With that, iNO walked straight out of the house and toward the door of the apartment. When she walked out of the apartment and closed the door, she didn't even look at Ye Qing for a while.

Looking at the door closed by Yinuo, Ye Qing also sighed with a lonely look, with an unspeakable taste in her heart. Immediately, Ye Qing is also shaking his head, into the bathroom began to wash.

And after washing and eating breakfast, Ye Qing left a note for IFIA. Then he rushed to school. Today's class is arranged in the second class, so Ye Qing is not in a hurry.

Soon, Ye Qing came to the school, at this time from the first class, there are still ten minutes to start.

Think of this, Ye Qing's mind, suddenly emerged a figure, that is wearing a white dress, with the eyes as holy as an angel girl.

A few days ago, Ye Qing subconsciously passed the garden, but she was disappointed because the girl didn't show up at all. Today, however, Ye Qing is not in a hurry to attend class, so she hardly thinks about it and goes in that direction.

But in the past this section of journey, in Ye Qing's heart actually does not stop praying.

"The girl will be, she will be."

This kind of feeling like first love makes Ye Qing, an old boy, feel a little more tender and anxious.

Lundun in the morning, in addition to the fog, if it is fine, the sun is very beautiful. The bright sunshine falls on the earth, although the feeling of winter will be a little cold, but put on this layer of golden sunshine, the whole person's heart, but can warm a lot.

Ye Qing speeds up the pace, and the uneasy inner changes also make Ye Qing's face constantly changing. Soon, Ye Qing went to the front of the garden, and at this moment, Ye Qing's heart beat violently.

Because at this time, the beautiful girl appears in Ye Qing's field of vision again.

At this time, the girl is facing Ye Qing, with a quiet smile on her face. She is still intoxicated with the fragrance of flowers. The whole person looks very happy, but this kind of happiness, somehow, makes Ye Qing feel sour in her nose, and tears seem to burst out of her eyes.

Today's weather is a little bit cold, so the girl also wears a little more, but her dress still shows that she is so holy and lovely.

Looking at the girl's beautiful posture, Ye Qing suddenly felt that her heart was full of courage.

"Go up and talk to her."

This words, also in Ye Qing's mind, suddenly float up.

Courage soon becomes impulse, and impulse soon becomes action. Ye Qing this time, without the slightest hesitation, walked quickly in the past, and did not hide his footsteps.

Mary's eyes, too, opened when she heard the sound of a hasty step, but she could not see anything in her beautiful eyes.

Mary looked a little surprised. Her keen hearing made her know that the voice was coming from in front of her.

"Who are you?" Listen to the footsteps closer and closer, Mary is also a little nervous asked.

During her stay in the college these years, she had many friends she knew well, and she could clearly distinguish the footsteps of these friends. But now Mary could not judge the hasty and disordered footsteps, so her heart was inevitably nervous.

And Ye Qing, standing in front of Mary at this time, looking at Mary's beautiful appearance and her clear eyes like water, only feels that his breath is very short. He is very nervous. He is so nervous that he doesn't know what to say.

"Who are you?" Hear the other side didn't reply, Mary is also some alert, subconsciously back a step, look vigilant asked.

And looking at Mary like this, Ye Qing is also a sudden, almost subconsciously step forward, and then the voice is a little trembling said: "you... Hello, my name is Ye Qing."

"Ye Qing? Sorry, I don't know you. Please leave When she heard Ye Qing's voice, Koi thought he was not a good man, so she said immediately.

When ye Qing heard Mary's words of refusing others thousands of miles away, she was very anxious. So when her brain was hot, Ye Qing grabbed Mary's shoulders and said, "don't be nervous. I didn't mean anything."

When she felt that someone suddenly pressed her shoulders with her hand, and that she was still a stranger, Mary was even more afraid. She immediately struggled violently and said loudly, "let me go, let me go."

And this scene is obviously not what ye Qing expected. He doesn't know why it happened, so Ye Qing was flustered.

"You have to believe me, I really mean no harm." Ye Qing is very depressed, and very anxious said.

He didn't expect that Mary's self-protection would be so strong.

In fact, Ye Qing is also a little dazed by impulse. He is not calm now. Just think, a blind person, but also a girl, although she can live very cheerful, live very happy, but she still can't see the world.

As the saying goes, the eye is the window of the soul.

If the eyes can't see, it means closing the mind. How can there be no fear of strange things. And especially Ye Qing's way of self introduction is not right. Ye Qing was too nervous. Naturally, Mary, who had been alert, became nervous. And this tension, how can Mary not panic.

So this is the scene just now. If ye Qing is calm and calm at the beginning, maybe Mary will reject her at the beginning, but slowly, she will relax her vigilance, and then sigh with Ye Qing over time. After all, Mary also has friends, and those friends, are between each other, two people calm, slowly accumulated feelings.

"You let me go, you're killing me." Mary regardless of Ye Qing's words, but said violently. At this time, Mary's face was very anxious and her eyebrows were tightly wrinkled.

"Wang Guohua! What are you doing! "

And at this time, a shrill cry suddenly exploded in Ye Qing's ear.

Hearing the sound, Ye Qing, who had grasped Mary's shoulder, suddenly drew back her hands. Ye Qing also quickly turns around, he wants to explain clearly, because this voice is Elizabeth's.

But as soon as Ye Qing turned around, he felt a pain in his right face. Elizabeth gave him a hard slap in the face and hit Ye Qing's right face without mercy.

The slap was very heavy, and Ye Qing felt a fishy and sweet taste in the corner of her mouth. However, Ye Qing did not fight back. Because of this slap, he had no reason to fight back.

Elizabeth was so angry that her lungs would explode. Mary had a cold a few days ago, and she still had a severe cold, so Elizabeth didn't let her out and kept her in bed. But yesterday, Mary's cold is good, that day anxious to come out for a walk, but Elizabeth refused her. And this morning, Mary began to beg again. Looking at Mary's look, Elizabeth was also quite impatient, so she allowed Mary to come out for a little walk. After all, it's not good for Mary to lie in bed all the time.