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Tokyo has a subtropical monsoon climate, and the annual average temperature in the central part is about 16 ℃. There are four distinct seasons and more precipitation. Affected by the southeast monsoon in summer, there is more precipitation and less snow in winter.

It's August. It's the hottest time in Tokyo. The average temperature during the day is 30 degrees Celsius. Even at night, it's about 24 degrees Celsius.

While jiyoshikijiro was enjoying delicious food, there was a shower outside, which cooled the city, but it was still a little muggy.

When they came to the charcoal shop, the party took off their coats. Tracy simply became more bold and unrestrained, rolled up his sleeves and ate.

There were all kinds of meat and seafood. Tracy killed several plates in a short time.

Today's dinner was mainly about cooperation. Just now we were counting Jiro Fujihashi. Everyone was calm and did not speak first.

This time I went to another place and said I wasn't full. That's just an excuse. It's not to leave enough buffer time for subsequent negotiations.

Tracy sat down at the Diaoyutai. It seemed that he really came to eat. He focused on the food and ate happily.

The boss didn't say anything, and Anthony certainly wouldn't say anything. He ate silently with Tracy. This barbecue was much more oily than sushi just now. A few pieces of beef and some seafood made me feel comfortable burping.

Matsuura Shengren was stunned at Tracy's popularity. The muscles on his face kept twitching. Is this... Is this the reincarnation of an evil ghost?

From the beginning of serving, Tracy's mouth didn't stop. He didn't even have a chance to interrupt. During this period, he touched Tracy twice and drank a cup of wine. Just when he wanted to say something, Tracy picked up another piece of barbecue and stuffed it into his mouth.

In addition to helplessness, or helplessness, speechless, really uncomfortable.

What does this Li sang mean? Is this cheap barbecue more attractive than hundreds of billions of dollars of business?

Songpu Shengren is a little uneasy!

At first, he couldn't understand Tracy's details, which made him more or less vigilant. He wanted to see it first.

When he learned from his disciples that the other party was an American celebrity, coupled with the wealth and strength shown by the other party, he was slowly moved.

Looking for partners is, of course, looking for strong ones. Tracy obviously crossed the river and met his conditions. If he could hold each other's thighs, his goals and ambitions could be achieved.

At present, Matsuura's only worry is whether the other party's sincerity can meet his conditions. As for Tracy, will he cheat him? Are you kidding? American Dad will be bored and come to Tokyo to cheat him?

In front of the absolute strong, little Japan will humbly bury its head in the soil. They think that the strong are the strong and will not play tricks against the weak.

Looking at history, the old Americans have tried to kill the little Japanese pit several times. They still don't call them dad. This is the habit of kneeling. Small Japan naturally lowered its head in front of the United States.

Of course, although they are so humble and relax their vigilance, these people are not fools.

In the eyes of Songpu Shengren, Tracy, the super rich in the United States, is a strong aid. However, the so-called strong dragon doesn't pressure the local snake. He's really not afraid of Tracy's stepping down. If you want to deal with the mess of ebx group, you must have a local spokesman. The winner of Matsuura is the best choice.

For local foreign aid, Matsuura Shengren has not been in touch, but he always feels that when things are done, the other party will give him a lot of constraints. But the American consortium is different. People will not stare at him all day.

After thinking about it, Tracy is no doubt not the best choice. He has strong strength and will not stay in Tokyo, which is just what he wants.

"You eat too, don't always look at me." perceiving Matsuura's eyes, Tracy smiled and looked up.

"Ha ha, Li sang, you are free. Don't worry about us." Songpu Shengren smiled and winked at his disciples while pretending to take meat.

Hamasaki didn't respond at all. She bowed her head and fiddled with the barbecue in the bowl. From time to time, she looked up and glanced at Tracy. She was curious about how big the other party's stomach was. She could hold so many things.

She had almost eaten at Jiro's shop in shikiyohashi. When she came here, she saw Tracy eating, which raised her appetite. She ate some, and now she's a little supported.

"This Ayu doesn't know what he's thinking, so he doesn't know how to help the teacher communicate more with him..." Matsuura Sheng's heart is a little worried. Seeing that the dinner party is coming to an end, there is no progress in the cooperation.

At this time, Tracy swallowed the charcoal roasted oysters, then picked up the wine glass and said, "thank you again for Mr. Matsuura and Ayu's hospitality. I haven't eaten so comfortable for a long time."

Then he drank it all in one gulp.

"Li sang is satisfied." Songpu Shengren has a drink with him.

Hamasaki took a sip from his glass, winked at Tracy and said, "are you full?"

"Hoo..." Tracy gasped and touched her stomach with satisfaction. "Full, very full."

"Poop......" Hamasaki chuckled and said, "I don't know what you do. After eating so much in one breath, you can participate in the big stomach King competition."

"Ayu, don't be rude..." Matsuura Shengren said seriously.

Tracy waved his hand carelessly, smiled and said, "I've always eaten a lot, but it's far from those real big stomach kings."

"Giggle... I think it's the same." Hamasaki smiled, completely ignoring his teacher's eyes.

After chatting with Hamasaki for a while, about ten minutes later, Tracy looked at the time and thought it was almost time to go back to the hotel.

When he got up with his clothes, Matsuura Shengren quickly stood up, "is Li sang leaving? Do you want to feel the bath culture in Tokyo again?"

"No, that's it today." Tracy said with a faint smile, "I just arrived in Tokyo last night and haven't had time to get jet lag. I'm going back to the hotel to rest now."

"This... This..." Matsuura Shengren didn't know what excuse to make for a while.

"Hehe, Mr. Matsuura doesn't have to be so restrained. Just say what you have to say." Tracy smiled to himself. Isn't he in a hurry? I think you're in a hurry.

"Then... Let me be frank, Li sang." Matsuura Shengren hesitated and bowed slightly: "about your cooperation with us... I think..."

"Oh? Cooperation?" Tracy suddenly interrupted him, turned to Anthony and said unhappily: "Mr. Matsuura invited us today. Is there any cooperation to talk about? Why didn't you tell me in advance, almost delaying the business."

"Sorry, boss... It's my fault," Anthony said cooperatively, lowering his head and looking ashamed.

However, I gave my boss a thumbs up in my heart. I'm the boss. This acting skill is comparable to Oscar.

"You ah, what do you want me to say about you, Anthony... Such an important thing didn't tell me in advance. It's not as simple as work mistakes." Tracy pointed at Anton with an angry look.

Songpu Shengren was stunned and forced, "he doesn't know anything. He doesn't know about cooperation? How can this be..."

"Master... He pretended..." at this time, Hamasaki pulled his sleeve and whispered.

Hamasaki immediately saw that Tracy was pretending, but she didn't know Tracy's purpose.

Matsuura responded and smoked from the corner of his eye. He probably knew Tracy's purpose, but he had no choice.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Matsuura." after scolding Anthony, Tracy said with an apology on her face, "I just came to Tokyo. I don't know what oral agreement you have with Anthony. I almost delayed business today."

With that, Tracy sat down again and said, "since you're here, Mr. Matsuura can tell me directly about cooperation. I don't know what cooperation Mr. Matsuura wants to seek, or how can we help you with nicotine?"

Songpu Shengren was a little silly to listen to him. You didn't take the initiative to come to the door. How did I ask for help. I really need foreign help, but you sent it to the door automatically.

Tracy first pretended to be a fool, and then took a posture. This preliminary cooperation negotiation directly gained the upper hand.


"Do you have the strength to eat the shares of Yitian Xun?"

Sitting in the car, Matsuura Shengren remembered this sentence with only helplessness and a bitter smile. He was always at a disadvantage at the negotiating table just now, especially when Tracy said this, his confidence was half lost.

If I have so much money, do I still need foreign aid?

Matsuura Shengren has a deep resentment against this. He is bound by funds. If he had so much money, he would not have fought with Yitian Xun for so many years.

To put it bluntly, Yitian Xun has been pressing him all these years, just relying on his identity as a major shareholder.

He holds 24% of the group's shares and is the largest shareholder of the group. He can handle it no matter what. And he has only 7% of the group's shares. Even if he can unite some shareholders, it will not pose a real threat to Mr. IDA.

"It's a pity that if I can really drive Yitian Xun out of the group, even if I only eat a small part of his shares, I can stand more stable in the group." Matsuura Shengren muttered to himself with regret on his face.

Hamasaki, sitting beside him, was playing with his mobile phone. As soon as he sent a text message, he heard the teacher's sigh and asked, "teacher, what's the matter with you? Are you not satisfied with the conditions given by Li sang?"

"No, he can guarantee to support me as chairman of the group. My goal has been achieved," replied Matsuura.

"The teacher, you still..."

"I just think it's a pity that such a good opportunity was missed."

"Oh... What do I need to do? I have some savings."

"No, your savings are just a drop in the bucket. As Li sang said, I can't afford to play with the ebx group. Even if 10% needs 100 billion yuan, how can I have so much money? How much do you have, 1 billion yuan? Or 2 billion yuan? I'm afraid none of these are available." Matsuura Sheng knows her disciple. She has made a lot of money in recent years, However, I earn more and spend more. I like sports cars and luxury houses. I'm afraid I don't have much savings.

Hamasaki was in his mind when his teacher said, "I just started a luxury apartment in the Central District, and I don't have much savings."

There are 23 major districts in Tokyo, among which Chiyoda District, central district and port area are the most prosperous. People who can own real estate in these three districts are super rich.

Especially the Central District, which is the center of Tokyo. Geographically, it is located in the center of the 23 regions. Not only that, but also the "center" of Japan in economy, information and commerce.

The famous Bank of Japan, Tokyo Stock Exchange and other Japanese economic cores are located in the central area.

In addition, the bazhongzhou and Ginza in the east of Tokyo station, the Japanese Bridge gathered by the head office of large cloth shops and department stores, and the Tsukiji market are all located in this area.

From this point of view, we can imagine how expensive the house price here is. It's an inch of land and an inch of gold.

The biggest dream of the Japanese is to live in Tokyo, and the biggest dream of the Tokyo people is to own a house in the central district.

"Bought a luxury apartment in the central district?" Songpu Shengren looked at his disciples in surprise. "Why haven't you heard of it? By the way, didn't you just buy a house and build a family at the beginning of last year?"

"It was bought in Jiangdong District. Can you keep up with the three districts?" Hamasaki said with a beep.

"Ha ha..." Matsuura smiled bitterly, not much. Dongjiang district is a large district near Donggang and the center. Its prosperity is no less than that of the upper three districts. Its own disciples can't see it.

"By the way, Ayu, what do you think of Li sang?" Songpu Shengren suddenly asked.

"He?" Hamasaki tilted his head and said, "he is handsome, talented and super rich. He doesn't have the shelf of rich people. He is a perfect lover. No wonder Xingtian likes him so much."

"Is that all you see?"

"What else?" Hamasaki wrinkled his nose and said, "I don't understand what you said. I only know that he said he brought $2 billion... My God, how much is this, converted into Japanese yen... The current exchange rate is 1:112..... That's not more than 220 billion yuan. When I had the most savings, I didn't have 2 billion yuan......"

Hamasaki broke her fingers and counted. When she had the most money in her bank account, she felt very much.

Today, I heard that others took tens of billions of dollars and hundreds of billions of dollars seriously. I feel like living in a dream.

The super rich are the super rich. The wealth they are exposed to is really beyond the imagination of artists like them.

Songpu Shengren has a black line, and his disciples are not on the same channel as himself.