The car is heading southeast.

Midday sun on the roof, heat radiation to the car, filled with a certain intoxicating aroma of the car, adding a bit lazy.

No matter who last night crazy for so long, will be in a happy mood at the same time, feel tired from the Jiao body.

It's a 300 km drive from Jinmen to Qingshan. Depending on Lin Yang's driving skills, we can get there in two and a half hours.

But she drove smoothly.

Because Sue always fell asleep.

Beauty is beauty, even if there is a bright saliva flowing out of the corner of the mouth when sleeping, the charming little appearance is also so intoxicating.

Lin Yang has seen president Su sleeping in the car more than once, but he has never seen her like this.

It's just drooling at the corner of the mouth. The tip of the brow and the corner of the eye are full of familiar customs. They can understand it. Occasionally they give out a happy hum, which can also be explained by having a good dream. What's the meaning of a pair of black silk legs that can't be twisted and the delicate body trembles?

Lin Yang felt that she should be very clear, but she couldn't. She just felt a lot more peaceful after the eighty eighth sigh.

This kind of Southern Jiangsu sound is a real woman with flesh and blood.

Before that no matter what to do, must maintain her rich family young grandmother temperament Su Zong, always can give Lin Yang one kind of unreal feeling.

Lin Yang likes this kind of Su Zong, but he worries that she will become a slut.

Buzz, buzz.

Just when Lin Yang was daydreaming, the mobile phone that Mr. Su put on the seat beside him was buzzing and shaking.

Lin Yang subconsciously looked back and saw a name flashing... Hua Yingming.

In the past, when Hua Da Shao called President Su, there were only four words "my dear" to describe how much she loved her husband.

Now, alas, things change.

When Lin Yangdi sighed 89 times in the dark, sunanyin's long eyelashes fluttered and woke up.

She took the phone, looked at the name for a moment, then sneered and answered.

Although the relationship between her and Hua Yingming has reached the point where she is in the same situation, when she answers the phone, her tone is still as gentle as before, just without the slightest emotion: "Hello, what can I do for you?"

Hua Yingming's voice sounded very clear in the car with the engine buzzing, and he vomited out with evil spirit: "ha, ha ha. Let me tell you something very unfortunate. That scum, Shen, has drowned! "

"What, what?"

Sunan sound is in a daze.

Her reaction, as expected by Hua Yingming, was more straightforward and repeated that sentence.

"No way! How can the man I love be drowned! No way, Hua Yingming, you are lying to me, lying to me! "

Sunanyin is about to lose control of his mood and his voice is a little hoarse.

But on her face, which has the slightest emotion out of control appearance?

Ironic smile, more prosperous.

On the contrary, it's hoarseness in the voice. It's really true.

Last night in as long as six hours, sunanyin for some heartless guy, has always been gently singing, vocal cord damage is also very normal.

"The man you love? Ha ha

Hua Yingming sneered a few times, but his tone became sincere again: "Nanyin, the scum who destroyed our marriage, has indeed been designed to drown at the foot of Lianyun mountain in Jinmen. If you don't believe it, go to a forum. There are posts about why he died, and photos of his body. Nanyin, Shen Yue is dead. Come back to me. As long as you can come back, I won't care that you were sullied by him. I will only cherish you more than before. "

"He defiled me?"

Sunanyin chuckled and said, "yes, he has defiled me. Three times for six hours. But I love him. Even if he died, I would never come back to you. Because when I think about what you've done in the Maison Valley in South Vietnam, I can't say it. It's disgusting. "

"Sunanyin, you bitch!"

Hua Yingming is mad. He doesn't care about the insincere advice. When the vicious words are about to burst the dike and pour over like a flood, sunanyin throws his mobile phone beside him. After disdaining, he turns his little mouth and smiles happily.

A plot directed by her is spreading very fast.

This is still on the way back to Castle Peak. Hua Yingming, who is far away from southern Jiangsu, already knows.

Well, did some people on both sides of Jinghua and Qingshan also know?

What about Zhan Xiaobai?

When sunanyin thought of the girl whose name was as clean as others, she felt a little complacent and sighed.

Zhan Xiaobai doesn't know.

She is in the company conference room, holding an emergency meeting of middle and high level.

The raw materials of some of the company's top products are mainly imported from Toyo.

Originally, the two sides began to cooperate in the Zhan Zhenhua era. Over the years, the cooperative relationship has been very harmonious and there has been no dispute. It can be said that it is a win-win situation.

However, the morning before yesterday, Toyo informed Zhenhua company that it hoped that the two sides would renegotiate the price for some irresistible reasons.

If Toyo proposes to raise the price of plateau materials, the increase will not exceed 50%, zhanxiaobai can still accept it.

But they hope to increase by 30%

Wocao, this is too much.

Raw materials really want to rise by 30%. A certain kind of medicine produced by Zhenhua Group not only has no profit to speak of, but also loses money.

Only a few countries in the world can provide the main raw materials for this drug.

Raw materials come from whales.

The whaling industry is also in full swing only when it is carried out by other people, who have made huge profits, regardless of the opposition of people all over the world.

You can kill them if you have the ability. Anyway, whales are not raised by us, but by the sea.

You don't kill us, but you tell us what to do. Hu Bili, who gives you courage and confidence? I don't know that we are called the country of inhumanity?

Seriously, if Zhenhua Group didn't rely on this competitive product to support its business, zhanxiaobai would not have to cooperate with Toyo.

Once the production of this product is stopped due to the lack of raw materials, the whole company will have to shut down, from the headquarters to the production branches, sales channels, all closed down

After receiving Zhao Gang's urgent call, Zhan Xiaobai immediately took the bullet train back to Qingshan, where he was in urgent negotiation for two days.

Different from the past, although Zhan Xiaobai presided over the meeting as a secretary, the middle chair representing the big boss was empty, but no one despised her.

Because we all know that even if boss Shen is present, he has to obey the instructions of the exhibition secretary.

After two days of urgent consultation, Zhan Xiaobai finally decided to go to Toyo in person and negotiate face to face with the person in charge of "Shengshan Co., Ltd." who provided the raw materials. I hope that they can see that for the sake of years of happy cooperation between the two sides, is it OK for benema to be a demon moth?

It's not war to go to Toyo to talk business this time. Zhan Xiaobai doesn't have to worry about safety.

But I'm sure I'll bring a team.

If Xie Rouqing were there, she would follow her.

In the absence of sister Rou, Zhao Gang seems to be the only one who can be trusted by the exhibition secretary.

Oh, Ning Xin from the public relations department is also one.

Together with other women in the public relations department, I hope you can work together to solve the problem perfectly.

It's not bad if you don't have the feeling of following closely... The best candidate in the eyes of secretary Zhan is the combination of Xie Rouqing and Shen Po.

Sister Rou can help her with her business advice. Shen Po can be a big bodyguard. Who dares to do something wrong to the exhibition secretary? She just needs to raise her hand and snap her fingers, and the guy will shout, let people know how stupid it is to offend her.

However, at present, sister Rou is accompanying her mother in Beijing, and Shen Po is there. She can't follow the exhibition secretary in her dream about chips. It's a pity.

But no one can turn the earth without them. Secretary Zhan still believes that with her intelligence, this trip to the East will be smooth sailing.

After the meeting, the exhibition Secretary returned to her office.

Several meetings in succession made the exhibition Secretary feel a little tired physically and mentally. After sitting in the big chair, her head tilted back. Heisixiu put her feet on the foot of the table with a thud and trembled back and forth. Just about to close her eyes for a rest, she took out her mobile phone and found a message to read.

Little wife, I will marry you when I get back to Castle Peak.

A short message, a total of more than 10 words, Zhan Xiaobai has read it over and over at least 88 times

Every time, she can taste different sweetness.

There is also unspeakable bitterness.

Because she can't marry Shen Yue.

She did not dare to imagine, but what would Shen Yue's reaction be when he saw the tail on her little butt.

Are you going to faint, or do you want to find a kitchen knife and chop it off with a click?

"I love you, but I can't marry you."

Zhan Xiaobai was staring at the message, but she didn't know how long later, when her mobile phone suddenly hummed and trembled, she almost threw it out.

After seeing the caller ID, Zhan Xiaobai was stunned.

Murong Chang'an.

The person who suddenly called her turned out to be Murong Chang'an, the only one who knew her secret besides the doctor.

How long had she not thought of the name?

From the bottom of my heart, Murong Chang'an is definitely the girl of Zhan Xiaobai's age and the man I should like most.

He was born in a rich family, young and handsome, and has super working ability. No matter his demeanor or temperament, he is a hundred times stronger than a broken man.

More importantly, he chased Zhan Xiaobai.

I don't know why, Zhan Xiaobai just doesn't like him... At most, that is to say, he is a friend.

Or the kind of friends who never meet, call or miss.

She answered the phone and asked softly, "Mr. Murong?"

"Xiaobai, it's me. I'm on business abroad now. "

Murong is conceited and straightforward: "what's your situation?"

Zhan Xiaobai was silent for a moment before he said, "it's already grown."

Murong seemed to sigh and said in a low voice: "I have consulted the world's top experts here. You can rest assured that I have not disclosed any information about you. When I'm looking for people, it's purely hypothetical. "

Zhan Xiaobai nodded: "well. I trust you. Thank you, Chang'an. "

With her voice "Chang'an" export, it also means that she officially took Murong Chang'an as a friend.

You will have a different wonderful life.

This is after Murong Chang'an learned that Zhan Xiaobai had finally grown a tail, he euphemistically said that he would not chase her any more, but would only enlighten her from the perspective of friends.

Zhan Xiaobai doesn't care too much about other people's enlightenment. When he smiles indifferently, Murong Chang'an's topic turns: "do you know the news about Shen Yue's accident?"

"What? What happened to him? What can happen to him? "

Zhan Xiaobai asked one after another.

Murong Chang'an said in a low voice: "according to the news from China, Shen Yue drowned in Lianhua Lake at the foot of Lianyun mountain in Jinmen last night. Photos of his body have been posted on the Internet. "

Before his voice fell, Zhan Xiaobai did not make any response. The door of the office was pushed open, and an eager woman called: "Xiaobai, Shen Yue is dead!"