Chapter 58

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
At ten past thirteen, Meng Huo felt as if he was going to die.

He has never done a thing for such a long time in a row. Only 20 chapters of the story of the monkey king took him more than ten hours, with almost no rest except eating.

"You can't play like this in the future."

Meng Huo is resting on his computer desk. Copying novels is boring and boring. He has no fun of painting at all. He's a little tired of doing tricks once.

However, the reason why he chose Wukong Zhuan is that it is short, exquisite and influential. This book was praised as an Internet man in his last life. After wiping his tears, he gritted his teeth, turned to the camera and said, "I think teacher He Xi's Wukong Zhuan is a masterpiece with tragic theme. Its narrative technique is very innovative, and its content is worth pondering, It's worth seeing... "


The camera suddenly broke.

"What happened!"“ What the hell

Audiences all over China jumped up one after another. What was the last scene and why did it suddenly cut off contact.

Don't you think Wukong Zhuan is ugly? Why did the editor's attitude change so much in the end!

"Go online and see what's going on..."

Curious people immediately pick up their mobile phones or turn on their computers to start searching.

However, Meng Huo sighed a little at this time. The beginning of "the legend of the monkey king" is really hard to accept, but once it is finished, the readers' feelings about it will be reversed. This novel will only break out at the last moment, especially the efforts and despair of Sun Wukong's struggle for fate, which makes many readers cry after reading it.

"That editor is so smart..." Meng Huo praised the editor just now. He was very smart. Longteng's program began to slander Wukong biography. However, when it is published, how valuable and influential is the novel? How can the discerning people not see it?

If the editor still said that the quality of Wukong biography was poor at this time, Longteng company would make people angry. Wine is not afraid of deep alleys, good books can not be hidden, Long Teng deliberately deal with He Xi regardless of the facts, who will watch the program in the future?

So the editor reversed his attitude at the last moment and saved the crew.

However, in this way, they are equivalent to doing free advertising for Meng Huo, and they are still CCTV advertising!

"How much influence will it bring?" Meng Huo looked forward to it in his heart. He dragged his tired body to turn off the computer and walked out of the study: "Mom, I'll go to bed first, and call me when I have dinner at night."

He will continue to draw cartoons tomorrow. Meng Huo wants to get some sleep. He is really tired.

"Alice, go back, too."

Meng Huo said to Alice, who was sitting on the sofa and looking at her mobile phone, "it's none of your business today."


Alice turned off her cell phone and looked up with tears on her face. "I said Meng Huo, can you stop being so cruel when you write a book?"

She just finished watching the ending of Monkey King with her mobile phone. The last death of monkey king made her feel very sad. She didn't cry out until she wasted a lot of energy. Now her eyes are wet and red, and the makeup on her face is a mess.

"No, I don't want to write any more."

Meng Huo smiles a little. He would like to appreciate Alice's expression, but now his tired body makes him not interested.

"I'll go to bed first, and I'll leave the follow-up work to you."

He went to his room, Alice looked at him, eyes shining with surprise, "Wukong Zhuan" this novel is absolutely no worse than other novels on the market, Meng Huo once again created a miracle. He is just omnipotent, music, learning, comics, novels... Qin Ya is weak and explosive compared with him!

Alice doesn't worry about the result of the competition between Meng Huo and Qin ya, but her mind is very complicated. How much talent does Meng Huo hide?

If a person can do so many things, what does he need others for? If Meng Huo goes on like this, no girl will dare to be his wife in a few years.


Alice could not help laughing. The tears on her face had not disappeared. It was funny to laugh and cry.

"I have to remind sister Qin to look for her daughter-in-law earlier... she has to find a daughter-in-law