Chapter 2501

The next morning, Shen Qiang fell asleep until more than nine o'clock. When she opened her eyes, she saw Yu Wenzi's star like eyes looking at her. When she woke up, she suddenly felt shy and spat.

"Bad people! The bad guy

Shen Qiang bent his eyes with a smile, hugged her and said with a smile, "so you love me very much, don't you?"

She chuckled and said, "what? I like good people, but I don't like you bad guy."

"Lie and feed the wolf, and I am the wolf!" Shen Qiang smiles.

The beautiful Yu Wenzi immediately exclaimed: "don't, I can't change it."

"It's too late." Shen Qiang laughs and hugs her.

She pouted and said, "if you don't come, you will bully me."

Shen Qiang said with a smile: "people want me to bully, but I'm not in the mood yet."

"Yes, you are right!" The coquettish and angry Yu Wenzi gives Shen Qiang a coquettish look. After hesitating for a while, he suddenly sleeps Xiu Shou on Shen Qiang's chest in silence. Shen Qiang is surprised by this strange state and says, "I'm sorry.

"What's the matter with you? Is it necessary to attach the essence of drama to the body? "

Hearing this, Yu Wenzi, who was a little resentful, chuckled.

"You're the best."

Shen Qiang said with a smile, "if you have something to say, anything will do as long as you don't ask me for money instead of working for me?"

Yu Wenzi laughed, then pretended to pick eyebrows, said: "ha, nothing to find you, then I might as well go to the food market to buy a cucumber."

Shen Qiang smiles and says, "yes, you are right. Please start your performance."

Yu Wenzi gives Shen Qiang a charming look. After a few seconds of silence, he says, "I don't want to cheat you."

"Well, because you know you can't cheat." Shen Qiang smiles.

Yu Wenzi frowned and said, "arrogance! They are sincere, OK

Shen Qiang looked at her, hesitated for a moment, and said, "it's just like the antique market."

"I can't communicate with you!" Yu Wenzi pouts and pretends to be angry.

Shen Qiang a smile: "that don't say."

At the moment of hearing this, Yu Wenzi's eyes brightened, suddenly turned over and stared at Shen Qiang, saying, "do you guess what I'm going to say?"

Shen Qiang laughed and looked at her calmly for a long time. Then he said, "since everyone has torn off the disguise and met each other frankly, I think there are some words that can be said directly. My weakness is greed for money and lust, which is well known by all people in the Xiuzhen world. Therefore, anyone who designs me with money or uses a beauty trick on me is my enemy."

In an instant, Yu Wenzi sighed, and then said coquettishly, "well, I knew that you are a bad person. It's definitely not that simple. Then I admitted that at the beginning, I really intended to use the beauty trick to get close to you, and then find a chance to kill you."

"You said that." Shen Qiang raised his eyebrows and said, "in the Dragon Palace, then you act."

Yu Wenzi was silent. Then she lay down beside Shen Qiang, put her head on Shen Qiang's chest, and said: "yes, actually, I came here last night with a mission, that is, I would like to recommend the pillow to you, and then slip out words from your mouth to find out what you and Ninja security hall are doing. This is the highest instruction from Junshan prison. They want me not to I cherish all the costs. "

Hearing this, Shen Qiang laughed, looked at the ceiling and said in a deep voice, "when I checked your body last night, I made sure they didn't do anything on your body, so you shouldn't worry too much and have to do it according to their requirements."

Yu Wenzi's pretty face turned red, and then said, "I have a reason to obey orders. Do you want to hear it?"

Shen Qiang frowned and said with a smile, "I don't want to hear it. Anyway, you liar can make up a lot of reasons at any time. I'm not a detective, but I can't tell which sentence is true."

Hearing this, Yu sighed and said: "they want you and Ninja Security Agency's specific action plan."

Shen Qiang laughed and said, "do you want to make a deal? In fact, I will not refuse money. "

In an instant, Yu Wenzi's eyes brightened and said, "do you really agree?"

After a moment's silence, Shen Qiang said, "why don't you agree? What Junshan prison wants to know is how Ninja security office and I act? What if you tell them? In the face of absolute power, any struggle is futile. "

Yu Wenzi's eyes brightened, and then said, "don't underestimate Junshan prison just because of Jiwu Junjie."

With a smile, Shen Qiang said, "don't underestimate me just because you and I meet sincerely."

In an instant, Yu Wenzi, with a slightly red face, smiles and picks her eyebrows: "OK, you can do it best. I'm afraid. Can't you? Let's talk about the transaction. Now I want to make a quick delivery and finish it. "

SHEN Qiang, who heard this, smiles and says after a moment's silence:" the content of the transaction is as follows. Shen Qiang can tell Junshan prison everything he knows about the action as soon as he receives the action order, and the price they have to pay is that from the time they receive the news, you can tell Yu Wen Zi is no longer a member of Junshan prison, but a member of Shenghe. If they agree, they will give me the most powerful one of the five artifact of Junshan prison as a token that they will not regret. If they refuse any of them, the transaction will be invalid. "After Shen Qiang's words, he didn't hear Yu Wenzi's reply.

One side of the head immediately saw the beautiful Yu Wenzi, is looking at himself.

SHEN Qiang was surprised: "what's the matter?"

Surprised, Yu Wenzi said, "do you want me?"

Shen Qiang said with a smile: "you adults, there is no need to say that there is no future for Junshan prison. Follow me in the future, and you will not suffer."

Yu Wenzi was silent. She looked at Shen Qiang strangely and said, "I love to lie so much. Do you still want me?"

Shen Qiang laughed and said, "OK, what's the matter? Is there anyone who never lies in this world? As long as you don't have to lie to do evil in the future, I will treat you as a holy fairy. "

Yu Wenzi chuckled. There were tears in her eyes.

"Do you really want to make a deal with Junshan prison for me?"

Shen Qiang laughed and said calmly: "different standpoints will lead to different perspectives. I don't believe that if you are excellent, you will be at the mercy of others for no reason, and you don't believe Junshan prison will be a gentleman. So, you can call them later and tell them what I want. If you don't agree, I will take you away after Ninja security hall has destroyed them, Make a deal, although the result may not change, but they will have a chance to survive. "

Hearing this, Yu Wenzi hesitated for a moment, and then said, "OK, I made an appointment before, and I will contact them at 10:20."

"There's just time." Shen Qiang looked at the beautiful Yu Wenzi with a smile and said, "why don't you play another song for me?"

In an instant, Yu Wenzi's pretty face became red to the root of his neck, and spat.

"Bad people! I hate it , the fastest update of the webnovel!