Xi yue'er can't help but look up at Huo Yanchen. How can this sound unbelievable? However, she doesn't say much. Anyway, xixuanye is not a fool, and Huo Yanchen doesn't dare to do anything wrong. Xi yue'er is relieved, but she doesn't know that Huo Yanchen put something helpful to sleep in xixuanye's dinner, Not to mention that xixuanye has always wanted to wait for xiyuer to come over. Huo Yanchen thinks that xixuanye can't help falling asleep at most for more than half an hour, but he didn't expect that xixuanye Leng insisted for two hours, which scared Huo Yanchen, but finally he fell asleep.

Huo Yanchen was relieved that no one bothered him and Xi Yuer man at noon, although Xi Yuer man didn't think it was their time at all.

After dinner, Xi yue'er wiped her mouth gracefully and said, "is there anything important today? Xue manlou and general Zhang will not miss this good time. They must think about how to toss you. You should pay attention to it. "

Huo Yanchen did not care about nodding, these things he had considered more during the day, at this time of course, he wanted to talk about some other things with xiyueerman, he said, "well, I know, by the way, lady, nothing happened today? I asked Li Si to give you something, but it won't attract other people's attention, will it

The evening moon full white, he said, "what do you think? Well, you can do that kind of thing in broad daylight. I'm not envied. However, with my intelligence, these things have been settled by me, but I still don't want to do this kind of thing in the future, so as not to be suspected. "

Huo Yanchen laughed, and then said, "lady, you guessed wrong. I got the news that Xue manlou is going to fight against the former Nanman. However, the garrison here is not the former Nanman, it should be some generals, so the former Nanman should not come, so don't worry about being seen by the former Nanman. Other generals don't know you at all, so..."

Xi yue'er looks at Huo Yanchen with some doubts and says, "how do I think you mean to let me fight?" Huo Yanchen naturally nodded and said, "of course it's you, otherwise what other people?" Xi yue'er opened her mouth, finally sighed and said, "nothing, just such a plan, OK? How do I think Xue manlou won't give you this opportunity? "

Huo Yanchen mysterious smile said, "this you don't care, I have my own way." The evening moon is full of cold and hums, "Oh, isn't it? You don't want to be aggressive, do you? Xue manlou is also in a hurry now. It's impossible to give you a few days to relax. Moreover, I think Marshal Wang should also want to see the results. Xue manlou is under great pressure now. He is obviously under pressure, but he has to be restricted by you everywhere. If it makes people angry, Xue manlou will have the patience to play this game with you, But now I'm afraid he can't help it

Huo Yanchen looked at the moon full with a smile. When she finished, she couldn't help clapping“ I'm really worthy of being my lady. I really know something from my heart. But madam, I believe in your ability. The generals on the other side are not your opponents. We need to worry about our own people. "

Huo Yanchen said this, Xi Yuer man suddenly sighed, and said with some emotion, "it's really unexpected that we fight desperately in front of us to defend our country, but the famous marshal and general always think about how to kill us, so that we can get promoted and get rich."

Huo Yanchen said with a smile, "lady is really too sentimental. As the saying goes, it's understandable that people don't do it for themselves, and heaven will destroy the earth." After hearing this, Xi yue'er raised her eyebrows and said, "Oh, is that true? Why haven't I seen you so understanding? " Huo Yanchen said with a smile, "why did you say that, lady? I'm also a person for the country and the people, but I've always been a person who doesn't offend me. Since Xue manlou just bumped into me, I don't want to accept anything."

Xi yue'er laughs and doesn't speak. Huo Yanchen laughs clearly. In this way, Huo Yanchen and Xi yue'er in the room are very happy with each other.

Xi yue'er man went back after he finished his words. He was afraid that something might happen in his future. So Xi yue'er man told Huo Yanchen that he would not come these two days. Huo Yanchen didn't have any expression that he didn't give up. He just waved to Xi yue'er man calmly and didn't speak much. Xi yue'er man didn't know that Huo Yanchen was secretly happy, This time, xixuanye didn't see the full moon. He couldn't see it in the next few days, but he saw it tonight. Isn't that happy enough? Huo Yanchen didn't feel that it was wrong to compete with a little boy who was less than five years old. Instead, he felt very happy.

Looking at Huo Yanchen's humble appearance, xiyueerman also knows that it's not a good thing, but she doesn't say much. It's not that she doesn't want to say it, but that she has no time. She's been out for a long time, and it's bad if she's found out by someone who wants to. So xiyueerman says goodbye to Huo Yanchen and quickly goes back to her tent.

But xiyueerman didn't expect that there was an unexpected guest in front of her tent. Xiyueerman only saw a dark shadow from a distance, and suddenly became alert. When she got close, she found that it was Chen Chen, whom she had just met at noon today. Xiyueerman was relieved to think that Chen Chen should be very cheating, but what is Chen Chen doing here at this time? Xi yue'er is full of doubts again, but she doesn't stay much. She goes over and pats Chen Chen's shoulder.

As a result, I didn't expect that Chen Chen was very timid. He screamed when he was scared. Originally, the moon was full, but he didn't feel anything. As a result, he was startled by Chen Chen. He couldn't help but clap hard. Chen Chen covered his mouth with his hand. What did he want to do in the middle of the night? There are people patrolling here. If they are found out, they think they will discuss some secret in the night. If they are not lucky, they will be sent to Xue manlou, which is another trouble. Although they know that nothing will happen to them, xiyueerman is always in trouble, so they start directly. It's faster.

As a result, Chen Chen, who was covered by his mouth, struggled subconsciously. The patrol next to him heard the news and rushed over. Xi Yuer was so anxious that he had to pull Chen Chen into the tent and said, "don't shout. I'm Li Qing. I'm the one who gave you snacks at noon today. It's troublesome to shout and bring people here."

After explaining this, Chen Chen nodded, and they hid quietly in the tent with a full moon. As a result, the patrol team came, and they didn't find anything. They were still puzzled, "ah, I just heard the voice, why didn't they come here?"