Shen Yue has known ye Xiuluo for a long time. Now he suddenly finds that her voice is so beautiful.

If Shen Yue didn't know ye Xiuluo and only listened to her voice, she would have a pretty and gentle girl in her mind.

In particular, she whispered her husband's voice, high sugar content, but not greasy, will only let a husband feel numb.

With a loud bang, Shen Yue, who was in a daze with his mobile phone, was startled.

It's the sound of Ren Mingming closing the door after entering the house.

It's been a long time since he received ye Xiuluo's phone call, and he's still looking at the western sky with his mouth half open. His face is full of fantasies. Mingming's sister is very angry for no reason. She really wants to raise her feet and give him a hard kick.

She knows, suddenly have this kind of state of mind, be jealous.

If the girl who calls Shen Yue is not ye Xiuluo, but Zhan Xiaobai, Xie Rouqing and so on, not to mention jiaodidi calling her husband. That is to say, if she is a little bit more numb, Mingming's elder sister will only disdain to curl her lips and not take her heart.

But it was Ye Shura, her only best friend in the past, who did not hesitate to pour dirty water on her in order to achieve some sinister intention.

In short, Ren Mingming can forgive all those who have hurt her, but he will not forgive ye Xiuluo.

In particular, ye Xiuluo also wants to marry the man she devoted herself to.

"What's wrong? I don't know why

Shen Yue wants to ask Ren Mingming what's wrong. He raises his hand and knocks on the door.

After knocking for a long time, no one paid any attention.

When he was about to kick the door open, he heard Ren Mingming's voice and said, "go away."

It's crying.

Ren Mingming doesn't know why she is so jealous and unhappy after listening to ye Xiuluo's call for Shen Yue's husband. She even closes the door and leans on the door. When she closes her eyes, tears are pouring down.

Maybe it's because she has always regarded Shen Yue as a friend?

Or, the legendary cannon and friend?

Whatever it is, Ren Mingming never thought that she would fall in love with Shen Yue.

As for using a pair of whitening powder to do that with him, she also thought it was a physiological need.

When a man gains a strong sense of conquest from her, she will never stop flowing

Gaozi said, food and sex, also.

The physiological requirements between men and women are just like eating. They are all necessities of life. At present, Ren Mingming, who is single, gets great satisfaction from his behavior with Shen Yue. It's normal and there's no shame.

But now she knew that it was no longer a physiological need for her to do that with Shen Yue, but somehow, she fell in love with him.

If it's not love, it's just a simple physical need. If you just snap your fingers, there will be groups of men fighting with each other and running to meet her.

But even if she took a knife to cut off Mingming's beautiful little head, she would insist that she would not care for other men except Shen Yue.

"After my divorce from Murong, I once vowed that I would never marry again in my life, let alone fall in love with any man. But why, inadvertently, I was captured by him? If there is no other woman around him, I can consider marrying him and loving him well. He has. Not only have, but also want to marry Shura. Ren Mingming, what evil did you do in your last life that you suffered in this life? "

Ren Mingming covered his face with both hands, weeping, sliding down the door, squatting on the ground, I don't know how long it took before he suddenly stood up.

She wants to stop Shen Yue from looking for ye Xiuluo!

She wants to pull him in like a female leopard that preys on him. She pours on the bed in the rest room, tears his clothes, grabs his neck, and hisses to tell him: "in the future, whenever and wherever you want to ride me, any kind of flower ride, I will fully cooperate!"

She flung the door open.

In front of the iron bar in the corridor outside the door, it was empty.

Under the red setting sun, a group of pigeons with pigeon whistle are flying and making a buzzing sound.

Shen Yue, he's gone.

When Ren Mingming's knees softened and he was about to collapse on the ground, he suddenly burst up and ran down the stairs and rushed into the grassland behind him.

Lao Cao and others, who have to train until the sun goes down every day, are relieved. They are barehanded, with their clothes on their shoulders, talking and laughing with cigarettes in their mouths. When they are about to come out, they suddenly see Mr. Ren rushing in like crazy and running around the track.

Mr. Ren, what's the matter?

Lao Cao, Lao Bai and others looked at each other, their faces full of confusion.

When Ren Mingming finished the whole circle, she raced past them like a whirlwind, so that everyone could see that she was biting her teeth, closing her eyes, and tears splashed from the corner of her eyes. Then we could see that vice president Shen's car, which was originally parked in front of the small building, had disappeared, and everyone seemed to understand something.

The sun, finally slowly submerged by the sunset.

It's getting dark.

Ren Mingming, still running.

Huzi whispered, "it's 31 laps. Mr. Ren never ran according to the training elements. If she continues to run like this, something will happen to her. "

The grassland runway of Shengshi security is 400 meters in a standard circle.

Thirty one laps is more than 12000 meters, more than 10 kilometers.

After president Ren became the leader of Shengshi security, what we often do is to run 50 laps, which is almost equal to a half marathon.

Every time, we are tired to death. When we go to bed at night, we will groan.

However, we will pay attention to breathing adjustment, scientific deceleration, acceleration and other elements in the process of running, and massage the leg muscles with each other after the event.

Can be any total now is blindly running, did not fulfill any training elements.

Don't think that long distance running is only tiring for the body and body, but also has a lot to do with nerves and even the brain.

Unscientific long-distance running can really kill people.

That's why there are always ambulances on the scene of marathons.

Especially after running, running has become a mechanical movement, which is no longer controlled by the brain. It's all instinct. When the two legs are driven and the consciousness is gradually blurred, it's even more dangerous.

Once exhausted, or accidentally fell to the ground, no longer move, has been in high-speed mechanical operation of the body, body skills, due to sudden arrest, and the occurrence of heartbeat, and even brain failure risk.

Ren Mingming is very clear about this.

Now she doesn't care. She just runs and runs with all her strength without observing any running elements.

She may fall down and never get up again.

But what's the point?

You can become a vegetable or die.

Just die.

It's better to die than to live and suffer from that kind of inexplicable pain.

Gradually, Ren Mingming's consciousness began to blur.

Tears have long stopped, sweat is no longer flowing, mouth bitter, heartbeat can not hear, she began to have the feeling of floating.

"One, one, one, two, one. One two three four

All of a sudden, there is a hoarse voice, let in front of the dark Ren Mingming spirit.

Then, there were more than ten men's roars: "one, two, three, four!"

Bang, bang, bang, bang!

Sixteen pairs of soldiers' boots, when they were stamped on the ground, made a roaring sound like a shot of cardiotonic, which made Ren Mingming's heart beat again.

She looked up difficultly and found that the spotlight of the grassland was on.

In front of her, on the left, right and behind, there were men with bare arms, and the sweat beads on their bodies were shining in the light.

It's Lao Cao and others.

Today, we have already run 50 laps twice and almost become dogs. But now no one is leaving after work. Instead, we are running with her.

No one asked Mr. Ren what happened.

No one told her to stop.

We just gathered her in the middle like the stars and the moon. We can't help her quickly adjust her disordered breath with the rhythm of changing running speed, hoarse chants and neat footfalls.

The old Wang head, who was the doorkeeper, also came in. He looked very funny when he limped and ran.

Lao Wang tou once participated in the Vietnam War when he was young and hurt his leg.

If others are disabled, they will feel inferior more or less.

But the old guy, but the disability as the biggest show off, the more people, the more lame the more serious, but also full of pride

Lao Wang handed over a bottle of mineral water.

The cap of the mineral water bottle was not unscrewed, and a small hole was pierced with a knife.

Mr. Ren's physical strength has been seriously overdrawn. He is short of water, but he can't drink in a big mouth, otherwise his lungs will burst.

The water flowing into my mouth is very sweet, very sweet.

Water is the source of life.

"One, two, three, four!"

When Lao Cao and others succeeded in keeping the running speed within three kilometers per hour, which could make Ren Mingming relax, she threw the bottle to Lao Wang.

The bottle slides out a beautiful arc. After the water spills from the small hole, under the spotlight, it forms a beautiful rainbow.


The rainbow is beautiful. Wang's wrinkled face looks beautiful when he laughs. Cao's sweaty back looks beautiful. Yaqing's delicate body looks beautiful.

Every time I caress this beautiful body, my eyes will be obsessed and my hands will tremble, just like this is a rare treasure.

In particular, Yaqing kneels on the tatami and looks like a frog. When she slowly shakes the snow and hips, she always makes Yage feel that it is the most beautiful full moon in the world. She needs to take care of it with her life, sweep it inch by inch with the tip of her tongue, and carefully taste the feeling that makes his soul tremble.

As long as he wants, he can hold her slender waist, grasp her hair, and let out a wolf like roar to pierce the full moon.

And Yamanaka Yaqing, who is one of his milking compatriots, may only cooperate wholeheartedly and cheer him on with his intoxicating nasal voice.

The relationship between brother and sister is a great violation of ethics and is not allowed by the secular society.

But for yamashia Yaqing, who wants to become the first ninja in Japan, it is a necessary "process".

As early as seven years ago, the leader of Toyo crisis flow predicted that Yamashita Yaqing, who has super talent, will become the first ninja in Toyo.

But she had to get over it.

This threshold is to use emotion and desire to stimulate the deepest molecules.

People, only when the hormones rise sharply, will the power and courage hidden deep in their bones be aroused and become the most powerful.

Love and desire are the short cut to success of the Oriental crisis more than 20 years ago.

Crisis flow has painstakingly cultivated several generations of crisis ninjas. They live in tombs and eat corpses. After human nature has been completely destroyed, their pain nerves have lost their effect. Even if they pick out their eyes, they will drop popcorn in their mouth and eat it.

The elite trained by the crisis flow for several generations was destroyed by the Chinese dragon in December more than 20 years ago.

The cruel reality of extermination makes the crisis flow learn from the bitter experience. It took more than ten years to finally see the most powerful secret.