Han Ming and Gao fan look at each other and read each other's inner meaning from their eyes.

Han Ming looked at Ye Qing and said, "Steven was killed. He was killed by chamos's son."

"No pain, boss." Han Ming hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and said.

This lie, Han Ming must say, only in this way, Ye Qing will not go mad.

"That's good, Gao fan. Can you contact the people over there?" Ye Qing nodded and looked at Gao fan. In his opinion, Steven did not die very painful, Ye Qing's heart is more or less gratified.

"Yes, boss. What's the matter?" Hearing Ye Qing ask, Gao fan asks.

Ye Qing looked up at the sky. In the blue sky, the man's face loomed.

Ye Qing looked at the virtual head, his eyes revealed the hidden grief, Ye Qing said calmly: "if this revenge, my life will be in pain."

Three days later, Ye Qing set out.

The day before yesterday, Gao fan got in touch with the scattered silver fox team.

For Ye Qing to join the silver fox team, the five women are very uncomfortable, because they are very clear, Ye Qing this go, is absolutely more bad luck.

But they also know the friendship Ye Qing cherishes in her heart and the responsibility he bears on his shoulders. If ye Qing doesn't take revenge, maybe Ye Qing won't feel at ease all her life.

So the five girls didn't say anything, just told Ye Qing to have a safe trip, and then must come back in good condition. Of course, the five women's reluctant feelings for Ye Qing will naturally be expressed in a better way, that is, a night of lingering.

According to Gao fan's information, after Steven's death, the silver fox team was temporarily disintegrated and divided into three parts.

Some new players take this opportunity to divide up the assets of the team and then run away. This is the first part.

Those key members, however, also had differences. Some advocated revenge for Steven, while others advocated keeping a low profile and waiting for a good time to revenge.

Those who advocate revenge, with some sophisticated weapons and some money, will be separated from those who advocate keeping a low profile, and those who advocate keeping a low profile will disappear after these two groups of people leave, just as they suddenly evaporate in the world.

In the name of those who advocate keeping a low profile, it sounds so nice, but in Ye Qing's opinion, it's all about being greedy for life and fearing death, and then he wants to find a good step down so that he can "glory" divide up the assets of the team.

As soon as they have the assets, they will immediately walk away, but in name, they give themselves a step down. This kind of behavior is even more disgusting than those new members who directly want the assets.

And those who advocate revenge are the oldest members of the silver fox team. These people are all along the way with Steven. Together, they have experienced a lot of bullets, as well as life and death.

In their hearts, brotherhood is above everything else, and nothing can shake their feelings.

And the information Gao fan can find is the information of these people. Therefore, Ye Qing's departure is to join this group of people. Many of these people are known by Ye Qing, and only a few are strangers. Therefore, Ye Qing should not have much difficulty in meeting them.

At this time of Ye Qing, is a special forces look dressed up, this set of clothes, was originally silver fox team to him.