Huo Yanchen smiles and says, "OK, I'll let you go and prepare for you. You go back to your room first." Huo Yanchen said and went to the barracks. As he walked, he said, "I'll go back!"

Xi yue'er man naturally knows what he's doing and asks Huo Yanchen to get her bath water. It's just a talk. She hasn't thought about it yet. She just wants to be angry with Huo Yanchen. It's because of Chen Chen.

Huo Yanchen ordered things to be done quickly. After a while, someone knocked on the door. "Mr. Li, we are sent by the Lord to pour water for you. Can we go in now?"

Xi yue'er man quickly stood up and said, "well, come in." When they came in carrying hot water, xiyuer man quickly pointed the way for them. After they finished pouring, they were about to leave. Xiyuer gave thanks and sent them out. Realizing that there was no one else around, xiyuer took off her clothes and took a hot bath. She didn't take a bath for a long time. Even xiyuer loves to be clean, but the conditions here are not good, Xiyueerman can only wipe her body, and there's no other way. It's comfortable to wash xiyueerman this time. In fact, xiyueerman's body is covered with blood. Even if Huo Yanchen can't get water for herself, xiyueerman thinks that she will do it by herself.

Xiyueerman moves very fast. After washing, she goes to Huo Yanchen's room to pack up. However, xiyueerman and Huo Yanchen's room are separated by the most central part of the military camp, so xiyueerman without exception hears Huo Yanchen's impassioned statement, "brothers, we are all one family, so don't talk about two families. General Wang wants us to die, we are not dead, Marshal Wang also wanted us to die. We didn't die either. Even in the war of returning to the north, we all survived. What are we afraid of? "

"Neither do we!" As soon as Huo Yanchen's voice fell, someone nearby followed him. Huo Yanchen laughed and said, "my life is up to me, not up to heaven! Since you believe me, I'll lead you shamelessly, and please don't give up! " Huo Yanchen's words can be regarded as putting himself and the soldiers in the same position. People can't believe that they can't believe their ears when they look at Huo Yanchen. However, even if Huo Yanchen's words are false, they are also moved, because they have never been recognized by a high ranking person, so Huo Yanchen's words make them moved.

After hearing this, xiyueer has to admire Huo Yanchen. Maybe Huo Yanchen is born to eat this bowl of rice. He is born to be convincing.

Know next or some inspiring words, xiyueerman know that there is no need to listen to, turned away from here, to find xixuanye, but don't know Huo Yanchen is staring at xiyueerman direction.

When Xi Yuer arrives at the room, she sees that xixuanye is practicing calligraphy seriously, without any slackness. Even if there is no one around, he has never relaxed. Xi Yuer nods with pride. This kind of xixuanye is really the direction she wants to cultivate. It's not that she doesn't want xixuanye to have a carefree childhood, She also hopes that xixuanye can act like other children in xiyuer's arms, but xixuanye's identity is destined to make his life extraordinary.

So xiyue'er is full of heartache and doesn't show any sign on her face. Before she comes to xixuanye, xixuanye turns her head and looks at xiyue'er full. She looks happy and excited and says, "aunt, are you here? As soon as I heard the door open, I knew it was you, aunt. Look at my handwriting. "

The Xi Xuan wild said to point to the words that oneself just said, the ink mark has not yet dried.

Xi yue'er looks at Xi Xuan ye in surprise and asks, "how do you know I came in? There was no sound when I came in And when it comes, xixuanye doesn't notice. The forward once, he also secretly attacked the Xi Xuan wild, Xi Xuan wild silk don't know appearance, this once how know oneself to come in again? It's scary.

Xi Xuan wild smile, eyebrow eyes curved, said, "this is a secret, can't tell aunt."

Xi yue'er man couldn't help but smile. She touched Xi Xuanye's head and said, "do you want to tell secrets between you and your aunt?"

Xiyue'er is just a casual remark. Who knows that xixuanye thinks seriously after listening to it. After thinking for a long time, he raises his head and says, "then... Aunt, I'll tell you, I know you came in because I heard your footsteps. Everyone's footsteps are different. I remember your footsteps very deeply!"

After hearing Xi Xuanye's words, Xi yueerman is even more surprised. She has martial arts skills. Even if she is restrained a little, her footstep is very light. When Huo Yanchen finds out, Xi yueerman doesn't feel anything. After all, Huo Yanchen's martial arts skills are higher than her own, so it's normal to find out, but Xi Xuanye is so young, This has to be surprising.

See Xi Yue Er full face don't believe of appearance, Xi Xuan wild smile, say, "what I say is true, aunt, otherwise we come to make a bet, guess who is the next person coming in, how?"? The loser has to promise the winner one condition and do one thing. How about that, Auntie? Do you dare? "

At the end of the day, xixuanye uses the method of arousing. Xiyuer can't help laughing and says, "well, I'll bet with you, but I have to tell you one more thing."

Xixuanye a look of all ears, "that Aunt you say, I listen to you."

Xi yue'er smiles mysteriously and says, "the last thing you should listen to is my words! Remember, in this world, except for yourself, no one should believe it, because everyone will betray you, others will not betray you, just because the temptation of interests is not enough, so when you meet people in the future, you should be careful, so that others will be loyal to you, and you will feel surprised, and you will not take it for granted, and you will not capsize in the sewer! "

Xixuanye looked at the full moon, and finally said, "but, aunt, I can't believe you? I really don't want to cheat you. "

Xiyue'er smiles and doesn't speak, because she doesn't know what xixuanye will think when she knows the key. Even if she is for his good, he also has no right to choose. Xiyue'er doesn't know whether xixuanye will hate her or appreciate her when she grows up, so she said ahead of time, because she is the same, She never expected how xixuanye would repay her when she grew up.

Touched the head of Xi Xuan wild, say, "well, we don't discuss this problem, see how your word practice." Xiyueerman said, then picked up the words just written by xixuanye and looked at it. Xixuanye looked at xiyueerman with grievances on his face, because he felt that xiyueerman didn't have 100% trust in him, and there was a film among them. Xiyueerman didn't say it, how could he pierce it?