Admit defeat?

It's not easy to let the supermodel killer Li admit defeat, and Tracy doesn't continue to pester this topic.

He generously told Duke that if anyone wanted to visit the shark, he would take them down.

In this super yacht, there are not only small submarines such as shark, but also many motorboats and speedboats.

Anyone who wants to take his girlfriend to the sea can go at any time.

The carnival continued. Tracy's appearance brought the atmosphere up all at once. From time to time, there were girls around Tracy.

The ambiguous signal was released openly and secretly, and the bolder body was directly pasted up to have a zero distance contact with him.

Tracy responded with great happiness and was able to handle the fragrant pile.

Miranda Ke'er always followed him closely and didn't give these sisters any chance. She knew what these little girls were thinking. She was afraid that if she left for a while, her golden thigh would be taken away by others.

Tracy is definitely the most popular man here. Regardless of some of his titles, I don't know how many women this super yacht can attract.

The halo of the rich is still very attractive, especially for these models. Their hard-working income for a year may not top a toy in Tracy's hand.

In terms of popularity, Tracy ranks first here, and the second must be little plum.

Needless to say, his fame can definitely get a lot of attention if he has a little relationship with him.

For these models, this may be a good endorsement, or countless jobs.

After all, jade beads are ahead. There is an example of empress Ji. How can these models miss this easy opportunity.

"Leon, introduce some friends to you." after playing with the hot girls around for a while, Tracy said to the little plum.

Little plum seemed to know his intention. His eyes looked not far away. There was a small group of people out of tune with here. "Are you talking about them?"

"Yes," Tracy smiled and said, "the Asian is James Wen. You should have heard of him."

In that small group of people, in addition to Wen Ziren, there are his good friend ray Werner and some people in the crew of the chainsaw.

They just arrived. Tracy should have come when he was swimming at the bottom of the sea.

It seems that these people should be a little reserved and haven't taken the initiative to say hello.

"I know him, the director of the chainsaw. The media has been reporting on him some time ago." little plum thought for a moment and said.

Wen Ziren is well-known now. After all, his first film grossed more than 100 million at the box office. In a place where Hollywood's achievements speak, Wen Ziren has attracted the attention of many large companies.

Many of them invited him with projects, but most of them were low-cost horror films.

"Hi, James."

Tracy walked over to Wen Ziren with little plum and others. Before he reached him, he waved to Wen Ziren.

When he came to them, Tracy introduced them: "James, this is Leon, this is Matt Damon, and this is tobe Maguire... Ladies and gentlemen, this is James Wen, the hottest new director in Hollywood recently. The North American ticket room for his first film" the thrill of the chainsaw "has exceeded 100 million."

"I saw that movie, Wen. Hello, your movie scared me."

The first to speak is tobe Maguire. It seems that he is a fan of horror films.

"I can scare you. It seems that my goal has been achieved." Wen Ziren smiled and shook hands with him. Then little plum came up and said a few words.

Wen Ziren and others got to know each other, and the atmosphere was very harmonious under Tracy's mediation.

In Hollywood, contacts are very important. Tracy introduced Xiao Lizi and others to Wen Ziren, just to help him expand his contacts.

No matter whether we will cooperate in the future, it's good to have a good relationship now.

The pool party lasted until the sun gradually fell into the sea level. As the day darkened, the people on the deck became smaller and smaller.

It goes without saying that when night falls, everyone begins to act.

Tracy drank a lot, but he was sober. He hugged Miranda into a very luxurious bedroom.

From the moment they entered the door, their lips stuck together, and then rolled to the bed step by step.

When they kiss selflessly, they don't know that there is a tail following them behind them.

"Honey, hurry up."

Miranda was pressed under Tracy, biting her lips and urging.

Tracy's mouth rose slightly and began to act immediately. When he disarmed himself, he suddenly felt a heavy feeling behind his back.

The soft body pressed on him, and two bronze arms wrapped around his neck. Tracy didn't look back. Miranda under him screamed and shouted each other's names, "Dalia, what are you doing?"

"My purpose is the same as yours, Miranda."

(ten thousand words are omitted here.)


I don't know what time it is in the evening. When Miranda Kerr and Dalia warboyi wake up, it's the next morning.

There were only two of them who could sleep in a big bed of four or five. Tracy had disappeared.

The white and bronze bodies are distinct, but they are intertwined at this time. Four slender beautiful legs are intertwined, and the two bodies are close to each other.

Miranda slowly opened her eyes. There was still some blur in front of her eyes. She rubbed her eyes, and her vision gradually became clear. Dalia's face came into view.

"How is it you!" Miranda exclaimed, subconsciously pushing Dalia away.

She immediately ran back, holding the quilt to cover her body. Then he looked around for Tracy.

Dalia walboye was still sleeping. Pushed by her, she gradually woke up.

As soon as I opened my eyes, Miranda shouted to herself, "get out of here, you shameless..."

"Why did I leave, why not you?" Dalia looked at her without weakness.

Then she stretched out her hand to pull each other's quilt. Miranda grabbed the quilt and said angrily, "it's a pity that I still take you as a friend. You robbed me."

"Miranda, he's not your personal belongings."

"That's why I first..."

"There's no first come, first served. You know, he's interested in me too." Dalia lifted her hair and continued, "didn't you feel very comfortable last night? You shouted so loudly that you were about to turn against me when you got up."

"You......" Miranda blushed at the thought of what happened at night.

"You shouldn't be hostile to me. We're together."