Am I dead? This is the first thing Han Bing wakes up and thinks he is dead.

This is hell, but the ground of hell is too hard. When cold ice feels the hardness of the ground, he thinks of it in the bottom of his heart.

Ha! Yin Yin woke up in the cold ice. Royad pushed aside, holding his cheek with his right hand, said Yin Yin, whose eyes kept dozing.

Ah! My sister woke up.

A shivering cold ice, who thought he was dead, heard that the humble barbarian descendant called himself his sister. Although the barbarian descendant is a royal family, all barbarians are the most humble existence in the world. This is the common sense that every human tribe knows.

A small iron needle slowly appeared in the thin hand of cold ice from the long sleeve of cold ice“ go to hell! Han Bing bypasses the fine needle in his right hand and goes to the Yinyin thorn.

Just when this fine needle was about to stab Yinyin, a residual shadow of royad's arm passed by, firmly grasped the cold thorn and gripped the wrist of the fine needle to Yinyin.

You really don't worry! At least I'm your Savior! Royad said faintly.

Luo Yade took off the fine needle held in Han Bing's hand and said to Han Bing, "because Yin Yin said you were her long lost sister, I made an exception to save you“

I don't have a sister of a humble barbarian descendant. Don't lie here. I won't give in even if I die. Don't think you can be safe if you catch me. Wait until my people find me······

Luo Yade looked at Han Bing, who looked like a cow, and kept saying threatening words to himself. Luo Yade's face turned black and his palm turned into a hand knife. He saw Han Bing's neck and hit it down. Luo Yade looked at the faint cold ice and said to Yin Yin: "the world is finally quiet“

Ignoring the wormwood on one side, road went to the mouth of the tree hole, looked at the clear sky, turned his head and said to wormwood, "I'm going to continue on my way. If you still want to follow, let's go together“ Royd looked at the ice on the ground and said, "don't worry! She's just unconscious. She'll wake up in a minute. "

The haze on Yin Yin's face said to road in a burst of thinking: "Lord Road, where are we going next!" Yin Yin immediately tensed up at the moment when royad wanted to say to go. She was alone now. The Terran would chase her wherever she went. Although the Terran in front of her didn't know why she was willing to take herself in, now only his side may be the most safe.

Um! Is this one? Yin Yin, don't you want your people to see the sun again and never have to hide and live an inhuman life? Road did not answer Yin Yin's question, but asked a question.

Yinyin thought, but Yinyin couldn't do anything alone. The patriarch died and her mother disappeared. Yin Yin's eyes were red and sobbed.

Royad put his hand on Yin Yin's head and said, "you are not alone. I can help you“

Really? Will Lord road help Yin Yin? Yin Yin looks forward to looking at road. From the battle just now, Yin Yin is incredible. Road is powerful. If Lord road is willing to help himself, maybe the barbarians can really revive.

Of course, it's true, said royad, looking forward to Yin Yin, but I have one condition, that is, you and your people must believe in me.

Believe in Lord road. Yin Yin doesn't understand. Yin Yin asks with a little disappointment in her heart.

Also, it seems that people here know nothing about faith. It seems that they can only say it simply. Royad thought in his heart.

I want to be the current Barbarian King of the barbarians. As a descendant of the Barbarian King, you must have a strong appeal! How about this? Is this condition acceptable!

Lord Road, Yin Yin agreed to be the king of the barbarians.

That's good. We'll go to the gathering place of barbarians next stop. Yinyin, you should know the location!

Um! Yin Yin knew that the patriarch had said before to let the escaped people gather in heita ya. Yin Yin showed Lord road the way.

Um! Then go! Royad just wanted to jump down the tree hole. He felt as if he was pulled by something behind him. Royad turned his head and saw Yin Yin blushing and said, "Lord royad, how should Yin Yin get down“

Luo Yade looked at the tree hole dozens of meters high from the ground. Then he remembered that Yin Yin was just a little stronger than ordinary people. At the thought of this, Luo Yade's face turned red. A princess held Yin Yin in her arms and jumped down. As for the sleeping ice next to me, I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. Royad and Yin subconsciously forgot.

As for why royad chose barbarians as his development believers in this martial arts position, there is no doubt that it is because others will remember the benefits you bring only when they provide charcoal in the snow.

Anyway, there are still seven years. This period of time can't be wasted.

In a cave covered with vines in a hidden forest, road followed Yinyin to the gathering point of Yinyin's people.

Road looked at the empty cave, patted Yinyin with his hand and said, "let's go! It seems that something may have happened to your people. " Royad said in a low tone.

Will Lord road kill Yin Yin? A pair of empty eyes full of despair looked at road and said.

A sharp sword pierced the heart of Royal. What a pair of eyes full of despair and helplessness. For a moment, Royal suddenly felt remorse for taking advantage of others' danger, but this trace of remorse soon disappeared. In this world, the weak have no human rights and dignity, and they just pursue strength, Strong enough to return to his hometown and take a look at his parents. For this reason, some unimportant things have long been abandoned by road. As long as you keep your heart, you can destroy the world.

However, Luo Yade looked at Yin Yin, who had lost her fighting spirit and became a puppet, smiled, put one of Yin Yin's favorite mushrooms in front of Yin Yin Yin and said, "Yin Yin promised me to be the king of barbarians. What I expected has not been realized. How can Yin say some stupid words!"

Hearing Luo Yade's consolation, Yin Yin's eyes gradually recovered some look. A pair of big eyes were red and shed tears. They jumped into Luo Yade's arms. They kept crying and shouted, "Lord Luo Yade is the man king in Yin Yin's heart."

After a long time, royad looked at Yin Yin, who was crying and sleeping in his arms, and thought in his heart that I was not just a Barbarian King of you, but a Barbarian King of barbarians.

As for the blocking of the plane consciousness at that time, road has understood the simplest truth, that is, only the strong have the right to speak, and he is the strong in this plane. Royad's mouth tilted slightly and thought in the bottom of his heart.

It seems that the next step is to find out the trace of the barbarians in the Terran tribe first. Royad touched his stubble chin and thought of it in his heart.