"Don't you think the eagle king's room is always showing weakness?" Ye Qing said.

"Why do you say that?"

"It's very simple. Over the past 100 years, the royal family's status has gradually declined. From the beginning as the dominator of the eagle kingdom to now, it has gradually become an aristocratic organization that must rely on the financial support of the eagle kingdom. Don't you think this decline is too severe?" Ye Qing said.

Mark frowned and nodded involuntarily. Obviously, what ye Qing said is very reasonable. As the saying goes, a thin camel is bigger than a horse. No matter how the royal family goes down, it will not be reduced to the present situation.

Ye Qing continued to analyze: "moreover, some time ago, the royal family auctioned the star of Africa. I think it was also to hide people's eyes and ears and to tell the outside world that the royal family was so embarrassed that they even had to trample on their dignity and auction the star of Africa, a treasure that once symbolized the power of the royal family. In this way, the government in power in the eagle kingdom will despise the existence of the royal family even more, and directly ignore the possible harm of the royal family in mind. "

Ye Qing then said: "but there is one thing, I am still confused. That is, there is no absolute strength. Even if we show weakness again and again, we can't directly force the prime minister to step down and dissolve the parliament. Moreover, the voice of the domestic people against the royal family is too high. The lower level government structure does not respond to the royal family's orders. If it is not due to the deterrence of state m, it is almost impossible for the royal family to hold its present position. "

Speaking of this, markton was aware of a problem and quickly added: "Ye Qing, you said that the fall of the Prime Minister of the eagle Kingdom and the dissolution of the parliament will not be the ghost of the M country behind."

For Mark's doubts, Ye Qing smiles, shakes her head and says, "it's impossible!"

"How do you say that?"

"The relationship between eagle and M. people with a little international knowledge know that Eagle country has always been the dog of M country. The fallen government of the eagle kingdom is definitely the most obedient son of the M kingdom. How could country m be willing to let such a obedient prime minister and parliament step down

"Moreover, the prime minister and Parliament of this term have won the praise of the people of the eagle Kingdom and the hearts of the people. That is to say, the government of country m only needs to control the government of the country, which is equivalent to controlling the people's will of the people of the country. In such a good situation, the state of M is going to break the stability, and then help the royal family to come to power. Isn't that a trouble for itself? "

"Finally, the restoration of the royal family of the eagle Kingdom has also given the leadership of other countries a wake-up call, that is, to prevent all organizations that attempt to seize power and seize the power they now control."

"But didn't country m stand up and make its stand in the end?" Marklian interrupted.

Ye Qing nodded and said with a heavy look: "yes, he has come forward to state his position. But in my opinion, it's absolutely forced. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for the M government to make such a mentally handicapped decision. As I said just now, the three major reasons I want to get are beyond the imagination of the M government. If the leadership of the M country is not forced, they will never stand up and make their stand. Instead, they will choose to destroy the royal family with thunder, and then support the collapsed Parliament and the prime minister to succeed again. In this way, the relationship between the eagle and the M country will only be more stable, and the eagle will be more loyal to the M country. You know, because of the declaration of state m, many countries that have close relations with him have alienated him a lot, not to mention those countries that remain neutral or hostile. In their hearts, they are also afraid that they will be plotted by state m and make the same mistake again! "

Mark was convinced by Ye Qing's analysis.

"Who do you think is likely to force eagle and m to make such a decision at the same time?" Mark asked.

Ye Qing shakes his head, frowns and asks: "this, I dare not presume."

In fact, in Ye Qing's heart, he has an intuition that the boss behind the wizard's influence is absolutely responsible for this matter. That is to say, it's the alien creatures behind the scenes.

But this is Ye Qing's intuition after all. Ye Qing really hopes that all this is not true. Because if so, the development of their power is really amazing.

With their power, they are now enough to coerce country m to listen to them. In this way, what a terrible power they have.

However, Ye Qing felt a little uneasy, because Cranton hill, according to Lillian's idea, was a general of M country. Although his exact identity has not yet been found, the rank of General M is so great that even such a powerful person is only one of the boss's subordinates. It can be seen that the power in the boss's hands is absolutely not simple.

But as for why the big boss wants to do this, Ye Qing really doesn't know. According to Albert, the reason why the earth can attract extraterrestrial creatures is that it can breed an important ore, which is called kyanite.

However, in the last prehistoric civilization world, the blue crystal veins have been destroyed. Now, although there are blue crystal ores on the earth, the purity of those ores is extremely rare. It is still an uncertain mystery whether the ore vein will recover or not.

In accordance with this situation, the big boss should keep a low profile and explore whether there are ore veins, rather than directly intervene in the affairs between countries and do such a high profile.

But now he is out of the ordinary. He has really made such a high profile. There is only one reason. Maybe they have surveyed the blue crystal vein.

If we do find out, it will be a crisis choice of race extinction or survival for the earth and the present civilized world.

Thinking of these, Ye Qing only felt that his mind was in a mess.

"Find out Cranton Hill's identity as soon as possible, and I'll come back to Lundun and wait for your information." Ye Qing said to mark.

Now the only breakthrough is Cranton hill. But as soon as he heard Ye Qing's order, mark couldn't laugh or cry, because in recent days, no matter how hard they tried, the identity of Cranton hill has always been a mystery. Now they only know that Cranton hill is a general, but they can't find out exactly where he is in charge and the information about his personal and family.

However, although this task is very difficult, mark will definitely use 12% of his efforts to complete it.

"Don't worry." Mark nodded.

After a simple lunch, Ye Qing also left for Lundun. Now, due to the drastic changes in the situation in Yingguo, Ye Qing does not dare to leave home for a long time, because people can often see parades on the streets of Lundun. If there are parades, there will be violent repression. If there is a violent conflict, there will be bloodshed. Therefore, Ye Qing is also afraid of some radicals and persecution of civilians. Other people, Ye Qing is lazy, but ye Qing's wife, especially with pregnant Xuan Xuan, Yinuo and rose, Ye Qing absolutely does not allow anything to happen to them.

One afternoon's drive, Ye Qing also rushed back to Lundun in Westminster. However, it was late at night and the situation was chaotic recently. There were no pedestrians on the streets and roads at all.

If it is before, the night scene of Lundun is absolutely prosperous and incomparable, which can almost be described as never night city. But now, the roads are full of rubbish, and there are some banners that say people are strongly dissatisfied with the royal family.

Broken glass, traces of blood, everywhere.

Seeing this scene, Ye Qing can't help sighing. Now Lundun, which is the metropolis he used to yearn for, or even chose to settle down without hesitation. However, Ye Qing has taken this place as home, so she doesn't want to escape.


In the quiet night sky, there was a cry for help.

It's a woman calling for help!

At this time, Aldo was still in Sartre. Ye Qing had planned to pick her up after returning to Lundun. But after returning to Lundun, a series of things happened, which made Ye Qing have no time to deal with other things, so Aldo also stayed in the court of Sartre.

This voice, perhaps when Aldo's mother died, she also made it.

The death of Aldo's mother has always been a pain in Ye Qing's heart. And this girl, her cry for help, just triggered the resonance of Ye Qing. Ye Qing stopped the car completely and got off.

At this point in the corner, all around the garbage, a pretty girl, with tears on her face sitting on the ground, her hands tightly holding her body, at this time, her clothes, has been torn to pieces.

In front of her, there were three men with fierce light on their faces. One was tall, the other was thin, and the other was fat. They all have tattoos on their bodies. They used to come out to mix.

"Little sister, do you take it off yourself, or I'll take it off for you." That thin and small man, in the eye eye exudes the color of the Yin ruthless, the facial expression is ferocious however of smile a way to that girl.

"Please, please let me go..." the little girl choked.

"Ha ha ha ha, did you hear that? She asked us to let her go?" The thin man said with unbridled laughter, as if he had heard the funniest joke.