She was taken to a room by a gentleman in tuxedo. The mask she got was a white veil.

In addition to the accident, the gentleman in Tuxedo said respectfully:

"this is specially prepared for you by Princess Matilda."

Shen Fanxing took over and said in French, "thank you."

Then the tuxedo gentleman left the room,.

She took off her coat, mended her make-up, and broke up a green silk. When she came in, she simply pulled a hair ball. Now it came down, and her hair was naturally curled. She flipped around on the dressing table and found a red hairpin. Then she locked her hair behind her head with a hairpin, and then put on the white veil that Princess Matilda gave her.

The white veil covered the face under her eyes. The faint fragrance above made her smile. A pair of bright star eyes looked in the mirror, then turned and left the room.

Carrying her skirt downstairs, all the lights in the palace were on.

Shen qianrou is wearing a self-cultivation silk dress in champagne color. The whole body of the dress is embroidered with red rose petals, and there are complete roses scattered irregularly at the waist.

The long skirt reaches to the ground, but you can't see your feet. The mask on your face is decorated with rose petals. It looks like an elegant and beautiful flower fairy.

Next to her was Anna Li in a goose yellow V-neck dress. Her face was a leaf mask of the same color as her dress, covering most of her face from left to right, leaving only one eye on the right.

Green leaves with red flowers.

This combination

It looks so funny.

It's not surprising that Shen Fanxing can recognize Shen qianrou at a glance, because she's too ostentatious. The multi million euro dress is naturally the most eye-catching one in the audience.

What's more, Shen qianrou's breath is something that really disgusts her.

Even if she turns to ashes, Shen Fanxing can recognize her.

Her eyes stayed on Shen qianrou for a few seconds, then she took it back.

At this time, people also found Shen Fanxing coming down the stairs.

Almost everyone's attention has shifted from Shen qianrou to Shen Fanxing.

The sight is shifted, Shen qianrou immediately frowns, turns around and looks at the sight of the people.

Shen Fanxing is a pure white dress with a V-neck design on her upper body, revealing her delicate white clavicle. There are crystal tassels hanging down on her shoulders. As she walks, she shakes gently, reflecting beautiful colors under the light.

Straight back, flat shoulders, vertical and horizontal clear, her intellectual and strong side contrast incisively and vividly.

However, under the high waist is the white ice gauze skirt, full of drooping feeling, and the radian is particularly beautiful when walking.

This dress, strong and soft coexist.

There is no conflict between the two.

This is a design that no one has ever seen.

It can only be said that the designer of this dress is too bold to show two extremes with completely different styles and completely opposite in all aspects on the same work.

But this kind of dress is perfect for women. If you don't know enough about women, any top fashion designer in the world will not try such a dangerous dress.

Because there are few people who can control it.

Such a unique existence, in the eyes of all people, in addition to amazing, is the kind of coveting.

However, it can only let everyone incomparable, extreme envy, but can not really have it.

In this world, only this woman is qualified to have.

It can be coveted, but it can never be taken away!

Bo Jingchuan is using such a way to prove his strong existence and that in this world, only Shen Fanxing is the most qualified person to be around him.

Shen Fanxing walked slowly down the steps under the gaze of the crowd.

White gauze cover, can't see her features, but that pair of black and white eyes, although only cold indifference, but still beautiful people can't move their eyes.

Shen Fanxing walked directly by Shen qianrou's side. Her eyes collided with Shen qianrou's eyes. Her eyes met. Shen qianrou only felt that one glance made her frozen from head to foot.

She suddenly felt a sense of familiarity, but when she wanted to have a look again, the woman in white had passed in front of her, leaving only the arc of her skirt.

[not enough manuscripts! Have been locking the computer code ha! Here is a chapter. It's not easy to keep the manuscript. I'm sorry. 】