Pan Linlin is just ye Xiuluo's beautician, not qualified to participate in their conversation.

Pan Linlin is also very clear, immediately nodded and laughed, turned to go out.

As soon as she closed the door, the pavilion stood up and bowed down to CoCo Lee.

Coco Lee wiped her tears and asked coldly, "Mr. Yamaguchi, when you went to Jinghua Ye's home, did we ever use such mean means to test your intention?"

The elegant Pavilion in the mountains did not speak, nor did it raise its waist.

The men and women who came together also bowed to express the sincere apology of the Oriental people.

At the same time, also told her in silence: "we can only humiliate you this status noble, can see something."

Coco Lee didn't want to say much. When she slowly raised her legs, the noble and noble temperament came out, which really put great pressure on all the people present. She said coldly, "those three people must die."

The three men, of course, were ordered to test, such as Qingming Yamanaka.

Coco Lee doesn't care who they are ordered by and what their status is in the mountain family. In a word, they trample on her dignity with their despicable and barbaric status, so they can only die.

Otherwise, it's not over!

Yamashiya Pavilion had long guessed that she would make this request, and immediately nodded: "please rest assured, madam, they will surely die."

He said that the three people in Qingming mountain would die, and they would die?

If so, why didn't he take three people to CoCo Lee and blow their heads off in front of her?

It's obvious that CoCo Lee is being perfunctorized by the elegant Pavilion in the mountains.

In other words, he just showed a gesture.

Coco Lee is also very clear, but there is no way.

After the accord in the mountain, she couldn't force others to bring the three men to her and kill them, could she?

And even if she urged, yamashiya Pavilion, which had been prepared for a long time, would only explain this.

For the sake of safety, when they went for a test, yamashiyake asked them again and again to make an appearance, never to be serious

But who knows, the three bastards coveted the beauty of the rich and noble women, ignored Mr. accord's instructions, and did that without authorization.

When Mr. accord wanted to kill them to calm CoCo Lee's anger, they knew they were guilty and fled.

Hearing his explanation, Coco Lee sneered silently and said in secret, "they can't escape."

The three people who humiliated CoCo Lee during the Qingming Festival in the mountains never dream of escaping the punishment of justice

This is Shen Yue's promise to CoCo Lee.

Or out of some consideration, after completing the task assigned by Mr. Yage, Yamanaka Qingming immediately went back to his residence, packed his things, and took advantage of the night to arrive at the railway station.

They are really worried that CoCo Lee will have to bite and use diplomatic means to manhunt them in Hokkaido.

Then, leaving Hokkaido in the dark and waiting for CoCo Lee to return to China are the necessary procedures.

It's also the easiest task.

Suddenly, it snowed.

In the snow outside, in the cold underground parking lot of the station, Yamanaka Qingming pushed the door open, raised his hand with a smile, and said with pride: "if young master Yage hadn't said that the woman is now 48 years old, I would only think that she is at most thirty-four five years old just because of the smoothness of her skin and the elasticity of a pair of milk. It's a pity that you two don't have the chance to enjoy the touch of a lady's milk. "

"She'll be forty-eight? Ouye, MAIGA, I thought she was about the same age as yeshura. "

"Yes, yes, qingmingjun, tell us how happy it is to catch that girl's milk."

The two companions of Qingming in the mountains were also full of disbelief, but they were more envious and couldn't help swallowing.

"It felt like catching a handful of fat oil. I can catch it, but it comes out of your fingers. It's elastic... "

When Yamanaka Qingming raised his hand here, he heard the sound of footsteps coming from behind.

Subconsciously, they saw a tall woman in black, twisting her waist and crotch, looking down at her mobile phone, walking quickly from the elevator.

In the cold underground parking lot, there are three big men, and a woman who wears sex and feels good. If nothing happens next, how boring is it?

Qingming three people in the mountain looked at each other and saw what they wanted to see from each other's faces. They all had a knowing smile.

Although young master accord asked them to leave Hokkaido overnight for a few days in a tourist city for safety reasons, he did not strictly require them to leave within a certain period of time.

Anyway, it's just for the sake of safety. In fact, in their territory, even if they appear in front of a rich lady tomorrow, it's estimated that she has no face to say that her milk has been caught, so there's no need to worry too much.

You can do something with this tall woman while the parking lot is empty.

What makes Yamanaka Qingming and others especially happy is that they inadvertently find that the red light on the monitoring post in the parking lot no longer flickers.

This proves that this is a blind area. No matter what three people do, they will not leave any evidence.

However, after the woman raised her head, she let the three people down.

She is not as beautiful as she thought. Compared with a rich lady, she is more than 18000 miles away.

It's just a tall female.

Disappointment to disappointment, Yamanaka Ching Ming three people, but also will not let go of God's happy opportunity.

With the Qingming Festival in the mountains, they raised their hands and snapped their fingers. The three people were in a fan shape and slowly surrounded.

The woman laughed.

The reason why the lips are very red?

It looks like the legendary big mouth without spitting bones.

And her smile, looks like that gloomy, weird!

When Qingming in the mountains was stunned, he suddenly exclaimed, "yes, it's you?"

They finally found out that this woman was actually following ye Xiuluo to come to the East. In the evening, she was insulted by Pan Linlin on the beach.

Why did pan Linlin come here?

It's still one person.

Yamanaka Qingming does not know, but can suddenly feel the murderous spirit of Mori Leng.

This makes his whole body cells tremble and howl, which urges his brain thinking to run at full speed and analyzes the danger.

His right hand immediately reached to his waist.

There are guns there.

Just waiting for Qingming's right hand to touch the handle of the gun in the mountains, I suddenly felt the black light flash in front of my eyes, like a light hum like the sound of a dragon.

Black light suddenly appears!

Blood splashed.

A handful of black spears and spears ran through the mountain before Qingming had time to close its mouth.

Only the thorn handle is left.

He opened his eyes wide and grasped the handle with both hands. When he tried to pull it out, he fell straight back.

At the end of his life, his eyes sent the last message to his brain... The tall woman, like a ghost, floated to his left companion, reached out and crushed his neck.

The crisp click sounds so far away to Yamanaka.

"It turned out that this most humble beautician was the master who followed Ye Shura to Japan. It's amazing that she can look at me, savagely and indecently. Can't even miss Yaqing compare with this endurance? That lady's milk is so soft, white and elastic... "

When a pair of white milk appears in front of Yamanaka's eyes, the pupils freeze.

If the spirit is broken, there will be fresh blood.

These eight words were solemnly mentioned by Xiang Nantian when he taught Shen Yue the No.1 black thorn.

Of course, the old man in a certain army did not say this when he gave the young dragon in December.

Hu Laoer and Xie Laosi did not say that when they passed the black thorn to their students.

But South sky said.

Because he was worried that Shen Yue would kill innocent people indiscriminately, he made this rule to prevent the disabled from appearing easily.

In the years after Lao Xiang's death, it's not clear whether the boy surnamed Shen used the black thorn as a sharp tool to pick up girls.

But tonight, Shen Yue did follow the teacher's solemn instructions, let the disabled spirit appear, thirsty drink barbarian blood.

In other words, the force value of the three Qingming people in the mountains is also extraordinary.

Even if the three people are tied up, they are not Shen Yue's rivals, but it's quite inconceivable if they want to be killed by him in such a short time.

This is mainly due to the fact that when they see Shen Yue, they are full of dirty ideas, and the insects are very active, which blocks most of the force value, making them so vulnerable.

The lesson of blood is enough to show that when a man's brain is on, he is the weakest.

After finishing the three Qingming people in the mountain, Shen Yue scolded something. When he was on the beach, he took off something the size of a mung bean from the trouser leg of the man who had twisted his arm and pressed him on the ground.

This is the tracker provided by Jing Hongming. It's small, but it has a strong signal. It can locate accurately in one second within a hundred kilometers.

Masquerading as garbage and under the cover of savage indecent means, Yamanaka stealthily put a monitor on CoCo Lee's collar. Shen Yue also took the opportunity to put a tracker at the foot of the man's pants.

This man didn't know that the fate of his death tonight was doomed after the tracker was attached.

After turning off the powerful tracker, Shen Yue looked up and down, and his eyes fell on the manhole cover in the corner of the parking lot.

Sewers are absolutely the best place to hide corpses.

In a short time, no one knows that there will be three bodies below.

Yamashiya Pavilion will only think that they have left Hokkaido and gone elsewhere.

When we can't get in touch with them any more, we finally realize that something may have happened to them. When guangsa makes a thorough investigation of their whereabouts, it is estimated that boss Shen has returned to Castle Peak and is sitting in a comfortable chair with a serious face. Listening to the big servant girl with a serious face, he has reported his work to him.

Like a dead dog, he dragged the bodies of three people in Qingming mountain to the entrance of the sewer, put them in order and took out his mobile phone.

After adjusting the angle, Shen Yue, with a charming smile, raises his right hand to the camera, reaches out the scissors hand representing victory, clicks to take a picture, and then sends a multimedia message.

When CoCo Lee was reminded of the message, she was sitting on the sofa, listening to Ye Shura talking to ya'ge in the mountains.

Mobile phone to information, very normal thing, is talking in the mountains accord random look, did not care, continue to speak.

Coco Lee, who has calmed down a lot, picked up her mobile phone and turned it on at random.

Then, she saw pan Linlin standing in front of three corpses, holding her scissors hands high, smiling at her.

Although she had long believed that Shen Yue would find justice for her and would never let the Qingming three people in the mountains continue to live in the world, Coco Lee did not expect that he would do it in such a short time.

Shen Yue, are you still a person?

Staring at the picture on the screen, Coco Lee could feel all her nerves trembling. The cold air slowly poured up from the sole of her feet, because she had been killed when she was cheated to ask about meichuanku tea.

Fortunately, she did not have the opportunity to implement, otherwise she would die miserably.

Coco Lee's soul shuddered. At the same time, there was warmth flowing through her heart.

Shen Yue, this is to wash away the humiliation she suffered.

"Please allow me to worship you."

Coco Lee murmured in her heart.