After seeing the explosive made by hundred Li red make-up have such an effect, the three beasts could not help but have a deep joy in their hearts.

"I knew that with the master's ability, there would be no problem!"

The white lion held up his chest and his eyes were full of contentment.

It always believes that the master can complete it, and the fact tells it that it is always right to believe that the master.

Xiaohei and Xiaobai are also very happy. Although they were worried that the host could not finish it successfully before, now they are more happy after seeing this scene.

"The master is so powerful that it can be made successfully in such a short time!"

Xiaohei is excited. Although the master has been learning with the middle-aged uncle in the ring of chaos these days, the time is still very short.

It believes that even if other practitioners have the same treatment as the master, they still can't catch up with the master.

"Yes, maybe the owner can make powerful explosives by himself, which will turn the house of Yue upside down."

At the thought of this, Xiaobai couldn't help being excited.

What a nuisance the Yue family are. Even though they can't do anything to the Yue family now, if they cause certain influence and confusion to the Yue family when rescuing the master's parents, they are also fond of it.

After all, after all, it's time for the Yue family to be arrogant for so many years.

After hearing the words of Nangong dance, the black phoenix eyes couldn't help but walk up a few doubts.

She thinks the power of her dynamite is pretty good. Why did she say that?

Is there something wrong with the dynamite you made?

"What's wrong with my dynamite, mother?" Hundred Li red make-up can't help but ask aloud.

Listening to the question of hundred Li red makeup, Nangong dance did not answer at the first time, but walked into the array.

Just now, she was standing far away, but it was not clear enough to see the power of the explosion from afar.

However, when Nangong dance came near, he could not help but marvel at the huge pit.

She didn't read it wrong. It's much more powerful than the simplest explosive!

"Red makeup, how do you make this dynamite?" Nangong dance can't help asking.

Previously, she noticed that there was nothing special about the materials for Baili red make-up, that is, the materials for the most basic explosives.

What's more, she used the same weight to look at the materials in front of Baili red makeup.

At that time, when she saw that every step of Baili red make-up was careful, and that there was no difference in the weight, she put down her heart and did not continue to watch.

In her opinion, Baili red make-up is not only a herbalist or an engraver, so it is extremely sensitive to the weight of materials, and there will be no problem.

However, Mingming is the same material. Why is the explosive made by Baili red makeup stronger than ordinary explosive?

Nangong dance only felt as if she saw an opportunity.

she used to think that the most common dynamite produced the same effect. But after making this attempt today, the hundred mile red makeup actually opened up a new world.

"I made it according to the normal situation. What's the problem, teacher and mother?"

The delicate and perfect face is full of doubts. Although the face pretends to be surprised and puzzled, the red makeup of Baili has some conjectures.