When Xi yue'er noticed it, the arrow had already come in front of him. Although he had dodged the fatal point, he was still killed by the arrow. Xi yue'er holds the arrow in one hand and shoots it back towards the place where it came from. Then she covers the wound and says, "hiss, it hurts."

Xiyueerqi runs over and holds xiyueer, "how about cold star?" Xiyueer's wound turns black quickly, "poisonous." Xi yue'er stops Xi yue'er Qi who wants to suck out poisonous blood. "It's OK. I don't care about the poison." After that, xiyue'er takes out a bottle from Lingjie. Xiyue'er grabs the bottle and sprinkles the powder on xiyue'er's wound.

Xiyue'er meditates in situ and forces the poisonous blood out with aura.

Vomit a mouthful of blood, Xi yue'er looks at the wound that has been wrapped up by Xi yue'er Qi, some want to curse their mother.

"Damn it, Nangong Yuzhong is really mean, sister."

Looking at xiyuer scolding Nangong Yuzhong, xiyuer Qi couldn't help laughing, "cold star, you are really lovely."

"Ha ha." Xiyuer only answers the two words xiyuer Qi.

Xiyue'erqi coughs twice, carries xiyue'er on her back and returns to the border town.


Xi yue'er sits on the edge of the bed and looks at Xi yue'er for fear that she will disappear when she doesn't pay attention.

Cang wolf opens the tent curtain, and sees Xi Yueer's head drooping. Next to him sits the angry general Xi Yueer. Cang wolf looks at Xi Yueer. What's the matter?

Xi yue'er shrugs, as you can see!

For some reason, the wolf had a foreboding.

So, "Cang Lang, all of you of the iron wolf army guard this camp for our general. All the food and drink can only be sent to the door. If xiyue'er runs away again, our general will ask you about the iron wolf army."

"I will obey you." Sure enough, it's better to let the iron wolf army go up and down to kill the enemy to guard Xi yue'er here.

Xi Yueer stands up and leaves.

Xi yue'er moves her fingers, "don't look like you're going to die. I'll stay honest."

The wolf just wants to ha ha, just you, GUI Cai Xin. Moving a stool on the bedside, the wolf sat down and nodded at xiyuer's head, "you said, how can you make trouble? Let's forget the trouble. We have to implicate the brothers of the iron wolf army. "

Xi yue'er shrugged her shoulders helplessly, "who knows that Nangong Yuzhong is so mean, he even put a cold arrow behind his back, and the arrow is also mixed with aura. It's good that I can hide. "

Cang Lang points the wound of Xi yue'er for a while, "at that time, Nangong Yuzhong has been beaten by you, so will there be someone else who put the cold arrow?"

"You think so, too!" Xi yue'er knocked on her head, "I'm looking forward to the news that Nangong Yuzhong woke up and knew that the master he had painstakingly invited was shot to death by an arrow. Would he be so angry that he vomited blood?"

Cang wolf mouth corner smoke smoke, he knows, according to Xi Yue Er this kid's character how can let hurt oneself of person live well. However, I have to say that the strength of xiyuer is really unfathomable. Even if you fly down from the city wall, you can still step in the air. Cang Lang looked at Xi Yueer's eyes, full of surprise and curiosity.

Xiyue'er took a few mouthfuls of tea and moistened her throat. "Don't be curious. When it's time for you to know, you will know. Maybe there will be unexpected surprises at that time." Thinking of her daughter, xiyue'er swallows and spits, hoping that it won't be a fright at that time, but also that Lan Tiancheng will be more lenient at that time.

Looking at the dark Decoction on the wolf's hand, Xi yue'er trembled twice, "that, can't you drink it?"

The wolf said with a smile, "no way." It turns out that the young master of the omnipotent xiyue'er family is afraid of taking medicine. If the news gets out, it's estimated that the world will laugh to death! Thinking of this, the wolf moved the bowl to the moon again. "Young master, it's not bitter."

Xi yue'er frowned, "are you sure?"


Xi yue'er took a sip and vomited out, "Cang Lang, this is what you said. It's not bitter. You ya, hurry to bring me a piece of sugar."

Cang Lang grinned and handed the sugar to Xi yue'er. "Young master, the general said that if you don't drink medicine, you will be released one day later."

Xiyue'er looks at the bowl of medicine, then pinches her nose and pours it down.


From the tent came the roar of Xi yue'er, "Cang Lang, where's the sugar?"

Wolf is very aggrieved, "you just ate?"

"Ah, ah, ah!"


After three days of painful drinking medicine, xiyue'er decided to take pills and never drink any more. It's too painful.

What xiyue'er doesn't know is that in fact, at the beginning, the military doctor planned to let xiyue'er take pills. However, at the general's strong request, the military doctor changed the pills into decoction.

Hearing the painful voice of Xi yue'er, Xi yue'er smiles with pride, "smelly boy, do you dare to get hurt in the future?" However, what xiyuer aocang doesn't know is that xiyuer is determined to kick the decoction out of the world from now on.

Three days later, xiyue'er finally ended her painful days. Under the surveillance of one hundred iron wolf soldiers, xiyue'er came out of the camp. Cang Lang accompanied xiyue'er around and told her about the near-term war situation.

"Have they got their food yet?"

The wolf handed a piece of paper to Xi yue'er, "this is what they handed in."

Xi yue'er looked at the contents of the paper, "are they so willing?"

The wolf sneered, "where will it be? If the general hadn't forced them, how could they have given up such a large sum of money? "

Xi Yue Er pursed her lips, "it seems that grandfather has a way."

"After all, the general has dealt with them for decades."

Xi yue'er touched her chin, "they only have half of the grain and grass left, so surely someone will send them grain and grass."

The wolf's eyes brightened. "You mean..."

Wu Chen nodded, and then pointed to the most remote road, "really grain and grass will go this way."

Xiyue'er looked at the general situation of the whole road and sneered, "Nangong Yuzhong brain circuit is very long."

Wu trace some confused looking at Xi Yue Er, brain circuit? What's that?

Xiyue'er knew that she had said modern words again, and coughed awkwardly, "nothing. Now that they are going this way, we will make a plan. Let Yelin send some people to pretend to be our people and attack the other two waves of food and grass. After killing them, they leave. As for their things, they are burned at the scene. "


The corner of Xi yue'er's mouth starts up. Nangong Yuzhong, you still underestimate my strength and influence.

Canglang will write the memorial and present it to xiyue'er aocang at noon.

Xi yue'er looked at the wolf and said, "did you come up with this plan?"

The wolf coughed twice. "It's the result of discussing with the young master. Of course, general, the young master put forward this first. The last general is just thinking in my heart. "

"Oh." Xi yue'er Ao Cang put the memorial to one side, "the general knows that the boy's life is only two days."