"God, is this prehistoric civilization?" Mr. Yang is very emotional.

In front of the public, the scene can only be described as shock. In the vast room sealed by two iron gates, people just feel as small as ants.

The room is about 100 meters high and covers an area at least as large as 50 football fields. Moreover, after entering the cave, Mr. Yang and his family have been going down all the time. In other words, the construction of the room in front of them was completely completed underground. But for such a huge project, the material quality requirements and architectural design are obviously to the extreme. Don't forget, on the ground, there are towering Kunlun mountains across.

That is to say, Kunlun Mountain has not subsided for thousands of years, which is completely supported by the underground buildings. If the material and design are not perfect, I'm afraid Kunlun Mountain has long been annihilated and become history.

However, this is not the main reason to shock people. The main reason is that there are hundreds of robots in this big room. And these robots are huge objects with a height of tens of meters. When Yang and others go to the side, they feel that each robot is like a skyscraper.

"If we can operate these robots, is world unity just a dream?" Yang's heart beat like a frenzy, and this crazy idea also floated in Yang's heart.

They went to the Kunlun mountains just to get the scientific and technological information of prehistoric civilization. If you can, Yang will definitely move all these robots out, but obviously, this is unrealistic. Let's not say that the human and material resources that the current technology can exert are far less than the conditions needed to carry these robots. Let's just say how the giant should be moved out. We all know the way in. The way is only two people high, and the width is not more than five meters. How can these robots be moved out in such a narrow space.

Of course, it can be said that it is a way to dismantle these robots and then transport them into parts. However, the materials of these robots are obviously very special. From the perspective of Yang Lao's expert level, it is absolutely impossible to dismantle these robots with current technology. From the annihilation of prehistoric civilization to the present, the surface materials of these robots still have no signs of decay, which is enough to show the firmness of the materials. Even if ordinary missiles explode uniformly on the robots, it is estimated that they can not leave any traces on these materials. So these robots, even if they are found, can only be placed here to make empty furnishings, and can not be used at all.

"It's a pity. It's a pity." Yang Lao shakes his head and finally wakes up from the shock. But the look of regret in his eyes did not hide at all. In Yang's opinion, it's a waste to put these robots here!

"It's no pity. The princess told me at the beginning that the owner of this prehistoric civilization relic was afraid that these things would destroy the technological civilization of that era in countless years. For the sake of balance and not letting the planet be destroyed, he intended to destroy all the war machines of prehistoric civilization. But in order to leave the last legacy of prehistoric civilization, he finally chose to blockade instead of destroying it. " Yinuo heard Yang's words, but also said.

But this sentence made Yang's expression suddenly stunned. Immediately, Yang also nodded and said: "it seems that our predecessors are still far away. It is estimated that once these things are taken out, other countries will fight to the death once war is launched. I am afraid that this world will lead to the Third World War, which is also the most terrible nuclear war. How can the earth be completely destroyed at that time? "

People are greedy, and no one wants to suffer from the destruction of their country. If Huaxia can control these robots, it is definitely the most powerful country in the world. If other countries are forced to jump over the wall and fight to death with nuclear bombs, then they can't afford it with the earth's endurance. At that time, it is estimated that mankind will be completely destroyed in this war.

"Well, let's go on. Remember, don't touch anywhere, just follow me Ino nodded and said.

When they heard Yinuo's words, they also withdrew their eyes and followed Yinuo closely. Just as they started, suddenly, a very sad and shrill scream came.

"Ah ~"

This voice is not strange to everyone. It's from Shen Cheng.

"No!" As soon as Yang's face changed, he immediately turned around and looked in the direction of the voice.

"Ah, help me. Come and help me."

At this time, the sad cry for help came from Shen Cheng.

Hearing the call for help, Yang's face became very ugly. Old Yang was even more anxious to rush towards the voice.

But at this time, Yinuo grabbed him with one hand and said coldly, "you are going to die now. As I said, don't touch everything here easily, otherwise, you don't even know how to die. That guy is to blame. Let's not lose our lives for him. "

"But, Shen Cheng, he is..." Yang old urgent way.

Mr. Yang knows very well that all of them can have an accident, but Shen Cheng can't.

"No matter who he is, even if he goes there now, he will surely die." Ino shook his head and interrupted coldly.

For this Shen City, iNO has long despised him. But Shen Cheng's departure, the public did not discover, Yinuo actually discovered. But for Shen Cheng, Yinuo doesn't care. If Shen Cheng stays by his side, Yinuo should be on guard against him instead. It's better for him to seek death by himself.

Gradually, the scream disappeared.

When he heard that there was no sound coming again, Yang could only close his eyes and sighed helplessly.

"Let me go back and explain." Mr. Yang felt bitter in his heart and spoke softly of Nandao.

"Let's go out and talk about the things we've told you. Now let's go. There's something you want in it." Yinuo said to Yang. With that, Yinuo didn't stay any longer and walked quickly towards the inside.

And Yang and others, at this time face is very ugly, but there is no way to look ugly, depending on the situation, Shen Cheng should be dead. In that case, it's no use staying here.

"Let's go, too. If we can get the scientific and technological data of prehistoric civilization this time, we can make the contribution more than we can make." Looking at the others, Yang also shook his head and said with a sigh.

Under Yang's words, this group of people finally started, soon caught up with Yinuo, followed Yinuo and others, and quickly walked towards the inside of prehistoric civilization relics.

"Where am I?" On the other hand, Ye Qing finally wakes up from the white state, and this wakes up, Ye Qing also immediately exudes a cold sweat.

At this time, the environment for Ye Qing is completely strange. Ye Qing only knows that she is in a room now, and in this room, all the costumes are full of classical beauty. There is a bookcase in the house. The bookcase is full of bamboo slips, and there are potted plants on the windowsill. The flowers in the potted plants are blooming very beautiful, and even a faint fragrance comes from the dark.