Shen Fanxing sat up from the bed.

Sniff, feel

The disease doesn't seem to get better so soon.

"I'm sorry I took your bed."

"Don't be sorry, it will be yours sooner or later."


Bo Jingchuan stood up from the sofa, and his eyebrows were slightly swollen.

He hooked his lips in silence.

It's a disease. It's a dream.

"Get up, let's go downstairs for lunch."


(???? ')

for lunch, two people still eat very little.

Zhang's mother was very melancholy.

"You say it's good. Why are both of them sick one after the other?"

"I didn't eat much, but now To see you eat, you have to kill the farmers who grow grain. "

Zhang Ma's previous words made Shen Fanxing look embarrassed.

With a warm smile in his eyes, Bo Jingchuan enjoys the woman's posture at the moment.

How can Shen Fanxing ignore Bo Jingchuan's sight and look up at him indifferently.


At this time, Bo Jingchuan coughed lightly, put his hand on his lips, and frowned.

"Are you all right, sir?"

Zhang Ma rushed forward, poured a glass of water and put it in front of Bo Jingchuan.

Bo Jingchuan raised his hand to stop Zhang ma.

"You haven't coughed in the morning."

Shen Fanxing frowned and asked, how can his illness become more and more serious?

Not long after her voice fell, Shen Fanxing felt an itch in her throat.


One side of Zhang Ma raised her head, eyes look more almost unable to fit.

"Miss Shen, you also Are you all right? "

Without any discrimination, mother Zhang poured a glass of water for Shen Fanxing and looked at her suspiciously.


Bo Jingchuan's voice is faint.

"So, illness always comes a little bit."

Shen Fanxing stood up and said, "I'm full."

Bo Jingchuan also got up and took Shen Fanxing's hand as she passed him.

"Let's go out for a walk."

Shen Fanxing turns his head and glances at the surprised Zhang Ma beside him. He wants to draw back her hand, but Bo Jingchuan clenches her and calmly pulls Shen Fanxing out.

At the entrance, Bo Jingchuan takes his coat and drapes it over her shoulder.

SHEN Fanxing actually has a little resistance, not because of the coat.

But the so-called walk that night, so that she can not forget.

Walking this thing from Bo Jingchuan's mouth, I do not know how to change the taste.


it's no wonder that mother Zhang was so surprised when they suddenly fell ill.

Two people just went out,

the bright sunshine outside hit them, and they easily felt warm.

The weather is fantastic.

Bo Jingchuan has been holding her hand, never let go.

Shen Fanxing simply let him go. He knows that he can't control his hegemony.

She was tired of doing too many useless things.

It's sunny and beautiful.

This should be a treatment that no one in Pingcheng can enjoy.

The sigh in my heart is still unabated.

She sighed a little, and gradually relaxed.


Shen Fanxing suddenly opened his mouth, and a word came out of thin air, which surprised Bo Jingchuan.

Shen Fanxing smiles, looks around at this place which can be called the fairyland of the world, and says:

"tomorrow is the day when you become the Global CEO, isn't it?"

She looked at him and said, "I'm officially taking over the Bo family. I'm glad that the new official takes office."

There was a flash of surprise in Bo Jingchuan's black eyes. After a moment, there was a light of interest.

"How do you know?"

He never told her about it.