While she was playing with her mobile phone, there was an impatient roar not far from her -

"are you finished?"

Shen Fanxing picks eyebrows, and then there is a familiar female voice.

"I'm not finished? Gu Zeyan, don't you think you are going too far? In order to tie up CP with Shen qianrou, you deliberately hide the relationship between us. You say it's for fame speculation. I believe you twice, three times and four times, but I can't always believe you! She was wronged today. You are unknown. Do you want to vent your anger on her? And implicated an innocent person... "

"How many times have I told you? We are classmates Although Gu Zeyan lowered his voice, Shen Fanxing was surprised by the angry roar.

"Don't take me for a fool!" Pei yaochi's voice suddenly shrieked up, "do you think I don't know that big production immortal drama" Duxian "after you unconditionally confirmed male No. 3, you smashed in another 10 million, just to pull Shen qianrou into the cast?"

"You investigate me?"

"Oh, do you know that you still have a movie in hand to prepare for? Don't say ten million, one million, one hundred thousand are a lot of money for us. We've been preparing for two years. Now you suddenly put out ten million just to buy Shen qianrou a role! "

"Gu Zeyan, what's the use of doing more? She's just using you! Doesn't her fiance have money? Tang Tang, Su Heng, can't take out just 10 million yuan? Because you're a big wrongdoer... "

"Shut up! Pei yaochi, you give me enough! If you want to stay with me, just be honest with me. If you can't stand making trouble out of nothing, you leave early. I didn't ask you to walk around me all day. To tell you the truth, I'm also very upset! "

Gu Zeyan a low roar after, followed by a door slamming sound, a black car toward the gate.

Shen Fanxing walked down the steps indifferently. Sure enough, he saw Pei yaochi still standing there. A lonely woman was thrown here by Gu Zeyan.

Shen Fanxing never had the extra thought to worry about others, but when he saw the woman in the corner who was still straight back and with a stubborn face, the heartstrings were slightly pulled.

She vaguely saw the original himself, no matter how painful, how uncomfortable, even in a person's corner, also stubbornly refused to shed a drop of tears.

Xu heard footsteps, Pei yaochi looked up, saw Shen Fanxing, eyes flashed.

Because from the beginning to the end of the stubborn, so not to let now appear too embarrassed.

"To sympathize with me?"

Shen Fanxing chuckled, "you think too much. You have nothing to sympathize with, and I don't have much time and energy to sympathize with someone who has nothing to do with me. "

Pei yaochi said with a cool smile, "you are not liked. No wonder everyone likes your sister."

"I can't do her part. I don't ask everyone to like me. It's hard to find one in the world! It's the only thing I've been pursuing now, and it's something I've been pursuing all my life. "

"I'd like to have a heart, and the white heads will never be apart..."

Pei yaochi sneered. It's full of irony.

Shen Fanxing seemed to know what she was thinking and continued: "the premise is that this person is your lover."

Pei yaochi was silent for a long time, then suddenly took a deep breath, looked at Shen Fanxing with some precaution, and asked:

"what can I do for you?"

Shen Fanxing looked at her with a cool face. The atmosphere of chatting changed suddenly, and the air calmed down for a moment -

"I like you very much."

[the overall situation I'm talking about is the overall situation, the overall situation view, not the grand finale In addition, the female owner has hidden identity and hidden skills. She can't be in a hurry. Stars IQ online, EQ inertia offline. Well, please submerge me with your ticket at the weekend