the same time, it also makes the stone benches hundreds of meters outside the bookstore full of readers.

"There's no place here. Let's look ahead."

"How about the fast food restaurant? It's not full yet. Everyone in it is reading comics. Eh... How do I feel like a library?"

"What kind of library? Ninghai is becoming teacher He Xi's back garden. Yesterday, my sister bought a magazine named "weekly girl" and read it with my mother. Today, "weekly boy" is on sale. When I look at the theme, my father will definitely read it - Teacher He Xi is going to turn my family into his fans. "

Two teenagers walked through the street with a smile. Their voices made the girl sitting on the stone bench reading a Book frown slightly.

The girl's face is big and rustic, with two braids on the back of her head. If you don't look at it carefully, no one will associate her with the beautiful love Princess Qin ya.

Qin Ya is a little upset. Why is the whole Ninghai talking about He Xi.

After Zhongxia comics came out, the sales volume of Qin Ya's "Star" has surpassed that of "Inuyasha", and she is now the real king of girls' comics. But there are still some people who complain about her and feel that the success of star is due to the blessing of Zhongxia channel.

Yesterday, the male public relations department of YINGLAN university came out, and Qin Ya quickly bought it. After reading it, she felt that He Xi had lost his fighting spirit, and he began to conform to the market and draw orthodox girl comics.

He Xi must have been scared to death by Zhongxia comics. He did not dare to take the risk to draw new themes. Later, he would be separated by himself.

Qin Ya with such an idea, the results of the "weekly youth" on sale, she was like a slap, very uncomfortable.

Dream Eater - this is actually a cartoon about cartoonists. It's the most difficult to draw a good one. He Xi didn't lose his fighting spirit at all. As before, he drew whatever he wanted and what he wanted to draw.

"I'm so angry!"

Qin Ya is so angry that she wants to tear up the weekly youth, but she still doesn't tear it off because she sees that Zhencheng refuses Qiu Ren's invitation and turns to leave. Qiu Ren comes out and says:

"Do you want to live aimlessly and become an ordinary office worker in the future? Is that what your life is like? "

This is the question of autumn people to Zhencheng, but this sentence resonates in Qin Ya's heart.

In this busy world, most people start to go to school, graduate, work, get married and have children from childhood. It's like staying in a cage and living an ordinary life.

If the world is a huge runway, then most people are running on the runway and can't find the meaning of their life. But ask yourself, who doesn't have a dream? Who is willing to be ordinary? Who doesn't want to jump out of the shackles and create their own legends?

Everyone wants to dance, but few people can do it, Qin Ya is one of them.

Since she was a child, she was dissatisfied with the arranged life. She didn't want to die in the public, and she didn't want to live the same life with others. She jumped out without hesitation and became a shining star. Qin Ya didn't dare to say how powerful she was, but at least she pursued her dream and was different from others.

"He Xi..."

Qin Ya looks at the book strangely. She seems to see her own shadow on He Xi. He is the same as she used to be.

Cartoonists, novelists, maybe a group of people are pursuing their dreams, but in the few years since Qin Ya entered the society, her vision has changed, and her money and reputation have become more important, no longer as pure as at the beginning.

It's the same with other people. Everyone in Qin Ya's eyes is competing for more money and fame."Do I want money? Or do you want to find a dream? "

Qin Ya asks her heart, and she finds that she has gone the wrong way. She has been writing love stories about girls. In order to be popular, she adapts to the market. She has less and less thoughts and less freedom.

Because of money and fame, she did not dare to take the risk to write other stories. She couldn't express her ideas. She tied herself up. But in fact, she has made enough money, not rich side, but a lifetime of food and clothing is absolutely no problem.

"What a fool I am!"

Qin Ya suddenly felt very stupid. Since she had money, why did she continue to chase money? She can live a more natural and unrestrained life. No matter whether she sells well or not, she can write the stories she wants to write.

Like He Xi, the cartoonist made more money than she did, but he never limited himself to one subject and wrote whatever he wanted.

"Good!" Qin Ya's heart perked up and lit a raging flame: "I'm going to beat that smelly boy with other comics!"

Her mind widened, and she felt that the world had become bigger, and there were many things waiting for her - she wanted to be a cartoonist, and there were countless new things waiting to appear on this road, which was totally different from the frozen novel world. And there is a younger, smarter person who can be a lifelong enemy waiting there.

Qin Ya has a new goal.

"The dream eater..."

At Ninghai headquarters of Zhongxia company, Yang Liang looked at weekly youth on the table and said with a smile, "what does this name mean? Dreams should be dreams... "Dream Eaters" -- Dream Eaters? "

"Yes, it should be."

Standing in the office, Wang Zhe, the editor in chief of the cartoon, replied: "the name is not the problem, the problem is the content. Its content is about cartoonists. I didn't expect that teacher He Xi would be so bold..."

Wang Zhe is very impressed. It's hard to write career oriented novels and comics, because this type requires professionalism, and to satisfy readers, it must be true. And the story is too true, often boring, so that it is not so attractive.

But He Xi's beginning is very interesting. Maybe he can tell a boring story well.

"It's said that the sales volume is very good?" Yang Liang asked.

"That's right." Wang Zhe nodded: "the sales scene of the bookstore is very lively, but this cartoon did not do much advertising. I looked at the content. If the quality can be maintained," dream eater "will be a very popular cartoon."

The best-selling cartoon, and the content is about cartoonist - Yang Liang rubbed his brows.

"That's not a worry." He sighed, "I'm too lazy to read it. Tell me the general content of this comic book."

Wang Zhe was stunned, and then organized language to reply: "the hero of dream eater, Zhencheng, is a junior high school student. He lives a natural life like ordinary people. He has the talent of painting and has a secret love for his classmate Yadou..."

"Qiuren asked Zhencheng: I'll write the script, you'll paint, let's become cartoonists together. But Zhencheng doesn't agree. Qiuren deceives Zhencheng and says that he wants to tell Yadou. Zhencheng runs to stop... "

"The plot behind is very unexpected. Yadou's dream is to become a voice actor, and she also likes Zhencheng. They agreed that Zhencheng would become a cartoonist, and Yadou would become a voice actor. When Zhencheng's cartoon was successfully turned into animation, Yadou would dub his animation, and they got married... "

"In this way, Zhencheng agreed to Qiuren's invitation and worked hard together towards the road of cartoonists."

Wang Zhe finished the content of the cartoon in one breath, and Yang Liang was surprised: "I didn't expect that so many things happened in order to make Zhencheng promise to become a cartoonist."

This beginning of the plot is very good, the protagonist's attitude change process transition is very good, and the sense of substitution and expectation is full. But... Women lead the voice, men lead the comics?

"Wang Zhe, I remember teacher He Xi. He was born on the third day of junior high school, right?" Yang Liang suddenly thought of this, his face showed doubts: "do you think this will be his autobiography?"

Wang Zhe wry smile, then shook his head and said: "Teacher He Xi is a junior high school after graduation, and we have investigated very early, he has no partner, this time arrangement is just a coincidence."

"Coincidence? I think something's wrong... "Yang Liang frowned slightly:" and even if we think it's a coincidence, other people may not think that if there is a girl around him who wants to be a voice actress, it's even more amazing. "

"I'm worried that Phoenix company will use this reason to advertise and further enhance He Xi's popularity."

"I don't think so..." Wang Zhe was very surprised: "according to our understanding of Teacher He Xi, he is not a very prominent person, and Phoenix company has no reason to hype him... But they do have many actions these days. It seems that Xu Jing went to Yanjing to visit CCTV's program team.""I think Phoenix company's promotion of dream eater will be very strong, but Mr. He Xi... They should not praise him specially."

Wang Zhe reserved a point of view. As Yang Liang said, the protagonist of dream eater is somewhat similar to He Xi's situation. Even if Phoenix company does not have the intention, other media will seize the opportunity to make a big report.

Whether the protagonist of dream eater, Zhencheng, represents He Xi or not will be a controversial issue for a long time... And the controversy also means that no matter what teacher He Xi thinks, he and dream eater will become more attractive.

This is definitely not a good thing for Zhongxia company