"Hahaha... Tracy, come and see. There's a very coquettish car in the school. I'm so happy. I don't know which idiot pasted cartoons on the sports car." sting laughed wildly. Pointing to the pictures on the school forum on the computer, he shouted to Tracy to come over.

Damn it, I knew it. Tracy's face darkened and scolded.

He doesn't have a garage now. He can only park his car in the parking lot in the school. People come and go there, and his car is so special and conspicuous that it's too difficult not to be found.

This is not, just one day, it was spread as a new thing to the school forum, and immediately became a focus event.

Tracy walked up to sting, slapped him on the shoulder, clenched his teeth and said, "man, is this car cute?"

"Hiss... Tracy, what are you doing..." sting looked at him suspiciously and looked at the computer: "where can..."

"Pop." Tracy patted the car key on the table in front of him.

Sting's eyes widened and looked at the sign on the car key. He reacted instantly and smiled more happily: "ha ha ha ha... Tracy, this goods is yours? Uh huh... Very cute, very cute."

Looking at Tracy's face, which was almost dark, sting forced himself not to laugh, and his tears came out.

"Cough..." he coughed a few times, calmed his mood, clicked the mouse, turned over the photos on the forum, and pointed to Tracy: "it's really cute. Look at so many girls taking pictures with it."

All kinds of girls took pictures with his car. Tracy felt sad and funny.

"Hey, man, how about lending it to me? I'm sure many girls want to try it." sting winked at Tracy and reached for the car key.

"No way." Tracy put away the car keys first, turned away and walked to the door, ignoring the bastard who wanted to pick up girls with his car.

Tracy, who left the door, walked directly to the parking lot. Sure enough, as soon as I got to the parking lot, I saw several hot girls watching and commenting on his car.

"Didi..." Tracy pressed the car key, and the door clicked, like wings spreading, and opened upward.

"Wow..." the people around exclaimed, and then looked around for the owner of the car.

Tracy walked up to them and put on her prepared sunglasses.

"Hey, can you excuse me?"

"Hey, handsome boy, your car is really good. Can you sit in and try?" a brave black sister came up to chat up and kept winking at him.

Tracy shook her head with a polite smile and staggered past her.

The black sister looked at his back in disappointment, with a sad face. Tracy reached the car and leaned into the cab.

At this time, another tall blonde came to his window, bent down and opened her neck, deliberately leaking out the beautiful scenery.

"Handsome boy, can you take me for a ride?"

Blonde kept winking at him with a sweet smile.

Tracy was dumbfounded. He guessed right. This is an artifact for picking up girls. It's a little tangled now. Is this sticker removed or not.

"I'm afraid not. I'm sorry." Tracy shrugged regretfully and started the car.

"Boom... Boom..." the roar of the engine shook the hearts of the people around and unconsciously gave way.

In their disappointed eyes, Tracy drove away.

Tracy's destination is Natalie's home. Yes, the girl came back yesterday and called Tracy.

Originally, Tracy wanted to pick up the plane and invite her to dinner, but Natalie refused him on the grounds that she was too tired and went straight home.

Tracy had to make an appointment today and wait for her to have a good rest all night. The purpose of inviting her to dinner is very simple. Thank her for helping him promote the novel on her blog.

Tracy really didn't expect this girl to be so interesting. She not only wrote her own blog, but also forwarded it with several friends in series.

"I'm at your door." at Natalie's cottage, Tracy got out of the car and sent her a text message.

"I'll clean up and come out right away."

Looking at the text message, Tracy shook her head helplessly, right away? The woman said it was unbelievable right away.

Sure enough, Tracy waited half an hour before Natalie went out.

High waist denim trousers are matched with a pair of Blue Sneakers, and the upper body is a round neck knitted white patterned sweater. It's November now. It's getting cooler. I'm just fine.

"Hi, Natalie."

"Hi." Natalie said hello to him, and her eyes were unconsciously attracted by Tracy's car.

"My God, this is your car?" Natalie's eyes lit up, looked around the car and smiled: "giggle, I didn't expect you to be so old and childlike."

Tracy dropped her mouth and poked her hand without explanation. How do you explain that? Dad did it? Who believes it.

"Hey, we should go."

Natalie treated him like air. Her eyes and heart were hooked by the car. I kept turning around the car like a little girl.

Tracy was helpless and had to remind each other. Sure enough, every girl, no matter how old, has a childlike innocence.

"I see." Natalie pouted a little unhappy.

"Hi, Natalie, is this your date?"

An untimely voice sounded in his ear, and Tracy frowned.

I saw several paparazzi surround me. These people have been waiting here for a long time. They found Tracy when he came.

However, they are not sure whether Tracy is looking for Natalie, so they have been lurking around, and Tracy did not find them.

Coincidentally, these paparazzi came to dig Tracy, but they never got anything. By chance, she found Natalie, Queen Amidala, and immediately shifted her target.

It's better to have news than to go in vain. Everyone kept close to Natalie's house. Unexpectedly, they found the big news.

Queen Amidala dating a young rich childe? I'm afraid this title is no less than the real identity of Lt. Li. Natalie Portman has had few scandals since her debut, especially dating scandals, which is enough to attract attention.

"Kaka... Kaka" the paparazzi raised their cameras and took pictures.

Natalie put on her sunglasses in a panic and didn't know what to do. The paparazzi suddenly appeared and caught her by surprise.

Tracy stepped forward in front of Natalie and whispered to her, "get in the car first and I'll deal with it."

Natalie nodded, stepped back two steps and stepped into the co pilot. Her huge body stood in front of her, making her less flustered.

"Are you Natalie's boyfriend?"

"How long have you been dating?"

"What are you going to do now?"

The paparazzi seized the opportunity to ask questions, and their hands were not idle. The camera quickly pressed the shutter against Tracy.

"Hey, hey... Guys, be quiet." Tracy raised her hands and pressed them down to signal everyone not to make a commotion.

green hand? There's a play.

The paparazzi thought Tracy wanted to answer their questions. Their eyes were bright, and then they didn't push forward.

"Cough..." Tracy coughed twice and pretended to answer the question: "what did you ask... Wait a minute, I'm a little thirsty. Get a glass of water first."

Tracy deliberately paused. While they were concentrating, he suddenly turned quickly to the car and sat in the cab. He didn't give these paparazzi a chance to react.

"Natalie, fasten your seat belt."

"Boom..." the car started and the engine roared like thunder.

Liar, asshole. It was too late for the paparazzi to reflect. They wanted to surround the car, but Tracy roared and shocked.

"Fuck off, those who want to die will come up." with one foot on the accelerator, the car swished through the gap between them, like a pink lightning, and disappeared at once.

"Fuck off, I'll expose you."

"This is murder. Damn it."

"Oh, my God, how can there be such a person."

Leaving a mess, a group of frightened lambs roared helplessly.

How could Tracy be so naive to answer these paparazzi's questions. Explain a piece of wool, the more it is described, the darker it gets. Paparazzi only need first-hand information. The so-called start a picture, and the rest depends on editing.

Don't you encourage them by dealing with them.

Fleeing the scene, Tracy just took a breath, glanced at Natalie who seemed to be excited and asked, "are you okay? Will this affect you?"

This influence refers to the pictures taken by the paparazzi. Tracy also wants to get those photos back, but it's too difficult to think about it. It's definitely not possible not to use violence, but it will be more troublesome. It's smart to go quickly. The other party has no substantive evidence, so just clarify it.

"I'm fine, thank you," Natalie said, trembling, then suddenly put her hands around Tracy's neck and her lips were printed on his face.

"You are so handsome."

Just now Tracy's responsibility and reflection were in her eyes. She had met paparazzi before. It was the agent who helped her block the frame, but she was entangled every time. How could she leave so quickly and get rid of these doggies so domineering.

Natalie felt very intuitive. She watched the car almost overturn them in the car. Her heart couldn't bear the excitement.

"Hey, I'm driving. Don't kiss me."