Chapter 26

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
"How's it going?"

In the afternoon, Meng Huo asked Alice how she felt after she handed over the next story about Kidd.

"I don't think I can find any other words to describe it but wonderful."

Alice looked excited and said, "I can't wait to give it to the press!"

She carefully put the manuscript into the bag, patted the bag and nodded with satisfaction.

"Then I'll go."

Meng Huo took her to the porch. Alice bent down to change her shoes, pedaled a few times, opened the door and was ready to leave.

"Yes She turned back and said, "don't stay at home all the time. Go out for exercise when you have time."

Alice is very concerned about Meng Huo's health.

Meng Huo said yes, but he thought that he might as well buy a treadmill and go home. Last month's contribution fee has been paid to his bank card. The reward for the poster is 4000 yuan, so after deducting the rent, there are still more than 10000 yuan in the account. The fund is sufficient.

This is not only convenient, but also allows Li Qin to use.

Li Qin has gone out to look for a job these days. She says that her body will rust if she is idle. If she can, Meng Huo wants to leave her at home.

That day, she came back very late with a pile of vegetables in her hand, but her face was not very good.

"I've been away all day, and I'm not invited anywhere." While cooking, she complained: "wasted the fare, Xiao Huo. Do you think it's better for mom to go back to Qingcheng?"

"What are you saying?"

Meng Huo frowned slightly: "Mom, don't make fun of me!"

"But I'm sorry to eat you all day long as a mother..."

"Ma!" Meng Huo was angry and funny: "what's your idea? Where's the mother who doesn't eat children?"

He went to the kitchen to start a fight and comforted Li Qin by the way. Meng Huo knows that his mother is not used to leaving his hometown. Now it's time to be sentimental. But then again, why doesn't the schoolgirl Xueba show any signs of homesickness?

Meng Huo thinks that she must have, too. She may talk to her parents on the phone every day.

Today's dinner was either fish or meat, which made Meng Huo laugh bitterly.

"I said," Mom, don't buy meat all the time. I'll be fattened by you. "

"Well, you're just too thin." Li Qin glared at him. In her opinion, fish and meat are all good things: "when you draw, you will not cherish your body as if you are desperate. Who will do it if your mother doesn't help you?"

Meng Huo is really desperate these days. In order to draw Kidd's two story in a hurry, he only sleeps four hours a day, which makes Li Qin's heart break.

"I said that your child's contribution fee is over ten thousand. Why do you work so hard?" Li Qin complains: "mother does not spend money again, every month saves 7000, enough you grow up to marry a daughter-in-law."

Meng Huo is neither laughing nor crying.

"I'm still young. Why do I want to do something so far away?"

But there are some things he should really understand. Meng Huo wants to make up for the regret of his last life so that his mother can be happy, but happiness can't be solved by money. Meng Huo and her two people want to support each other, but the heart is not with a trace of subtle expectations?

"Mom, let me ask you something."

Meng Huo put the bowl on the table with a correct look: "is Dad rich?"

He suspected in his last life, who was the stranger who adopted him? He knew all the relatives around his mother. There were no rich relatives at all. And the man who adopted Meng Huo is beyond imagination

He calls Meng every month and gets no less than six figures.

Meng Huo didn't know who he was, but if he wasn't his father, at least he was related.


However, Li Qin was silent. After silence, she said an unexpected answer.

"I don't know."

She laughed and shook her head. "I don't know anything but your father's name."

Li Qin never told her son about his father because she had nothing to say. That man for her is a dream, accidental encounter, accidental combination, respectively is inevitable.

"What's his name?"

Meng Huo frowned and wanted to see if there was any clue to his name.

"Meng Chu, Chu of the state of Chu, is the most handsome and perfect man I have ever seen in my life." Li Qin's eyes are nostalgic: "it's up to me to chase him..."

"Ha?" Meng Huo's eyes widened: "did you go after it?"He was a little impressed.

"Yes, I fell in love with him the first time I saw him. At that time, I really couldn't help myself." Li Qin said with a smile: "your father was at the end of the curtain for some reason, so I tried my best to pester him and make him laugh. Then he asked me why, and I told him I was crazy about him."

Her face flushed slightly.

"And then there's you..."

Meng Huo's chin is about to fall down. His mother was so strong when she was young! However, it seems not surprising that she would rather pull Meng Huo up alone than remarry. She is very strong.

"I said," Mom, the reason you don't get married is because I'm still dad? "

Meng Huo was a little upset all of a sudden. He always thought that the reason why Li Qin didn't remarry was because of himself. Now it seems that he is obviously obsessed with his father.

"All of them. I don't want you to leave me." Li Qin smile: "and any woman has seen your father, she will not be interested in other men."

"Even if he abandons his wife and son?" Meng Huo couldn't help complaining: "Mom, you are just like a flower maniac. Do you want a man to look good?"

Li Qin's smile stopped.

"Xiao Huo..."

She didn't go on, but looked at Meng Huo sadly: "do you want to go to him?"

"I don't want to."

Meng Huo shook his head and ate in silence.

In fact, he had worked so hard before, more or less hoping to see his father. He wanted to know why his father didn't come to see him in his last life? Is it because he's not good enough? If Meng Huo can become outstanding in his life, will his father appear in front of him?

However, Meng Huo changed his mind after listening to Li Qin.

Why does he want to see the man who abandoned himself and his mother? Even without him, Meng Huo and Li Qin can live happily. In this life, he can support his mother!

In fact, there is another reason for making money: Meng Huo wants to be more powerful. He wants to be a man who will not stop and march forward bravely. This is also his commitment to the admirable woman.

But at this time, Li Qin's eyes were a little complicated. She looked at her son and didn't know what to say. Meng Huo's eyes were clear and bright. I don't know when his temperament became so mature that Li Qin was attracted by his manner. Until now, he suddenly found that the child's face had changed slightly.

His outline seems to be clearer, and his eyebrows are thicker than half a year ago

Li Qin seems to find traces of Meng Chu on his face. She shakes her head. She must be dazzled