Chapter 2

Name:Big Manga Author:March 1
In the dead of night, Li Qin is too hot to sleep.

She planned to get up for a drink of water, but was surprised to find that the light next door was still on.

"Why doesn't the child sleep?" Li Qin curiously walked over and looked inside along the crack in the door.

See Meng Huo sitting in front of the desk, "Shua Shua" with a pen on the paper fast moving.

Li Qin's eyes widened. Is the child reviewing? She looked at the ground, textbooks and notes scattered everywhere, she had never seen Meng Huo review so hard - he really changed.

She walked to the living room quietly, and Li Qin showed a smile.

"Give him an extra egg for breakfast tomorrow."

In the room, Meng Huo's depiction is not a review, but a cartoon.

Looking through the history books and various newspapers in his room, he has confirmed that there are no classic comics such as "seven dragon ball" and "Naruto" in this world, nor classic online novels such as "Zhuxian" and "full-time expert".

Novels and comics became Meng Huo's first choice to make money. Of course, the first choice was novels with less effort. However, the novel industry in this world is very developed, and the rise of online novels is even ten years earlier than that of the previous life. The whole market is a red sea of fierce competition.

On the contrary, the original cartoon market is a blue ocean.

Original comics appeared later than novels. Due to the development of novel market, in order to expand the copyright benefits, the comics industry gradually rose. Cartoon characters are bright, easy to understand, suitable for all ages. The whole industry is like a snowball rolling bigger and bigger, and now it has spread all over the world.

However, it is limited by two decisive factors, one is the lack of professional comic education, talent shortage, and are employed by large companies to adapt popular novels, original comic production is very small. Second, there are problems in the marketing mode, and comic periodicals are not paid attention to.

Today's comic book market is mainly based on adapted novels. The biggest limitation is that readers know the plot, and comic companies dare not change the original book casually. Readers who know the plot will not follow it every week, and they are more willing to buy a booklet.

This leads to the strange phenomenon that the sales of comic magazines and magazines are dismal, while the single edition is extremely popular. This phenomenon is very beneficial to Meng Huo, because it means that as long as he can put out excellent content in the form of comics, he can stand out.

Novels and comics are closely related. Many people can write novels, but few can draw comics. Meng Huo spent most of his life on these things. His brushwork and painting skills are extraordinary, so he should be able to break a broad road.

He can start with the original cartoon, step by step into other industries.

"Good, the foundation is still there!" Meng Huo put down his pen and looked at dozens of cartoon manuscripts on the desk, relieved. Crossing didn't make his skills return to the origin. His handwriting, writing style and painting skills are not far behind those of his previous life. He can recover after a while of practice.

As long as the strength is there, Meng Huo is not afraid of anything.

"But it's really strange..." he picked up the cartoon and frowned. "It's so smooth. How can I say that drawing a cartoon always needs to rethink the lens division? Why don't I even consider the lens division?"

The so-called sub mirror is a term of comics. We should design the layout of comics on paper, and then draw the original according to the layout. This process is like making a draft and structure. Meng Huo's strange thing is that he can draw the original without dividing the mirror, as if he had known for a long time.

"Forget it, I don't want it."

Meng Huo stretched his waist, picked up the history book beside him and read it as a novel. However, before long, a wonderful feeling appeared in his mind: he seemed to know what the content of the next page was, and the key point started from which line and which word.


Meng Huo just flipped it over before. How could he remember it so clearly. As like as two peas in his mind, he turned on the next page.

A ridiculous idea sprang up.

Meng Huo took out his Chinese book, quickly scanned more than ten pages, and then closed it. He took a deep breath, then closed his eyes and began to recall. Slowly, the whole Chinese textbook opened like a 3D image, and the contents, words, notes, and even the wrinkled page numbers were clear.

"Never forget!" He jumped up excitedly: "no, impossible... But the memory of his last life is also very clear. The twelfth sentence in the first chapter of journey to the West seems to be Shao Kangjie's saying:" half of the winter solstice, the heart of heaven has not changed. At the beginning of the first movement of the sun, when all things are not born

"Lying trough, I'm a blockhouse!"

Meng Huo never forgets. He knows everything not only in his life, but also in his last life. Does crossing enlighten his mind! As long as he has this ability, he will be able to perfectly reproduce the previous life comic, but also worried about not making money?But then he doesn't have to go to school to waste his time.

"No, why don't I go to school if I can remember it?" If you can find a school with easy study, Meng's diploma is just like a free gift.

Strength is the key. Students with strength are popular wherever they go. Meng Huo looked at the junior high school textbooks on his desk and felt that there was no harm in taking the senior high school entrance examination. He could review the comics while preparing them, so that Li Qin could rest assured.

After a busy night, Meng Huo asked Li Qin not to go to school.

"Anyway, the school course is over. I can't go there to review. It's better to stay at home." He explained that.

Li Qin wanted to refuse, but she hesitated when she thought of Meng Huo's hard work last night. She didn't have a computer or money to play with her children, so she agreed: "OK, I'll call your head teacher."

She asked for leave for Meng Huo. Bai Huizheng, the head teacher, was angry with her yesterday. As soon as she asked for leave, she replied, "if you don't come, it's OK." she hung up.

"What did you do at school?" Li Qin was full of doubts. Meng Huo blinked innocently: "nothing. I'm just in a hurry to pick you up."

Li Qin was stunned and a little unhappy.

"This teacher is also really, what attitude ah, the child does not do well to teach is, how to pass a day still haggle over..."

She was very happy that Meng Huo came to meet her yesterday.

"Then I'll go to work. You will review at home. There are some leftovers in the refrigerator for you to eat at noon."

"Good!" Meng Huo sent Li Qin out with a smile on his face. Then he slept until noon and began to review after eating.

At 10:30 p.m., instead of rushing home, Li Qin knocked on her neighbor's door.

"Meng Huo? I don't think I saw him out today. " The neighbor's reply reassured Li Qin. The child did stay at home to review.

When she opened the door, Li Qin was stunned. She saw that the light in the living room was on and a large bowl of hot fried rice with eggs was on the table.

"Welcome back, mom! That's my hot meal. You eat it while it's hot. "

Meng Huo's voice came from the room inside. Li Qin's eyes were red. This was the first time Meng Huo had prepared food for her.

"Boy, didn't I say dinner was served in the factory?" Li Qin wiped the corner of her eyes and ate up the fried rice with joy.

She put away the dishes and chopsticks, took a bath and knocked on Meng Huo's door before going to bed.

"Xiao Huo, don't damage yourself too late."

"I know."

After getting the answer, Li Qin went to bed at ease.

Time flies by in the simple interaction between mother and son. It took Meng Huo two weeks to recite the textbooks of the whole primary school and junior high school. He no longer has to review them. With more than ten days to go before the high school entrance examination, Meng Huo took the time to prepare for cartoons.

The choice of the first cartoon is very critical. Meng Huo did not directly adapt the previous life novel into the cartoon. He did not dare to take risks and gave priority to the cartoon works.

"Dragon Ball" was the first to be included in the waiting list, which is a classic comic series for more than ten years. However, the initial success of this comic series was not particularly hot, until the author added the theme of "pursuit of power" in the story.

Then there are three migrant workers, death, Naruto and the pirate king. Meng Huo still has no choice. The reason is that the style and world outlook of these three cartoons are quite special. He wants a cartoon that is closer to reality and more youthful as the start.

After two days of screening, Meng Huo took a fancy to detective Conan. This is a typical cartoon of teenagers taking all. It is close to reality and full of suspense at the same time. Moreover, it has a very good start, and its performance is not inferior to other cartoons.

Meng Huo began painting Detective Conan attentively. After several days of practice, his painting skills returned to the best state in his previous life.

Drawing caricatures is a complicated task. Although Meng Huo's painting time was greatly reduced by not having to draw a mirror, it took Meng Huo four days to complete more than 20 pages of the first sentence for the first time.

"Well, it's only the last one to go

Meng Huo stretched out to draw the last picture. This picture has only one lens. It should be very simple.

However, just as the brush landed on the paper, a bright light flashed by. Meng Huo has a wonderful picture in his mind: a crescent moon is hanging in the sky, and a boy is sitting on the grass. He seems to have just woken up from a coma, and his clothes are in a mess. A gust of wind blows through his flowing sea, revealing his big eyes of doubt."Why?"

Meng Huo suddenly wakes up and his brush stops. His pupil was as like as two peas, and he was surprised to find that he had finished the last picture. It was painted on the paper just like the same scene that just appeared in his mind, which made people unable to move their eyes.

This is not an ordinary cartoon, the seemingly simple picture shows a touch of elegance. The whole painting shows a sense of hierarchy like ink, just like a living Chinese painting, from which Meng Huo can feel a strong oriental charm.

"It's amazing..."

He put down his pen tremblingly, and his wrist was slightly sore, proving that the painting really came from his hands.

The clock on the desk ticked.

Meng Huo turned his head and looked at the clock. It had already turned half a circle. The time was 30 minutes faster than before the image appeared in his mind, but it only left him a moment of illusion. Meng Huo realized that he had just entered a state of infatuation without seeing time, and in this state, he easily drew the scene in his head.

Meng Huo thinks that it may also be a kind of ability brought by crossing.

"A flash of inspiration is called a flash of inspiration!"

For the time being, he gave the new ability an easy to understand name. Unlike comics, the quality of comics drawn by this ability far exceeds that of the original work. If we can make full use of it, won't it be invincible