Chapter 151

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
"Readers meeting? "Mine?"

Meng Huo was stunned. Suddenly, hundreds of readers stood in front of him, shaking hands with him one by one.

He felt very tired just thinking about it. However, Xu Jing said that he was happy with the idea of releasing "Oriental Fantasy town". He has always had similar ideas. The development of comics is inseparable from the development of his peers.

Since "Oriental fantasy land" is not suitable for cartoonists, encouraging readers to be original may also produce good results, but it requires a premise that readers are willing to explore this theme.

If you want readers to like it, you have to make them like it. But to make them like it, they must give attractive things in advance - such as the games, comics and animations of Oriental Fantasy.

"Forget it..."

Meng Huo shook his head: "it's too much trouble. Let's put it first, and then find a chance to put it out."

He would like to set up a game production department to make the bullet screen game of "Oriental fantasy land" first, and then give it to cartoonists or other readers, which is easy to accept, but Xu Jing certainly won't agree.

"Well, the reader's meeting will be delayed for the time being..."

Seeing that Meng Huo didn't agree, Xu Jing immediately gave up his idea: "I'll help you keep the theme of" Oriental Fantasy town ". If there is a suitable launch time, you can discuss it with me."

Xu Jing asked Alice to collect the materials, and said, "I also agree to accept the cartoon copyright of" pet elf ". I can draw up the contract tomorrow. You can come and sign it at noon."

Meng Huo wants to give the cartoon copyright to Phoenix company and provide it to other cartoonists for free. Xu Jing can't disagree. The company's fee for buying out the copyright is not high. As long as one cartoonist serializes successfully, he can earn it back.

Only one of the two themes was successfully implemented. Meng Huo was relieved when he was down. At least his work is good for the company.

However, Meng calmly thinks that he is not omniscient in this world. Even if there are countless comics in his mind, he will have to be down-to-earth in the future《 "Pet elf" was burned once, there was a stir in "five centimeters per second", and "Oriental Fantasy" became empty talk... There must be more obstacles waiting for Meng Huo, who reminded himself not to be arrogant.

When the new theme is finished, Xu Jing seems to have something else to say.

His face was full of hesitation, and finally he asked in a voice: "Meng Huo, do you mean what you said before?"

"What's that?"

Meng Huo reached for his tea cup. He looked at Xu Jing strangely. The old man pondered for a long time and said, "did you say that even if you become a major shareholder of the company, you would not be the chairman of the board of directors?"

"Of course not." Meng Huo nodded and replied, "I don't know how to manage the company. As long as I can draw comics and do things according to my own ideas, just like the current animation, I am very satisfied."

He wants to be a major shareholder of Phoenix company. His main purpose is to have a right to speak and not be constrained by others. As long as this is satisfied, Meng Huo will honestly draw and produce stories.

"That's good." Xu Jing praised with satisfaction: "I'm relieved, Meng Huo. You promise me three things. I'll increase your share in Phoenix company to 60% and no longer deduct your royalty. How about that?"


Meng Huo and Alice sprayed tea out of their mouths at the same time and coughed.

"Don't be kidding..."

"Dad, you are crazy!"

Both of them are full of disbelief. Is the old man sleepy? How can he say such strange words? Meng Huo holds less than 30% of the shares, and Xu Jingyi gives hundreds of millions of shares as soon as he gives them away, and they are still free. Is that possible!

What's more, the unscientific part of Xu Jing's behavior is that he pushed himself out of the position of major shareholder and made Meng Huo the actual owner of Phoenix company.

Meng Huo absolutely did not believe that such a good thing would fall from the sky.

"I'm not joking..." however, Xu Jing's expression was calm, without the slightest smile: "I don't want to explain too much to you, Meng Huo, just tell me the answer directly."

Xu Jing made this decision because he heard that Zhongxia was going to dig Meng Huo away with astronomical figures. If Meng Huo joins Zhongxia, the Phoenix company will be completely ruined. Xu Jing can't compare with Zhongxia's capital. He can only keep Meng Huo's shares.

"..." Meng Huo frowned and said, "these three things."

He couldn't figure out the reason why Xu Jing did so, but he still had doubts in his heart.

"I'll give you the shares without compensation, but within three years, the chairman of Phoenix company will still be me, which is the first thing. And the second thing is that as long as I don't take the initiative to sell, the remaining 40% of the shares are mine. "Xu Jing finished two things.

The first thing is very simple. Meng Huo doesn't want to manage the company, and the second thing is not too much. Now Xu Jing's shares account for the vast majority. He gave some of them to Meng Huo and kept only 40%. Meng Huo can't be ungrateful and will certainly agree.

"And the third thing?"

Meng Huo wanted to know the last thing. Xu Jing looked at Alice and lowered her eyes.

"I want a promise. Meng Huo, you will do something for me in the future."

This sentence is very familiar. Meng Huo remembers that every time he deals with Xu Jing, he seems to have this purpose. The first time I made a bet, I asked Meng Huo to agree to one thing. The second time I made a bet, it was the same request. This time, obviously, it was the same request.

"What do you want me to do?" Meng Huo didn't dare to agree blindly: "Chairman, if you don't make it clear, I won't agree to the same thing three times."

Xu Jing is speechless.

"Take it as if I didn't say it." After a while, he shook his head and said, "the third thing, as a major shareholder for half a year, you can use the company's resources to develop animation and comics and other things."

"Six months later, if you let the company survive the competition with Zhongxia comics, 60% of the company's shares will belong to you. If the company goes out of business or its performance is lower than it is now, you have to return all the things I gave you. "

Xu Jing's eyes were sharp: "how about this?"

It's not a gift, but a test. On the contrary, Xu Jing's condition reassures Meng Huo. He doesn't want to take advantage of it. This is in line with his psychology.

"No problem!"

Meng Huo is a bit eager to try, and the majority shareholder of half a year can let him do whatever he wants. Xu Jing has provided so many resources. If Meng Huo can't live with Phoenix, he will be reborn in vain.

Comics, animation, games, peripheral products

Too many ideas. What should we choose