Today's hundred Li red makeup is like a pedestrian who has been searching for a long time in the desert and finally found the direction. No matter what is ahead, she will go to find out.

Baili red makeup immediately quickened her pace and kept approaching to the front. She wanted to know what was attracting her in this chaotic monument.

It's a long journey. Even though hundred miles of red make-up has put out its fastest speed, it's still a long way to go.

Finally, Baili red makeup saw a bright and shining light in front of her.

In the moment of seeing the light, Bai Li's red make-up understood.

In front of us is a brilliant light with seven colors, just like the seven color pearl, which is dazzling.

Hundred Li red makeup suddenly understand why they see such a star, because these stars are also shining colorful light.

It's hard not to Is there also a relationship between the seven colored pearl and the chaos monument?

The color of surprise flashed in the eyes of Baili red makeup. All along, she only knew that the seven colored beads could help the cultivator speed up his cultivation and enhance his strength.

As a secret treasure handed down by the blue family, Baili red makeup always thinks that the seven color pearl is extremely magical.

However, she never thought about the reason, only that the blue family was favored by heaven, so she had such a heritage.

"If I can enter the world, can blue light smoke also enter the world?"

Hundred li of red make-up can't help but think that blue light smoke has taken away her colorful pearl. Now she is also the owner of the colorful pearl. I'm afraid that she can also come here.

It seems that there is a bad relationship between them.

Looking at the huge ball of light in front of her eyes, hundred li of red makeup is like a seven color pearl magnified countless times, and her heart is filled with emotion.

Suddenly, a force from the huge ball of light in front of her.

Hundred Li red makeup immediately found that this is a very familiar power, and the power of seven color beads is the same, but it is much stronger than the power of seven color beads she has!

The mysterious power and the colorful beads in her body reflect each other. The colorful light rotates around her like a ribbon, making people not really see it.

Under this huge power, Baili red make-up has no resistance at all and can only accept passively.

The seven color power flows in her body, and finally converges on her seven color pearl.

Gradually, she found that the power of colorful beads in her body was constantly improving and sublimating, as if she met the main body, suckling it up quickly.

This discovery amazes Baili Hongzhuang. Is this the secret of the inheritance of the blue family?

All this has to do with the chaos monument?

Baili Hongzhuang doesn't know how the first member of the blue family got the seven colored beads, but she is absolutely sure that the man has a lot to do with the chaos tablet.

Perhaps, this chaotic monument was put here by the LAN family.

Baili red makeup closed her eyes and absorbed this energy. She knew that this energy had great benefits for her, and even shortened the time she needed to go to blue home.

However, during the meditation practice of hundred Li red make-up, the cultivators in the hall only feel a powerful energy burst out from the body of hundred Li red make-up!

Hundred Li red make-up is the fourth level cultivation of blue environment, but the breath of this breakthrough is even greater than the fluctuation of any previous cultivator's breakthrough!