Xuanxuan got a gold card at the beginning, and then song Xuan and Han Ruyun and Han Ming made it up one by one. Even Xinlei got one after meeting Han Ming.

And now with the relationship between yifeiya and Ye Qing, a gold card is too insignificant.

However, it is no wonder that IFIA is so excited that she has a gold card, which means that she can use all the services and products of the Korean group for free.

This is a fatal temptation for women, especially those who love beauty. If ye Qing gives a word, as long as you sleep with yourself, you can get the gold card. It is estimated that the women who want to sleep with Ye Qing can directly form a long line of 10000 meters or even 100000 meters.

Next, Ye Qing handed over the evaluation of Lawson's property to Ivan. For this, Ivan is an expert, but also very fond of doing this kind of thing. And the financial problem has been solved, Ivan is not in a hurry to return home, he has more than ten days free time. So he plans to spend some time in this period to help Ye Qing do a good job here.

But Lawson's sudden death, the police decided that he was killed by a car. As for what kind of car he was killed by, it is still under investigation. Of course, Ye Qing used the means in the investigation.

Some friends who had a good time with Lawson expressed regret when they heard the news. Of course, no one wants to get to the bottom of it. Because Lawson died when he died. With Lawson's status and power, he would die suddenly. That is to say, the people who killed him were more powerful than him.

And these people are all old fox spirits. They all scoff at the explanation of the traffic accident. But they are not interested in offending a powerful person.

Therefore, the Lawson incident did not cause a stir, and soon afterwards, it completely subsided.

These days, Ye Qing has been going back and forth between the college and the apartment. Three days later, after Ivan has dealt with everything, he returns home. Ye Qing and IFIA all went to see him off, but before Ivan left, he said with profound meaning: "you should have it too. I want to hold my grandson."

This sentence directly made her blush, while Ye Qing was giggling. And looking at Ye Qing's silly smile, IFIA was so angry that she pinched the tender meat between Ye Qing's waist with her hand.

However, Ye Qing is not in a hurry to have a baby. He still has a lot of things to do. When it comes to having a baby, Ye Qing wants to wait until she is completely stable. After all, he is still very young with the girls.

After seeing off Ivan, IFIA's mood is also a little sad, but soon, IFIA will adjust. As for Ye Qing, in the evening, when he was with IFIA, he was naturally careless.