During the two days when Bo Yuelin took over the Bo family, he had a meeting almost without sleep.

After all, we need to understand and overthrow the previous business model. Such a big company can't start completely for a while.

But the whole Bo's high-level, but some absent-minded, perfunctory attitude.

Bo Yuelin's face has been heavy for several days, and the atmosphere of the meeting has become more serious and tense day by day.

Finally, Bo Yuelin simply put aside his papers and sat on the chair, looking at the other people in the conference room.

"What do you want to say about these two days' meeting?"

Several senior managers looked at each other for a long time, and then someone spoke slowly:

"Mr Bo, the company's people are not stable now, and the former operation mode of the chief executive is groping step by step, which has been consolidated after several failures.

The employees are also used to regarding the CEO as the backbone. We have no opinion about your taking over the company, but as soon as you come up, you will overthrow the previous operation mode. It's really It's not popular. "

Bo Yuelin hears speech, but is cold hum, "executive director?"

The high-level voice was stunned, and his face was a little ugly.

"Former governor..."

The atmosphere in the meeting room was a bit awkward, but since someone started, some people who had opinions on it took the opportunity to say:

"yes, and What the former CEO said to the media on the day of his next term I have to let people care about it... "

As soon as the words came out, the meeting room fell into silence.

Bo Jingchuan only said one word to the media on the day he left office.

To encircle and suppress the Bo's consortia!

For a long time, Bo Yuelin began to laugh coldly.

"To encircle and suppress the Bo's consortia?"



The smile on Bo Yuelin's face gradually cooled down, "tell me, what made him famous now, and let you trust him so much now?

What can he do to get rid of the Bo's consortia? What can he say about his arrogant and uninhibited words of "encircling and suppressing the Bo's consortia with all his strength"

Then he snorted and laughed again, "young man, it's OK to be conceited and arrogant, but he can say this kind of unrealistic boast, but if you believe it, it's also affected. Isn't it too shameful?"


There was silence again in the conference room.

They're not stupid people who don't know anything.

It sounds unrealistic for such a large Bo's group to say that they want to encircle and suppress.

Not to mention that he is alone and has nothing to rely on. Even if his girlfriend is now transformed into a princess of the royal family of Y country, Bo's deep-rooted foundation is not easy to shake.

Bo's current strength is naturally recognized by them.

However, when they saw Bo Jingchuan speak this sentence directly in front of the media, they felt inexplicably nervous and subconsciously believed Bo Jingchuan's arrogant and uninhibited words.

Not only them, but also all the people who have heard his words have never questioned them.

Probably just because, this sentence is from Bo Jingchuan's mouth.

"I don't believe in the character of the chief executive. It's just talk!"

As soon as the words came out, everyone nodded.

That's the point.

How can their chief executive say something they are not sure about?

After working under him for so many years, they know something about his strong and decisive habits.

Bo Yuelin is noncommittal, "that's why I want to overturn some of his previous operational policies. I don't deny that he is the one who knows Bo's group best in the world!

If we don't make a change as soon as possible, if he wants to make a move, he will directly hit some fatal problems existing in Bo caituan. This is the only possibility I can guess that he said that.

If we don't come up with a corresponding plan, will we just sit and wait to die? "

"His ability is the best stabilizer for the whole Bo's consortium. Since he is a family, why should he make the relationship so stiff?"

No matter what Bo Jingchuan says, they don't want to see the current situation.

The only way to reassure them is to invite Bo Jingchuan back!

Bo Yuelin's face was expressionless. "As you said, in terms of Jingchuan's temperament, do you think there is room for him to recover what he decided?"


It's a dead end again.

So they're sitting here now, and no matter how much they say, it won't help.

If Bo Jingchuan doesn't come back, the corresponding countermeasures should also be taken.

"Let me say that now Bo's internal and external troubles are the biggest problem! Well, Bo, it's a terrible joke now. "

One of the high-level directly stood up, face ugly to throw down a word, raised his feet to leave directly.Bo Yuelin didn't have any fluctuation on his face, but continued:

"Yuan's project has been supported by Ye in all aspects. Once again, I have talked with Mr. Yuan about this project before, and he has left 10% investment space for Bo. Before the project starts, I plan to inject 10% of the funds first. "

His words aroused the opposition of the people.

"Everyone knows that the reason for the CEO's resignation is the yuan family!

Moreover, over the years, the company has cut off several lines of cooperation with the yuan family.

On the surface, the yuan family is beautiful, but it's still yuan Zhengchong who is in charge. In our cooperation every year, he has to rely on his seniority to ask for more profits from Bo's family. In the middle of the accident, not only does he not bear the responsibility, but also Bo's own losses.

We Bo's and Yuan's cooperation in several projects, in the real sense, did not receive some benefits!

Not only because of the personal reasons of the CEO, but also from the long-term development of Bo's family, we all think it's right to have a relationship with Yuan's family!

Even if yuan's situation is better now, but now you accept half of their favor, they will stick like a dog skin plaster in the future!

Yuan Zhengchong has some brains anyway, but she will be in charge of the family later.

Who doesn't know what it is? The yuan family will only be a burden to the Bo family in the future! "

Bo Yuelin's face, which has always been calm and calm, finally took on obvious anger in these days of forbearance.

"The yuan family and the Bo family have always been good friends, and it is reasonable to support each other. Because Yuan Sichun will be in charge of the yuan family after that, so my Bo family will take a hand, not ignore it, otherwise my Bo family will become nothing. "

Then Bo Yuelin clapped his case and said, "ten percent of the yuan family's investment in Bo must be invested. I can't miss an opportunity to make a steady profit without losing money! That's it! The Treasury Department should prepare the money! When ye's money is in place, he will transfer it right away! "

A sentence fell down heavily, did not give people any chance to refute, pushed away the chair, walked towards the door of the meeting room.