He Xin suddenly appeared and simply introduced Qiao Ansheng to the people present. He led Qiao Ansheng to the table.

Those people began to whisper to each other as they looked at Qiao Ansheng.

Qiao Ansheng is not the kind of little girl who doesn't know the world. She can feel the eyes on herself from the moment she enters the door.

This vision is more or less mixed with a variety of meanings, which Qiao Ansheng knows.

She finally understood the hidden meaning of what Lin Wenchang said downstairs just now, but she was really well protected by Qin Yanchen.

I'm about to forget that large companies like Qin's naturally don't need to talk about projects at dinner. For small enterprises like Qiao's, most projects are negotiated at this wine table full of sound and color transactions.

He Xin smiled and patted Qiao Ansheng on the shoulder: "come on, let me introduce you. This is another partner of our project, President Qiao of Qiao's......"

Qiao Ansheng knew that since he came, there was no reason to go.

She is very happy that it can be negotiated. If it can't be negotiated, she doesn't insist.

After all, she doesn't have to build herself for a project of this scale.

After thinking clearly, Qiao Ansheng looked a little stunned and quickly returned to nature.

She smiled with a smile. Shuitong turned several times on the faces of those people, and the smile was very appropriate: "Hello, everyone, Qiao Shi, Qiao Ansheng, I'm late. I'm sorry to keep you waiting..."

She opened the leftmost chair and was about to sit down.

But just then, the man who had been sitting in the first guest seat stabbed and pulled away his chair and stood up.

He was the first guest, and his status should be the most distinguished among the group. Qiao Ansheng didn't sit down because of etiquette when he saw him stand up.

The man looked about thirty or forty years old. He was not tall. His short hair was neatly combed and his face was a little white and fat. His two thick eyebrows made him look smiling.

"Joe, ANN, Sheng... Good name, good name..."

He read out Qiao Ansheng's name word by word. He didn't know what to aftertaste between his lips and teeth. He stuck his eyes on Qiao Ansheng for a long time.

Although Qiao Ansheng hated his sticky eyes from the bottom of her heart, she remained silent and let the other party look at her.

After the man had seen enough, he smiled again, raised his thick eyebrows, took out a paper towel, rubbed his hands, and stretched out in front of Qiao Ansheng.

"That's a respectful title for president Qiao. I've heard a lot about you before. I just didn't expect President Qiao to be so young. He looks 20 years old?"

He Xin broke in with a smile and explained to Qiao Ansheng: "this is Wang bingchang, President of Everbright Securities Investment Bank..."

Qiao Ansheng knew it.

No wonder He Xin showed such a courteous expression and sat in the first guest. It turned out that it was their big client tonight... She and He Xin, the main investors of the project.

Thinking of this, Qiao Ansheng kept his smile unchanged, stretched out his hand and handed it over: "Hello, President Wang... I've heard a lot about you..."

As soon as Wang Xingchang heard this, he became interested. His eyes were a little small and he couldn't see it when he narrowed slightly: "Oh, Joe has always heard of me?"

Qiao Ansheng was about to nod and put his hand back, but he suddenly found that the other party had been holding her hand and was still rubbing Qiao Ansheng's delicate skin with his thumb.

Qiao Ansheng's heart was cold and wrinkled. She had imagined a symbolic grip, but she didn't expect the other party to hold her hand as soon as she took her hand.

While holding Qiao Ansheng's hand with his sweaty hand, President Wang couldn't help looking at Qiao Ansheng: "if President Qiao had heard of me, I would be so happy! Mr. Qiao, you are so young that you can stand with us. There is a bright future, a bright future! "

No one here was blind. Seeing that President Wang was so interested, someone immediately stood up and let out the chair close to President Wang. He smiled flatteringly: "now it's all the world of young people. I think I'd better give up my position and make room for this young president Qiao..."

Others laughed and agreed.

President Wang always held Qiao Ansheng's hand to wipe the oil, and the other hand was also used to cover Qiao Ansheng's small hand firmly in his fat hand.

"Oh, it's good to be young! In the future, you look so young. If you have any difficulties in the future, just tell our brothers... "


Qiao Ansheng was almost disgusted by the greasy name.

According to their age, the people in front of them should be almost her father's generation. I don't know how President Wang has the courage to say these two names.

Her hand was pinched by the king's president with meat and hot sweat, as if she had reached into the wet glue, which was extremely viscous.

The other party's hand is not honest, which makes her feel tired.

When he saw someone give up his position, President Wang was still looking at himself with a smile. The metaphor of his eyes was blatant: "Oh, Mr. Qiao, how can you maintain your hand so well? My hand is too rough. I have to talk to you in person another day. I have to ask you for some advice on this maintenance problem..."

Qiao Ansheng closed her eyes and pressed the overwhelming nausea and disgust in her heart. She tried her best to restrain herself and didn't slap her.

A mouthful of silver teeth bite to want to break, just Kan Kan maintained the smile on his face, but he shook president Wang's hand like a sticky fly.

"There's no maintenance secret. I don't usually do any work. Usually, some of my employees don't know the greatness of heaven and earth and daydream all day..."

"As for me, I told them that they wouldn't listen. There's nothing I can do but slap them and wake them up. So, don't look at how well I maintain my hand. It's unambiguous to teach people a lesson..."

President Wang didn't expect her to refuse at all. He was stunned by her sarcastic words.

Qiao Ansheng took advantage of the situation and pulled his hand out of President Wang's hand. When others saw her actions, they all looked stiff.

He Xin frowned and said "tut" secretly. He leaned over and was about to pull Qiao Ansheng's sleeve and persuade her.

But after Qiao Ansheng pulled out his hand, she quickly stopped the person eager to give up her seat. Her eyes were cold and a sneer came out of the corners of her mouth.

"You can just sit there. I'm not suitable for that position. People have to know themselves clearly. Who should sit in what position and have a number in mind. Do you say, President?"

Qiao Ansheng suddenly threw his words to President Wang.