This chip bidding conference, as early as last year, began to be planned by the relevant units, and attracted the attention of Chinese and even foreigners.

The people present today, whether guests or judges, even the waiters, are all high-quality people

Even Sato, who is quite arrogant in the chip industry, found that the chips displayed by Xingshen group are exactly the same as those of the four generations of American made chips. After feeling that their career was greatly humiliated, they just clapped their hands and yelled that some people were too much. They even resorted to deception and satirized the Chinese as plagiarists. They didn't say anything like baga.

But when Chen Lin got angry, she scolded "son of a bitch".

It's just too disrespectful.

It's not just losing her, the face of Xingshen group, the face of Qingshan people, even the face of the whole country!

How did such a low-quality woman get involved in such an important occasion?

No wonder you dress like that. It's quality that makes trouble.

Get out! Get her out!

At the scene, people who were shocked by Chen Lin's sweet drink finally got the first response after being silly for a long time.

It's Mr. Sato.

His small eyes staring at Chen Lin almost burst into visible flames. His fat face became ferocious because of his anger. The dying jackal gasped and hissed: "who are you calling a son of a bitch?"

Without hesitation, Chen Lin replied in a sharper, higher voice, "I scold you son of a bitch!"

The big maid is really angry.

Chen Lin did not participate in the research and development of Feiyang chip, but she knew how much effort Lao Qian had put into the research and development of the chip.

It's not too much to say that Lao Qian has abandoned his wife and son for the sake of chips, not even his own life.

Chen Lin will never forget how old Qian rushed into the fire in spite of Niu Meng's advice when Xingshen group was set on fire that night.

Feiyang chip is more important than old Qian's life. Unfortunately, the old guy has finally developed it successfully. Today, he can finally show it on the spot in front of the Chinese people. However, some people say that he is cheating and pretending to be the fourth generation of Tengfei.

Lao Qian is a workaholic and honest man. After being slandered by Sato, he just turns pale and is at a loss, but Chen Lin can't stand it.

The big maid was born in the dust circle and was kidnapped. She was almost bitten to death by a corpse insect. She is also considered to be a hob meat that has gone through life and death. After she has a big splash, who cares about her quality? What's the current occasion?

Her eyes are wide open, her breasts are undulating violently, and she raises her right hand microphone when she walks to Sato quickly. At first sight, she wants to start

Wocao, is there any royal law?

Thousands of people at the scene were even more confused. They were all staring at the stage and didn't know what to do.

Professor Xin also finally sobered up, angry old face pale.

But Lao Xin has a problem. The more excited he is, the more speechless he is.

Professor Lin and others beside him, although they can talk and stop a girl from going crazy, they dare not... Don't they see Chen Lin staring at Mr. Sato's eyes with ferocious female wolf like ferocity?

If they go to stop them, if this woman smashes the stainless steel microphone on their heads, wouldn't it be a big loss?

Seeing that Chen Lin was about to assault the guests on the live broadcast of the whole network, even the on-site staff were shocked and forgot to cut off the signal.

As a result, the scene was faithfully transmitted to thousands of households.

"Now, Xingshen group is going to throw Huaxia's face on Mars."

When many people finally wake up and this idea comes to mind, Shen Yue raises his hand to block Chen Lin.

In the past, she was very obedient to the master, so that she would not listen to him and pushed him this time.

No push.

If she could push Shen Yue away, she would not have been kidnapped by song Zhong.

Shen Yue frowned and said in a low voice, "Xiaolin."

Chen Lin was about to push him again, but her delicate body trembled, and then she woke up.

Immediately, tears of grievance sprang out of her eyes. She hugged his neck and sobbed: "he, why does he want to frame us for fraud?"

"Facts speak louder than words. Calm down. Our efforts can't be changed by others. It's easy to shut him up. You beat him, you look up at him. "

Shen Yue's eyes lightly swept Sato's, and then nodded to the old money who was silly on the spot.

Lao Qian survived

He quickly walked up to Chen Lin, reached for the microphone, and said in the strongest voice, "a chip generally refers to the carrier of an integrated circuit. It is also the result of the design, manufacture, packaging and testing of an integrated circuit. It is usually an independent chip that can be used immediately..."

At the beginning of his speech, Lao Qian's voice was stuttering and his content was only well-known.

When many people first listen, the corners of their mouths are turned.

Especially those chip manufacturers and judges on the stage feel that Lao Qian is insulting their intelligence when he says this.

But because of the fierce Chen Lin's presence, everyone was afraid of being scolded by her in public. Of course, no one came forward to express their opinions.

But after a few minutes of speaking, Lao Qian spoke faster and faster, enunciated more and more clearly, his face returned to normal, and his eyes were also full of obsession.

He talked about the unique industrial process of developing Feiyang chip.

Lao Qian's unique industrial process of developing chips is named after him, which is called "commander process".

It's one of Laoqian's biggest dreams to talk about the commanding process in front of the top experts in the chip industry in China and even the world, second only to the success of chip research and development.

The more he said, the faster he spoke, the more light came out of his eyes, just like a 49 year old bachelor who woke up in the middle of the night and suddenly saw a naked beauty standing in front of the bed scratching her head and posing to him.

The more he said it, the more obscure the content was, and a large number of terms were mixed into it, which made boss Shen's head confused.


The face of Professor Xin and others is more and more serious.

Finally, all the judges, led by Professor Xin, got up slowly, looking excited, and even more people murmured: "originally, it can be done this way."

The chip R & D process described by Lao Qian is equivalent to many people climbing Mount Everest.

As we all know, the current climbing of Mount Everest is on the south slope.

Well, if we compare the chip technology developed countries such as Meidi Toyo to the first climber of Mount Everest, Huaxia is just at the foot of the mountain, so it's hard to catch up.

What's more, people didn't want Huaxia to catch up, so they deliberately set up many obstacles along the way, which greatly delayed Huaxia's climbing speed.

The chip people represented by Professor Xin in Huaxia know what others are going to do, but they can't help it, and they don't want to give up. They have to grit their teeth to get rid of all difficulties and catch up.

Under such circumstances, it is not easy for the Chinese mountaineering team to catch up with those people and stand on the top of Mount Everest?

But just as Professor Xin was trudging, there was a man named commander Qian who started climbing from a certain direction of Mount Everest.

In that direction, Professor Xin and others may have thought about it, explored it more on the spot, but finally felt that... The road was blocked.

But old Qian, who fought alone, finally found a way to climb Mount Everest from that direction after paying an unknown price.

Along the way, although Lao Qian stumbled and nearly fell off the cliff several times and died in the snow, he still succeeded.

Finally, Lao Qian caught up with those who were the first to climb Mount Everest.

The industrial process of Feiyang chip R & D that he is talking about now is what he recorded when he trudged all the way.

"This is the way that our Xingshen group has come out on its own! We didn't plagiarize anyone's creativity, and we didn't cheat as the gentleman said. We directly used the four generations of American products to brand and pretended to be Feiyang chips. "

He talked for half an hour and finally took out a pile of hard disks from the trunk.

With the development of computer technology, the volume of hard disk is getting smaller and smaller, and the capacity is getting larger and larger. For example, the hard disk that Lao Qian took out was the 216g model more than ten years ago.

And most of these hard disks are blackened, as if they had been burned.

Lao Qian, holding the hard disks in both hands, went to the chairman of the organizing committee, Professor Xin, and put them on the table. He said respectfully, "Professor Xin, these hard disks record all the technological processes from the development of Feiyang chip 15 years ago to now. I can swear, these processes are our own research and development, repeated trials. Yes, it can stand the appraisal of any professional organization. "

Professor Xin stared at the pile of hard disks, his lips trembled even more, and slowly raised his hand to caress them.

He's not stroking the hard disk, he's stroking his most precious little grandson.

Lao Xin doesn't need any identification. Just from Lao Qian's half-hour story, he can be sure that Feiyang chip, which is no less than the fourth generation of American products, is independently developed by Xingshen group.

Because old money not only let him, but also let all chip developers in the world find a new way.

Now the effect of demonstration on the large screen is also the chip produced by Xingshen group.

Domestic, chip.

Professor Xin's lips were trembling and he didn't speak. Old Qian was a little nervous and used to be servile. He bent down and said in a low voice: "Professor Xin, these hard disks are not good-looking. It's because some time ago, our Xingshen group was plotted by bad people and put a big fire on them. Fortunately, I was lucky enough to be able to rescue them in time after rushing into the fire. But you can rest assured that these are samples. I have copied and integrated the whole set of industrial processes on the new hard disk. "

In the parking lot outside the clubhouse, song Yinqiao, who saw these things on her mobile phone, felt uncomfortable like a burning face. She clenched her silver teeth and scolded: "old man, if you don't see that you are my darling, you can call me a bad man, and I'll make you regret coming to this world."

Chips can be counterfeited, but the unique industrial process does not mean that anyone who wants to be counterfeited can be counterfeited.

In Professor Xin's old eyes, water began to flash. He took a deep breath, and finally he was able to speak. He looked at Sato, who was stunned and looked like a ghost: "Professor Sato, do you still think that Feiyang chip is a fake, OEM product?"


Sato wants to shout out this word.

But he didn't dare.

Not at all.

Because after listening to Lao Qian's simple talk about the unique process, he seemed to open a door and see a new world.

Although the character of the Oriental people is not so good, but the ability of related business is too high to say.

Sato didn't dare to say "yes" because he knew very well that not only did he believe that Feiyang chip was independently developed by Chinese people, but also 15 other industry experts invited to the event could see it.

Shen Yue is right... Facts speak louder than words.

Sato stayed for a long time, then under Professor Xin's burning gaze, he slowly bowed to old Qian, bent down and bowed.

In this way, he expressed his unwillingness to charge and respect Lao Qian.


The other 39 judges at home and abroad all bowed to old Qian.

Chen Lin's hearty cry immediately rang through the hall.