No matter how noble a woman is, if a man is willing to throw 50 million yuan for her, she is entitled to be called master.

Especially when Xie Ruqing needed the 50 million yuan to save her mother, so there was no psychological barrier when she typed these three words.

In fact, even when her golden master appeared and asked her to kneel on the ground to serve, she could only obediently listen to her jiaodidi's call to the master.

Because her body and soul were sold to the master for 50 million.

She waited for three minutes before the master slowly replied, "yes. What's up? "

Xie Rouqing was stunned.

Why did the master throw 50 million yuan at her?

It's not to buy her to enjoy her, but after he paid Xie Rouqing 17 million yuan, nothing happened. She had to take the initiative to ask, but he asked her something

Is this man a fool?

Xie Rouqing's eyes brightened, but then he laughed bitterly.

Her eyes are bright because she thinks that the master is a fool, so she may not have to wait on him.

She laughs bitterly... Which fool will give her 17 million for no reason?

The casual conversation of the master can only prove that he is busy.

Sure enough, as soon as Xie Ruqing thought of it, a second's voice was sent.

She pointed a little, and immediately a woman's whiny scream rang out: "ah, villain..."

Ren Mingming and Zhan Xiaobai are pressing on Shen Yue's shoulder, watching this guy send a message to Xie Rouqing, discussing how to punish the silly child who met with a big event, but didn't ask his sisters for help.

Shen Yue suddenly stretched out his hand and pinched it on sister Mingming's full left chest. She screamed in pain.

Seeing that Shen Yue let go and sent her shrieking voice to Xie Rouqing, Ren Mingming knew what she was going to do.

Sister Mingming is very angry.

She doesn't object to Shen Yue's using this way to suggest that Xie Rouqing is picking up girls, but why doesn't he pinch Zhan Xiaobai?

Is it because she is bigger than Zhan Xiaobai?

Or because sister Mingming is a bully!

It must be the latter.

Ren Mingming immediately attacked

Xie Rouqing doesn't know that the three men and women here are playing with her together, but after listening to the voice, they smile bitterly again and type quickly: "well, you're busy first. When you are finished, please contact me. I'm always at your service

The master didn't reply. It seems that he is busy again.

"He paid so much money for me, but he didn't take me seriously. Hehe, he is really strange. But that's fine. "

When Xie Rouqing smiles bitterly, she feels the cold wind outside the window. Her body trembles, turns around and walks back to the ward quickly.

Anyway, she got the money. She didn't need the asshole's help!

Since that bastard is so heartless, Xie Rouqing doesn't need to take him seriously. Let's think about tomorrow's auction.

No matter whether the auction is successful or not, she will have to face a woman who is a strange man, waiting on others, having children... And even a miserable dark life.

"As long as I can keep my mother alive, even if I live in pain all my life, it's worth it."

Sitting on the left side of the hospital bed, Xie Rouqing leans against the wall, looks at her mother's pale face, and then looks at her sleeping sister. She smiles, puts her cell phone on the cabinet and closes her eyes.

She is too tired.

Mother's illness, whether tomorrow's auction will be successful, what kind of life she will live in the future, and so on, are like mountains pressing on her shoulders, making her breathe hard.

After finally settling the bidding fund for the time being, Xie Ruqing is able to unload a big mountain, so she must have a good rest, cultivate her spirit, and face the crueler future bravely

Jingle a light ring, Xie Rouqing on the mobile phone screen on the cabinet, lit up.

Jin Zhu will contact her at any time. Of course, she can't close the message reminder with him.

Before the prompt for information came down, Xie Anqing, who was lying on the bed over there, looked up, stood up quietly, bent down, reached for her mobile phone, looked at her sister who was fast asleep, and crept out of the ward.

She knew the password lock of her sister's mobile phone. When she opened it, she saw the chat box.

After reading, Xie anqing painfully closed her eyes, but without the slightest hesitation, took her mobile phone and quickly walked down the stairs.

A few minutes later, Xie anqing came to the debris room where Xie Rouqing shot a small video and took out her mobile phone again.

When the mobile phone lights up, it's the message from the master: "call me first, bed. I'll hear about your talent first. "

When Shen Yue dodges the nine Yin white bone claw, he grabs the mobile phone and holds his head down in his arms to resist this guy's salty pig hand. After the news is sent, Ren Mingming feels much better.

Why did Xie Rouqing, who was hurt by Shen Yue, do something stupid like a pig, but he pinched sister Mingming?

Ren Mingming was very uncomfortable not to let the woman who had plotted against her make a fool of herself.

Kneeling on the sofa, Zhan Xiaobai began to eat snacks again. After reading the message, she disdained and said, "cut, sister Rou is not as shameless as someone. Even if she knows what to pay, she won't do it in this way... "

Before she finished, she was sent a message by Ren Mingming's mobile phone, which was put on the table.

It's a voice message, like 15 seconds.

After waiting for a long time, Ren Mingming, who didn't wait for Xie Ruqing's reply, immediately perked up and sneered: "Hey, it's not me who is shameless."

Ren Mingming also curls his mouth. When he reaches for the point, he sees Shen Yue looking at her coldly.

Ren Mingming's voice message immediately froze.

She saw that Shen Yue was not happy.

Because she accidentally hurt Xie Rouqing, she went to a dating platform to sell and save her mother. Shen Yue became angry and could punish her in some way.

However, he never agreed with the message sent by Ren Mingming.

That's insulting Xie Ruqing.

Shen Yue didn't need to ask at all. He also knew that with Xie's tender temper, he would call him a soul stirring bed according to his request.

If it was something else, Shen Yue would do the same without Ren Mingming robbing his cell phone.

But Xie's mother is seriously ill. It would be too much for her to play like this.

After being coldly looked at by Shen Yue, Ren Mingming realized that she had played a little too much.

After an embarrassed smile, Ren Mingming stood up and walked quickly to the second bed. His nose was sour and his tears began to flow down.

All of a sudden, she thought that Shen Yue, in order to amuse Xie Ruqing, could pinch her to let her cry, to show that he was busy.

At that time, did he think about her feelings?


As Zhan Xiaobai said, after Ren Mingming's divorce, she gradually revealed her shameless nature... She also indulged in the feeling of doing that with Shen Yue.

But is that why Shen Yue can ignore her feelings and show how sincere his relationship with Xie Rou is with his cold eyes?

In the eyes of this villain, I am just a plaything that can bring him a pleasant feeling.

What is really worth cherishing is Zhan Xiaobai and Xie Rouqing.

Although I'm divorced, I'm not the kind of goods that no one wants. Why should I be a plaything for ya? I depend on their breath to survive.

"I used to indulge in the feeling that this villain gave me. It was just brain disease, disease, disease!"

After returning to the bedroom, Ren Mingming whispered out his feelings.

Tears, more urgent.

A woman with a brain disease will not care about life and death, but will be controlled by her emotions and make her impulsive decisions.

Besides, Ren Mingming is an impulsive person.

Shen Yue's eyes broke her heart. It would be strange if she stayed at home again.

As for her going out in this period of time, she may encounter the terrible Zhuang Chun

"Die, die. It's better to die than to be a plaything and despised by others. "

He raised his hand to wipe the tears on his cheek. Ren Mingming dressed quickly, cleaned up his clothes, put them into his backpack, turned around, walked quickly to the door, and suddenly opened the door.

Shen Yue was standing in front of the door, making a gesture of lifting his hand and knocking.

Seeing Ren Mingming standing up with a smile and stepping into the room quickly, Shen Yue knew that he had done something wrong again.

He has unintentionally hurt Xie Rouqing, but unintentionally hurt Ren Mingming.

This made him suspect that he might be a pig

At the moment, Zhan Xiaobai doesn't gloat and hides his snacks in a few cases.

After hearing the sound of rummaging in the second bedroom, Shen Yue knew what Ren Mingming was going to do. He hesitated for a moment and looked at Zhan Xiaobai.

Zhan Xiaobai spread his hands and indicated that he could do whatever he wanted, regardless of the secretary.

After the door was suddenly opened, Ren Mingming dressed neatly and carried his luggage, which proved that Shen Yue was right.

He quickly laughed, did not say anything, Ren Mingming said coldly: "please get out of the way."

Shen Yue sighed: "ah, Ren Mingming, listen to me..."

How could Ren Mingming listen to what he said? He pushed him away and walked out quickly.

Zhan Xiaobai stood up: "Ren Mingming..."

"Shut up."

Ren Mingming looked back, his eyes were still shining with tears, but he sneered: "Zhan Xiaobai, I know you look down on me. But it doesn't matter, because I look down on you, too. If I were you, when I met this villain, I would have a good life with him. I would never have been so tossed. What's the result? Hehe, he is going to be the grandson-in-law of the Ye family. what about you? At most, I'll be a little lover for him

Show small white face, gradually pale.

She is very clear that what Ren Mingming said is true.

Shen Yue will go to Beijing tomorrow to find ye Xiuluo. It is very likely that she will be the son-in-law of Ye's family when she comes back again. However, she looks like she has the chance to win. After Ren Mingming accidentally does something wrong, she sneers at others.

What qualifications does she have?

She is not as good as Ren Mingming.

At least, Ren Mingming is a normal person.

What about her?

With a tail... What?

When the two women's eyes were facing each other, Shen Yue, who was standing nearby, had a headache.

If Ren Mingming doesn't say this to Zhan Xiaobai, he can still smile and coax her to go back to sleep.

But after Zhan Xiaobai's eyes were shining with pain, Shen Yue couldn't do it any more.

Ren Mingming doesn't know anything at all.

She only thinks that Zhan Xiaobai is a little expert and has played a good life beyond recognition.

But I don't know that Zhan Xiaobai has a big secret in his heart. He is also very painful. He hopes to paralyze himself with this attitude towards life.

Ren Mingming's words are like saying to a terminally ill patient that if you have two months to live at most, you can't stop... It doesn't have any encouraging effect, and it will make people more desperate.

Seeing Zhan Xiaobai biting his lips, his body trembled slightly, and his face became more and more pale, Ren Mingming felt more and more happy. He gave a cold hum with disdain. When he was about to leave, he thought of something. He took out the stones from his pocket and put them on the shoe rack.

Then open the door.

Just as she raised her right foot, Shen Yue's cold voice said, "you dare to step out of this door and have a try."