Chapter 143

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
February 22, the fourth day of junior high school

Xu Jing enjoyed a break at home, but an unexpected guest dampened his interest.

"Young emperor" will be broadcast in Ninghai animation Golden Paradise on March 1

The huge headline printed on the newspaper made Xu Jing frown.

"Mr. Yuan Tai Chang?"

He looked up at the middle-aged man sitting opposite: "what does that mean?"


Yuan Zhengqi drank tea and replied, "we decided to play young emperor."

Ninghai TV station changed "young emperor" from late night to prime time. Although there was no conflict with "pet ELF's", it was originally intended to broadcast the original animation of TV station in Golden Paradise on March 1.

They gave up animation to please Li Tianhui, who made a mess of Ninghai carnival, but the TV station was not angry?


Xu Jing went straight in. He didn't believe that the TV station was so stupid. There must be a reason.

"Because of interest."

Yuan Zhengqi put down his tea cup and said, "Zhongxia comics will soon move south and move its headquarters to Ninghai. We want to have a good relationship with it."

"Moving south in midsummer?"

Xu Jing opened his eyes wide: "are they not developing in Yanjing?"

"Yanjing is not suitable for Ninghai. Ninghai is the center of novels, rich in content resources, and has a good comic atmosphere." Yuan Zhengqi said with a smile: "moving to Ninghai in mid summer will increase the number of local animation, which is very good for our TV station."

He looked at Xu Jing.

"I'm here to say this. The TV station doesn't want to offend anyone. Teacher He Xi is very talented. We have expectations for him. But after all, you have limited resources. Zhongxia comic is our main animation provider. I hope you can understand."

Of course, Xu Jing can understand. As a businessman, he can see the sincerity of the TV station. Because of this kind of thing, Yuan Zhengqi could not have informed Phoenix company.

"Moving south in the middle of summer..."

This makes Xu Jing feel difficult. The headquarters of Zhongxia company is in trouble in Yanjing. If they move to Ninghai, will they force Phoenix company to die?

"It's settled?"

Xu Jing asked.

"Well, it's said that there is also the meaning of the central government." Yuan Zhengqi said: "Yanjing is already the center of politics and many industries, and the population pressure is too great. The central government hopes to cultivate Ninghai as the cartoon industry center of Central Plains."

"Zhongxia cartoon is the focus of the government's attention, and its relocation to Ninghai has become inevitable."

This news will be good news for yuan Zhengqi, for TV station, for Longteng, for Tianhui animation production, and even for Ninghai citizens, but it will be a disaster for Phoenix company.

Zhongxia moved to the south, their capital advantage is more than ten times that of Phoenix company! Xu Jing knows too much about business. If Zhongxia comes to Ninghai, Phoenix has no hope of winning.

No matter how hard they work, no matter how good products they make, as long as Zhongxia company plays the capital game at any cost, Phoenix company can go bankrupt at any time.

Phoenix is still alive because Zhongxia doesn't think it can hinder them, but Zhongxia comes to Ninghai and the competition is fierce. Their ideas will gradually change and they can make up their mind to eradicate Phoenix at any time.

However, if so, things would be wrong

"That's not the only reason you're here, is it?" Xu Jing looked at Yuan Zheng and said, "what will be the result of Zhongxia's entering Ninghai for us Phoenix? Director yuan must be very clear. Don't you come to me because of sympathy?"

Now it's the fourth day of the lunar new year. Yuan Zhengqi is full. Why should he give up his vacation and inform Xu Jing.

"Chairman Xu guessed right." Yuan Zhengqi said with a smile: "under normal circumstances, I don't need to inform you that Chinese comic books move south to Ninghai."

"But..." he paused and said with a bitter smile, "now it's not just Zhongxia who comes to Ninghai. I also heard that there are investigators from the Ministry of culture coming."

"Ministry of culture!"

Xu Jing frowned slightly: "what are they doing here?"

The Ministry of culture is the State Department in charge of culture and art. With the improvement of the status of Chinese cultural industry, the power of this department is becoming greater and greater, and now it belongs to the State Council.

"The details are not clear."

Yuan Zhengqi shook his head and said: "the official position is to investigate the cartoon market in Ninghai and assess the future potential of this industry. But there are also rumors that they are investigating teacher He Xi... ""What a pity

Xu Jing was startled.

"Yes." Yuan Zhengqi nodded and affirmed that this was the reason why he came to find Xu Jing. If people from the Ministry of culture are really investigating He Xi, it means that He Xi is in the eyes of the central government. This is a great event!

The government's emphasis on comics is now more and more visible. The future comic market will be huge. As a part of the cultural prosperity strategy, comics will not be inferior to other cultures.


Xu Jing's heart beat, the central investigation He Xi, it is also a great benefit to Phoenix company!

Although businessmen don't talk about politics, if Meng Huo is really noticed by the state, even state-owned enterprises dare not use illegal means to deal with Phoenix company in the context of the current great development of cartoon, let alone Zhongxia.

One hundred years ago, at the end of World War II, Huaxia had to withdraw the steel warships stationed in North America because of the danger of world destruction.

Since then, all countries in the world signed the Yanjing treaty, gave up the weapon war and turned to economic confrontation.

The economic confrontation lasted for decades, and the outcome was more terrible than the military war. China was king, but the domestic economy was depressed, and people's life remained unchanged, as was the case in other countries.

Twenty years ago, when the second Yanjing treaty was signed, economic confrontation was contained.

In today's world, there is no weapon war and economic confrontation is contained. All countries in the world are united and enjoy peace and prosperity. Mankind is free from famine and poverty, and material life is satisfied at an unprecedented speed.

At this time, Huaxia put forward the strategy of cultural prosperity. In other countries, this strategy is also called cultural war strategy.

"Teacher He Xi is a treasure..."

Seeing that Xu Jing didn't speak, Yuan Zhengqi finished his cup of tea, got up and said, "even if he gets the protection of the state, Phoenix company will get rid of the Blackhand and capital pressure. But the central government will not hinder legal market competition, and the pressure you face will not change greatly. "

Yuan Zhengqi left.

After he left, Xu Jing pondered for a long time.

The investigation conducted by the Ministry of culture has always been mysterious, and the results will not be revealed. However, Xu Jing believes that Meng Huo will be able to pass the investigation after "pet elf" is broadcast.

Xu Jing is thinking about whether to inform Meng Huo about the "young emperor" and the move of Zhongxia company to the south. But it's still a holiday. Maybe it's more important for Meng Huo to have a good rest.

The child will soon return to Ninghai, not in a hurry