The military base is located in the middle of the desert, and the only oasis in the surrounding desert is also planned by the base. If we march into the desert, it will be at least hundreds of kilometers away.

And we all know that marching in the desert is very dangerous. First of all, we can't distinguish the direction. We don't have a fixed goal or a direction. It's very likely that after walking around, we find that we seem to have returned to the original place. This kind of situation is most likely to happen, especially when we step deep into the desert.

Secondly, desert storms and scorching sun are uncertain weather factors in the desert. Once there is a natural disaster, how many people can survive depends on the will of heaven.

Moreover, some animals in the desert are highly dangerous creatures. Some even cause acute poisoning symptoms as long as they bite people. They may be killed within a minute.

So with the influence of these factors, marching in the desert is almost impossible.

And it was John and his confidants who decided to build a base here after much thought. Across the Middle East, this is the most secretive and safe place to hide, but the conditions are a little more difficult.

It's just that the conditions are hard. For a rich man like John, that's absolutely not any problem. It is true that John suffered a lot at the beginning of the construction, but after the completion of the base, John began to forge his own palace in the base.

John's eyes were fixed on the wine, his eyes were red, and his breath was gasping. It seems that this scene can stimulate his visual nerve.

When he saw that the wine, wrapped around his anger, and then was brought into the woman's body, John suddenly became crazy, threw away his wine cup, and then began to make a crazy action.

At this moment, the woman was rolling her eyes, and she didn't know how to make a sound. Obviously, John's sudden action caught her off guard. The woman's hands began to scratch in the air, as if looking for support.

Finally, dozens of times later, John stopped exercising, and his skin turned red, and his face was also extremely ferocious.

However, John's excitement did not pass, but ten fingers held the woman's tender waist hard. Because of too much force, the woman frowned bitterly and began to struggle, but her struggle was useless. This would only make John more excited and make herself more painful.

Finally, after a long time, John released his hand, and the woman was relieved of the pain and lay on the ground. Instead of caring about her, John went to a table, picked up a cigarette and lit it. Then John walked out of the room and walked out into an indoor swimming pool.

In this desert area, there is also an indoor swimming pool, which shows how big John's handwriting is and how luxurious his life is.

Compared with the chaos in the Middle East, this kind of life habit makes people angry. But John has nothing but the most money. John felt the cold water irritating his skin, and his handsome face was calm now. It has to be said that apart from his identity, John is no less than any top male model in Europe and America.

John's figure is very good, and his face is very coquettish. The reason why he is coquettish is that his skin is very white, and if he has long hair, at first glance, it is absolutely difficult to tell whether he is a man or a woman.

"Boss." At this time, outside the indoor swimming pool, came a man's voice, his eagle language is very standard, it does not sound like people from the Middle East.

"Come in." John put out the cigarette and said calmly.

Hearing John's words, the door was soon pushed open. At the same time, a bald man, about 35 years old, came into the room. The man was very tough and looked like a good fighter.

"Jon, what can I do for you?" John said with a smile as he watched the man come in.

"Prodigal doctor Ye Qing returns to silver fox, boss, this is not good news." Jon came up to John and said with a dignified look.

"Ye Qing?" Hearing this name, John, who was smiling just now, now his face changed greatly and became very ugly, especially his brow was tightly wrinkled into Sichuan.

"When he assassinated boss chamos, Ye Qing was also in it, and that breakthrough was planned by Ye Qing." Jon said gravely.

"Asshole, asshole." John growled abruptly, his hands slapping the water. The splashing water completely wetted Jon's suit, but Jon didn't escape, didn't speak, and let John vent.

Because he knows, who is the scariest among the silver foxes is not Steven, nor mark, nor the unique elite members.

It's Ye Qing, a man with wolf like character and fox like thinking.

As long as Ye Qing is concerned, unless the prey is killed by him, otherwise, he will never stop.

John let off steam for a full minute, and then he stopped.

John looked at Jon with a chill in his eyes. John looked at Jon with his teeth clenched. He said, "I'm not in the mood to play with those bastards. I'll kill them at all costs. Now give me an order."

"But..." Jon frowned and hesitated. It was obvious that John's order seemed too reckless to Jon.

"No, but, asshole, go to hell, or I'll kill you now." John growled harshly.

Jon looked at John like this, frowned, gave John a complicated look, and could only go out.

"Ye Qing, I want you to live rather than die." After Jon went out, John's eyes also revealed a fierce intention to kill. He clenched his fists tightly and said that the appearance of Ye Qing had scared John's heart.