After staying at home all night, ye Qianqian left the next day before she got up.

At Longteng's headquarters, Yan Xie followed in curiously: "boss, what did you do last night?"

"What's the matter?"

"Huang pangzi sent a piece of information, and he asked me to tell you that the case is not ready to be investigated in the city now, and the final conclusion is according to what you said. But they can't find out the information about the murderer. They can't give it to you for the time being! "

Ye CuO frowned slightly and nodded: "I have guessed the background of the murderer. They may have found it, but they dare not tell me. But it doesn't matter. In the information Huang pangzi gave you, there should be the murderer captured in the surveillance video. You can check it for me. "

"All right! I -- "

Yan Xie also wants to talk. Ye CuO knows that he can't stop when he says it. He interrupts directly: "wait! Besides, it's not so easy to send someone to protect my sister and my parents! "

"OK, I'll --"

"Go ahead, I'll go to Suya."

"Shit! Will people die when they finish talking? "

"Can't you speak to the air yourself?"

The speech evil black face, toward the air, Bala Bala side says, side walked out.

Ye CuO hasn't come to Suya's rest room, the phone in his pocket rings.

"Hello, yecuo?" Long group old wind speechless voice, came from there.

"Chief Feng." Ye CuO knew what he wanted to ask, but he didn't open his mouth, just waiting for him to ask.

"Well, it's me!" The wind said, "you killed people last night? Why? I don't know how to protect your sister? "

The dragon group naturally has its own information channels and can know everything about last night.

But that's why he felt strange.

Although Ye CuO is cruel and cruel, which is very rare among young people, he did not kill innocent people indiscriminately. Last night, ye CuO made an exception.

Of course, you can't guess that ye CuO has the tragic memory of the previous life, which is why he killed so much.

Ye CuO didn't explain, and said, "I have my reasons. I can't tell you for the time being. Leader Feng helped me bear the consequences this time. I'm very grateful."

Before the heresy, the city adopted Ye CuO's words and closed the case.

This shows that they have confirmed with the dragon group. As long as the dragon group says yes, no matter who killed, you are guilty.

"Do you know who you killed last night?" the wind said

The leaves are staggered“ I don't know yet. I'm still checking. "

"Alas Feng Buyu sighed, as if it was a headache. "Boss ye, I admire you for your trouble making skills. I never mess with small people. I just pick up people who can't mess with you."

Ye cuoyang raised her eyebrows: "is that right?"

"No, your own intelligence organization should be able to find out. I don't care about you. When you are free, come to the dragon group. Let's go to the undersea base of Yunhai. I have something to ask you

"Just right! I also have a lot of things. I want to consult leader Feng. "

"That's it!"

"Wait a minute, leader Feng, you just said that the man I got into trouble, even you are in trouble?"

Group leader Feng said with a wry smile: "yes, although I am the leader of the dragon group, the dragon group belongs to the country, and I can't provoke this family without a legitimate reason. They are always low-key, basically no one is walking outside, I didn't expect that you can still get into trouble, can only say that you are powerful

Ye CuO laughed and said, "I'll see you at the Dragon base."

"You have a big heart!" The wind is silent, teasing the tunnel.

"What's the matter?" Su Ya's gentle voice came from behind. Her two tender arms held Ye CuO's waist from behind.

Ye CuO was shocked, almost subconsciously pushed away, and then reacted. He turned to pick up Suya and gave her a kiss on the cheek: "it's OK. The boss of GANGLONG group called me. It happens that I have encountered so many strange things recently, and I also have a lot of things to ask him."

Su Ya nodded: "the intelligence of the dragon group should be the strongest in China now. Their information is national level. Ordinary people have no chance to see it. It's right to ask him about these things. If he doesn't know about them, I'm afraid few people in the world can explain them. "

Ye CuO nodded.

Su Ya thought about it and said, "there's another thing. Someone from Mr. Qin told me that he wanted to see you."

Ye CuO's hand stopped in mid air, and he said to himself in his heart: what should come will come.

Suya reached for his hand and said, "yecuo, I don't think we can show our ambition at present. After all, Mr. Qin is a military figure. All we have now is his support.

Now Longteng is only superficially powerful and needs to keep a low profile.

Now, if there are no special circumstances, the 13th hall will be crushed to death by us, but I don't think they have given up.

The 13th hall is very calm now, which is abnormal. According to my analysis, there must be a big power injection, and there will be a storm in the future.

This time, for us, will be a very severe test, related to the rise and fall of Longteng.

In the eyes of Mr. Qin, we are the pieces used by the military to fight against shisantang.

At this time, we must show weakness and let Mr. Qin think that we can't do it.

If we are too strong, Mr. Qin will feel that we have become a new threat, which will be troublesome.

The next one to be dealt with by the military is us. "

Su Ya will all the situation, a little bit of analysis to Ye CuO listen.

Ye CuO nodded: "fortunately, with you, I was thinking about how to destroy the thirteen halls, but you reminded me."

Finish saying, ye CuO hugs Su ya: "good daughter-in-law, kiss husband!"

Su Ya broke away with a red face: "not afraid of ugliness, who is your daughter-in-law? There's no serious time all day. "

With that, she said to Ye Cuo, "I have something else to remind you. Yunni seems to be a little out of order recently."

Ye CuO Leng: "what's the matter?"

"Well, all of a sudden, I've become very fond of learning. I guess I'm not confident enough."

Ye CuO stayed for a few seconds and laughed: "ha ha ha, isn't this girl very unruly? How suddenly become inferior? No, she's very cheeky. I'm going to laugh at her. "

"Hello Suya didn't get angry and said, "they are all for you. You have to laugh at her. I really don't understand a girl's mind. I tell you, she's in the Qin family now. She's studying art with her grandfather. You can go to the Qin family and coax her. Don't always fight each other as soon as you meet. It's like a girl wants to coax her to keep up with her lifelong enemies. "

"All right!" Ye CuO waved his hand, "I'm leaving. I'll go to the Qin family first and see what old Qin says."

PS: last night, I talked about a more important chapter, but I fell asleep accidentally, so I made it up for the fifth shift today. It's just the fifth shift. Good night, everyone!