Because in Wald's thinking consciousness, as a teacher, whether he has the potential to become an excellent teacher can be seen from the first class. The pressure of the model course is great, but in the big pressure, there will still be excellent or even excellent performance, so the potential and future of this teacher is absolutely unlimited, and the Royal Academy of arts needs this kind of talent, need this kind of talent to maintain the honor of the school!

Since Wald became the dean of the Royal Academy of Arts, he has listened to every new teacher's demonstration class very carefully in the past ten years. Although he said that the performance of new teachers can not satisfy him completely, at least those teachers have done their own earnest and meticulous attitude.

This time, it seems that Wang Guohua, an expert from China, doesn't pay attention to the model class at all. Because the demonstration class is about to start, he is still missing.

This behavior is intolerable to Wald, because in his opinion, attitude is everything.

Elizabeth is in charge of Wang Guohua's reception, and every person in charge of reception will put the demonstration class as a top priority. But it is obvious that Elizabeth did not do well this time, because the old Dean knew very well that if Elizabeth did make a detailed introduction, then the other party would not be so stupid as to make such a mistake on purpose. It can be said that those who come to participate in the demonstration course are the top leaders of the hospital and the top talents in various art circles. It is obviously not wise to annoy these people.

So although Wald is very dissatisfied with the so-called Wang Guohua, the first one he wants to question is Elizabeth.

"Elizabeth, this time, I'm very angry. If the demonstration class starts five minutes and he hasn't arrived, this time the demonstration class will be cancelled. This is also the first cancelled demonstration class in my teaching career. You can do it yourself

"Dean Wald..." she was suddenly knocked down by such a big hat of Wald. Elizabeth's whole mind was blank. She called out in an attempt to explain.

But Wald didn't give Elizabeth the chance at all. Instead, he turned around and left.

"How could that be?" Elizabeth, pale and dejected, sat down in her seat again, lost in the South Road.

She was very clear about Wald's character and would never go back on what he said. In other words, if ye Qing can't arrive five minutes after the demonstration class starts, the demonstration class will be cancelled. Moreover, it will be the first cancelled demonstration course since the demonstration course was held, which is destined to be recorded in the history of the Royal Academy of Arts. It's just that this history is not glorious, it's a stain. It's her stain at the Royal Academy of Arts.

At this time Elizabeth, heart has hated Ye Qing, if you can, she will personally kill Ye Qing, but also the kind of fragmented.

"Jingling, jingling..."

The bell rang for the demonstration class.

Hearing this bell, most of the students can't sit still. They are not Rookies of the Royal Academy of Arts. For example, some of them have even participated in two or three times. And for the demonstration course, they also know the importance of the hospital and the significance of the demonstration course.

And half an hour ago, when the room was full of people, but the teacher was still not in front of the desk, these students were already very surprised.

Now, the bell of the demonstration class rings, and today's teacher hasn't come. This behavior has undoubtedly caused a great disturbance in the hearts of these students.

"The new teacher is so awesome."

This idea, at this moment, is almost filled in every student's mind.

Hearing this bell, the leaders and experts of the hospital can't sit still any more. Some people's faces are full of anger at this time. Some grumpy experts have already wanted to clear up the information, and then beat the table to leave.

Which one of these experts is not on the top of the academic pyramid, but the new teacher's attitude is so bad that he obviously doesn't pay attention to them?!

In this way, how can they not get angry.

But now there's Wald, and they don't dare to make mistakes. After all, they are still a long way behind Wald. And they're all looking at Wald now. As soon as Wald says something, they absolutely turn around and go.

But at this time of Wald, that old face, the look did not change, the whole person's expression is extremely indifferent, indifferent as if it is very unusual in general.

But only Elizabeth knew that this was not because Wald was indifferent, but because Wald was very angry, and the anger had reached a critical value. And when Wald's face is not indifferent, that is, when he completely broke out, naturally, it is also the time when Elizabeth and Ye Qing had bad luck.

If this demonstration class is cancelled, Elizabeth's future is uncertain, and Ye Qing is expected to be repatriated immediately. Even if he was recommended by the top leader of China, Wald would never give him such face. Because in the Royal Academy of Arts, no matter what the identity of the other party is, they must also abide by the rules of the Academy.

At this time, Elizabeth's clenched lips, even can exude blood, her two hands, at this moment is intertwined, pulling hard, her heart, almost sink to the bottom.

"This teacher is really good. This is definitely the most popular demonstration class I've ever had."

"The previous teachers were all prepared two hours in advance. This teacher, who has not come yet, is so awesome. Is he deliberately challenging the bottom line of the leaders and experts in the hospital?"

"I think he will be dismissed, and in the art world, he will never do anything to offend these characters. It's not ordinary bad luck."

Class time has passed three minutes, although there are college leaders and experts in, but some students, or can not help whispering up.

Of course, most of the students have a schadenfreude mentality, and a small number of students are also worried about this teacher who is going to be unlucky.

For a moment, there were some riots in the classroom.

"What are you arguing about? Don't you know that class must be quiet?"

At this time, Elizabeth, who had been upset, immediately stood up and yelled at the students.

And hear Elizabeth's voice, those whispering students, have involuntarily shrink neck. Elizabeth's character is very clear to these students.

In their eyes, it seems that Xu Niang is half an old woman, and the charm still exists. Once she gets angry, she will definitely turn into a female night fork. It is obviously not a wise choice to annoy a female night fork.

So for a moment, the riot was quiet.

"You know what? This time the new teacher, is Elizabeth responsible for reception

But not all of them have shut up. Some students who have some information will also gossip in a low voice at this moment.

"I see. No wonder she's so angry. This time she's making so much trouble. I guess she'll have bad luck."

"Didn't you see Dean ward talking to her just now?"

At the beginning of hearing that voice, a lot of students' hearts suddenly fell.

And though these sounds were small, some of them reached Elizabeth's ears. On hearing this, Elizabeth's face was as ugly as it could be!

At this time, Dean ward suddenly stood up, and ward's action also made Elizabeth's face pale. At the same time, all the people in the classroom were looking at ward, because they knew that ward was going to speak at last.

"It's over." Elizabeth almost closed her eyes in despair, and the powder fist she had been clenching was loosened at this moment.

"I declare..." Wald said, looking around with an iron face.