PS: ask for subscription, kneel down and ask for subscription. The next chapter flies back. Don't you think Tokyo... Is very hot!

Nanqingshan, Tokyo port area.

A traditional Japanese teahouse.

Anthony and Jia Wenshen entered the tea ceremony department in plain kimonos. They came to a long wooden corridor. A gentle female tea teacher greeted them with a smile.

Following behind the female tea teacher, I passed a beautiful courtyard, which is the only place to enter the tea room. It is used to calm the guests first, remove all worldly thoughts, and fully integrate their body and mind into nature.

Outside the teahouse, there is a huge water tank, bamboo faucet, clear spring water flowing in, and the water tank overflows.

There is a wooden ladle with a long handle in the water tank, which is used to hold water.

Under the service of the female tea teacher, Anthony first washed their hands, and then slowly sent the water to the mouth to rinse, in order to wash the dust inside and outside the body, full of a sense of ceremony.

"Two distinguished guests, please follow me." at the end of the anti lock ceremony, the female tea teacher in kimono bowed slightly and made a gesture of invitation, and then walked to the teahouse in small steps.

"The Japanese etiquette is too complicated. We should make complaints about it in a cafe." Gavin pulled out some tight kimono collar and whispered Tucao.

"Hehe, there is a saying in the East that guests should follow the master. Since we came to the door, we should obey the master's arrangement." Anthony was also not used to it. This was the first time he wore kimono. He was a little uncomfortable.

"OK, let's go. When you go in, you should be careful in your words and deeds. It's like feeling Japanese culture." he patted Gavin on the shoulder and walked up first.

"Please!" the female tea teacher opened the wooden double sliding door with both hands.

Anthony and Gavin took off their clogs and entered the small tea room, which is only four and a half fold in size (about ten square meters based on tatami), small and elegant, compact in structure, so as to facilitate the conversation between the guest and the host.

The whole tea room is divided into bed room, guest room, before ordering, stove pedal and other special areas.

The room is equipped with niches, floor stoves and various wooden windows, and a "water house" is arranged on the right side for the preparation of utensils and cleaning utensils for boiling water, making tea and tasting tea.

Celebrity calligraphy and paintings are hung between the beds. Bamboo vases are hung next to them, and flowers are arranged in the bottles. The varieties of flower arrangements and accessories next to them vary according to the four seasons, but they must match the seasons.

There was a rectangular tea table in the middle of the teahouse. When Anthony and his wife came in, the middle-aged man in black and white kimonos kneeling behind the tea table stood up with a smile.

"Welcome two guests from afar."

This man is no one else. It's the man Anthony wants to see today, Jiao songminsheng.

He has long flowing hair, a long face, big eyes and a kind smile.

"Mr. Jiao song, this is Anthony Johnson..." Anthony introduced himself and his assistant Gavin.

Gavin translated for the two and shook hands. They sat down on the tatami. Anthony was not used to kneeling, so he just sat cross legged.

"It's time to start." Jiao Songmin smiled and nodded to the female tea teacher who served them. The latter bowed slightly and went to prepare tea.

"Mr. Jiao song, my people contacted you a few months ago. I think you should know the purpose of looking for you today." Anthony didn't ink and went directly to the subject.

Jiao song smiled but didn't say anything. He picked up the kettle on the tea table and poured water for them. He replied: "before drinking tea, you can lubricate your mouth with a mouthful of water. Do you want to try it?"

With that, Jiao song took a big sip of the ceramic quilt and contained the water in his mouth.

Gavin translated Jiao song Minsheng's words for him. Anthony was stunned and then frowned.

What does he mean, avoiding my question?

Anthony was a little unhappy, but he sat there quietly on his face, staring at Jiao song Minsheng in front of him, and didn't learn from him to pick up the cup.

The scene was once quiet. Jiao songminsheng looked at him with a smile and thought, why are these Americans staring at the shares of ebx and what is their purpose.

Jiao songminsheng doesn't know why the other party values the shares of ebx. As a major shareholder and one of the founders, he won't sell these shares.

However, he didn't mind contacting the Americans in front of him and understanding their purpose.

The female tea teacher in the room had lit a charcoal fire and began to boil water. After about ten minutes, Jiao songminsheng spit out the water in his mouth.

Before Anthony continued to speak, he just heard him say, "the tea in this teahouse is still very good. Would you like some?"

"We're not here to eat, Mr. gusson," Anthony said solemnly.

Jiao song Minsheng shook his head with a smile and said, "don't be so anxious. Distinguished guests, let's drink tea first and then talk about business."

"Hehe, our time is very precious." Anthony grinned. "I think I have to remind you that every minute you delay, your interests will be lost."

Hearing Anthony's impolite words, Jiao song Minsheng's expression changed slightly, but he recovered immediately and said faintly, "where did I lose?"

Anthony shrugged and said to Gavin, "tell Mr. Jiao song about the opening and current share prices of ebx today."

"OK, president." Gavin responded, then turned to Jiao song Minsheng, "Mr. Jiao song, the opening share price of ebx today is 1295 yuan, which has fallen below 1300 yuan. At present, the share price has fallen by about 20 yuan. My boss is right. Your property is shrinking every minute."

When it comes to the stock price, Jiao song Minsheng does have a headache. From last year to today, the stock price of ebx has fallen sharply, almost 40%, followed by the decline of his wealth.

However, the decline in the value of the shares was not enough for him to sell his shares.

"It seems that you are more concerned about ebx's situation than I am." Jiao songminsheng smiled and said, "it's a pity that I don't intend to sell my shares, so I don't have any loss."

"Does Mr. Jiao song want to wait for his stock to become a pile of waste paper?" Anthony pressed step by step. "Or, this can be called a loss."

"Hahaha..." Jiao song Minsheng suddenly laughed and said, "if it's going to become waste paper, why do you find me."

Really think I'm an idiot!!!

Kokatsu Minsheng took a playful look at Anthony, "you see its value, but I know its value better than you. Ups and downs are very common. I believe it won't be long..."

Before he finished, Anthony interrupted, "before long, the share price of your love Becks may plummet, ha ha."

"Huh?" Jiao Songmin was stunned.

Anthony picked up recently and didn't talk nonsense to him. "You should know more about your internal situation than I do, Mr. Jiao song."

"Inside?" what does he know? There was no smile on Jiao songminsheng's face.

"Hehe, I heard that your internal management and some well-known artists are not very satisfied with your president, Mr. Yitian. I think if your internal contradictions break out, it must have a great impact on ebx."

At this time, the female tea teacher had brought up the soaked tea and poured a cup for each of them.

Jiao Songmin picked up the steaming tea cup and blew a breath. The sleeve of the kimono blocked half of his face, just masking his shock.

Where did they know that someone leaked the information inside the group?

In the past two days, the contradictions within the group made him anxious. In particular, the Songpu Shengren, who was going to be disposed of, began to rebound together with some artists. For a time, he and Yoshida were caught off guard.

This should have been a top secret within the group. How can outsiders know.

He took a sip of tea and squinted at Anthony, trying to see some clues in his face.

Anthony did not give him much time to think about it and said, "doesn't Mr. Jiao song have anything to say? Your group has been in disorder. At present, all you can do is sell your shares at a good price and get out of this vortex. This is a wise move."

"I don't know what you're talking about." kokatsu Minsheng said in a deep voice.

"Ha ha......" Anthony held his chest in his hands, and the man pretended to be stupid with me. "Mr. Jiao song, we came with sincerity. Now the share price of ebx is 1275 円 and we can buy your shares at the price of 1500 円. This is a very cost-effective deal."

"Sorry, I won't sell my shares. Ebax is my hard work."

Anthony has come straight to the point, and kokatsu Minsheng doesn't go around with him, so he flatly refuses.

"Mr. Johnson, can you tell me where you got the news?"

Anthony grinned and didn't answer him. Instead, he said, "it seems that I'm not here at the right time today. Mr. Jiao song, you haven't thought about it yet."

With that, Anthony took out a business card, pushed it in front of him and winked at Gavin, "I don't think it's necessary to talk about it today. Mr. isogonsong will contact me after considering it... Gavin will give Mr. jiaosong what we brought."

At this time, Gavin took out a stack of documents from his briefcase and pushed them to Jiao song Minsheng. Anthony stood up and said, "then I'll leave first, Mr. Jiao song."

"Two guests from afar, why don't you enjoy the tea before you go." seeing Anthony and his wife walking to the door, Jiao songminsheng politely asked them to stay.

"No, my time is also very valuable." Anthony walked out of the tea room, paused outside the door, looked back and said meaningfully: "Mr. Jiao song, I hope you like the gift I brought. Also, maybe you will change your mind in two days, and our transaction is still valid."

With that, Anthony went out accompanied by the female tea teacher.

After they left, Jiao songminsheng's face darkened. He stared at the stack of documents on the tea table for a long time. Finally, he couldn't resist his curiosity and took it in his hand.

As the documents turned page by page, his eyes opened wider and wider, his face was full of panic, and sweat was seeping from his temples.

"They... Where did they find the news?" Jiao songminsheng muttered absently. Some unknown information was written on the stack of documents.

Kokatsu Minsheng likes gambling, especially in recent years, he has gambled very hard and has owed gambling debts in many casinos. The document lists his debts one by one. From last year to this year alone, he owed billions of gambling money, not counting his old accounts.

In addition, the document also includes some of his investments in recent years, including some real estate and real estate industries.

Jiao song Minsheng has no investment mind. In recent years, there have been some losses in the real industries she has invested in. Coupled with the loans owed by some luxury houses she has purchased, it can be said that his financial situation is very unhealthy at present.

"Do they want to threaten me with this?" Jiao songminsheng shook his head and smiled bitterly. "I'd better discuss with Yitian. There can't be any more chaos within the group."

He didn't know that Anthony didn't mean to threaten him by taking out these materials. I just want to tell him that your boy owes so much money that he doesn't pretend to be tough in front of me.


Anthony and Gavin left the port area after meeting Jiao songminsheng, ready to contact the next target.

At the same time, Tracy's dinner with the two singers was coming to an end. The three ate barbecue in a Japanese restaurant and drank a lot of Shaojiu at the same time.

Under the stimulation of alcohol, several people immediately became familiar. In particular, lucky Tian future, who was originally Tracy's little fan sister and a silly big sister, soon abandoned her good friend Hamasaki and sat next to Tracy. While drinking, he had a lot of physical contact with him.

Fortunately, Tian will be more open than Hamasaki in the future. She spent a long time in the United States in her early years and was the first in the United States. However, her achievements were not ideal. She came to Japan again.

Fortunately, Tian's future is open-minded and enthusiastic, but he has a big mouth or a straight heart. Every time I speak to Tracy, I ask some embarrassing questions, which makes Tracy a little embarrassed.

After three rounds of drinking, Tracy's face was slightly red. The two singers were drunk. Hamasaki's eyes were hazy. Fortunately, Tian could not speak clearly in the future. He pushed on Tracy, and I didn't know whether it was loaded or deliberately stuck oil.

"Ayu, there is still a future. That's all for today. I'll take you home."

With that, Tracy got up first and helped some shaky Fukuda up. One of the other's small hands kept holding his arm, and the other hand touched his chest.

"I'm in good shape... I've earned it." Xingtian whispered in a low voice, and then shouted loudly like playing wine Crazy: "I... I don't want to... Go back... Didn't I say... I'm going to karaoke..."

"You're drunk. Go back and have a rest first," Tracy whispered, letting her lean on her shoulder and put one hand around her thin waist.

"I... I'm not... Drunk. I can... Drink more... I... I want to... Sing..."

Tracy shook her head and smiled bitterly, turned her head and looked at Hamasaki. "Ayu, where's her home? Let's take her back first."

"Oh... Ok..." Hamasaki responded, looking at his friend with confused big eyes. Isn't this guy a good drinker? How can he get drunk.

Just when she was wondering, she suddenly saw her friend winking at her. She immediately understood that she would pretend to be drunk again

Fortunately, before looking back, he immediately shouted, "I don't want to go home... I won't go back... Leader... I like you so much."

Saying this, he chewed it with Tracy in his arms.

"HMM..." Tracy was caught off guard. Her mouth was blocked by the other party. NIMA... Was forced to kiss again.