Hundred Li red make-up listen to uncle's introduction carefully, some people teach by words and deeds than reading books will undoubtedly learn a lot faster.

Moreover, the ring of chaos wants to be magical. This uncle's introduction is also concise and comprehensive.

Every important thing will specially remind Baili red make-up to let her remember, and if it is not important, it will directly skip, so that Baili red make-up does not need to remember at all.

Before, when reading the book, Baili red makeup only thought that the contents of the book were mottled, but she could not recognize them even if she had never been exposed to explosives. She could only remember everything.

After waiting to learn from her teacher's mother, she will study hard again.

Hundred Li red makeup will be important content one by one recorded in the heart, her mental strength is very outstanding, memory is also very good.

The combination of the two, hundred miles of red makeup remember these knowledge is also very fast.

Just as when she first touched the inscription, the situation of the explosive was not as complicated as that of the inscription, but it was also not simple.

Because, the weight of each ingredient will affect the effect of the explosive.

If the weight is misplaced, you may also be injured.

Among alchemy, inscriptions and dynamism, it is the most dangerous.

Therefore, 100% care is needed in the development of explosives.

Otherwise, if there are some problems, it may lead to personal injury.

In the process of learning, Bai Lihong makeup learned that there were not many people in Shengxuan continent who knew the explosive technique, and even fewer people who knew the explosive technique very well.

However, it is clear that the middle-aged uncle in front of him is extremely powerful in explosive technique.

Hundred miles of red makeup this study will forget the time, she greedily absorbed knowledge.

Obviously, with this uncle learning, their efficiency can be improved a lot.

The teacher's mother is definitely helping to develop explosives now. It's wonderful that she can learn more here.

Maybe, in a short time, she can't make powerful explosives by herself, but she can tell her teacher and mother some ideas.

In this way, there is hope for all of this.

If you can, Baili red make-up is to let the teacher and mother come to the ring of chaos together.

To the extent of Nangong dance's obsession with dynamite, if she saw this middle-aged uncle, she would be very happy.

Unfortunately, Nangong dance can't come in.

This point, hundred Li red makeup has been tried before.

After she told the secret of chaos ring to Emperor Beichen, she intended to let emperor Beichen know about it.

If emperor Beichen is interested, it's also excellent to learn the inscriptions.

However, Emperor Beichen could not enter at all.

She was also surprised at this.

However, Emperor Beichen tried many times, Rao is hundred Li red makeup opened the door, Emperor Beichen can only see a blank.

However, three beasts can see it.

Thinking about it, people like Baili red make-up think it is definitely the master of chaos ring is Baili red make-up, so many things can only be used by Baili red make-up.

Although the three beasts can see the situation inside, they have no sense of this thing and can't learn.

In other words, only one person can use hundred Li red makeup.

Just like the book of summoning demons, Baili red makeup can't tell other cultivators its contents at all.

Therefore, in this case, the teacher and mother are obviously unable to learn.

However, as long as hundred Li red makeup learned, she can tell her teacher and mother.