This familiar face once haunted Shen Yue for some time.

Southern Jiangsu dialect.

For a while, Shen Yue always thought about how happy it would be to open her eyes with her every morning.

But also, sunanyin is the woman who hurt him the most.

In a word, Zhan Xiaobai is more capricious than Su Nanyin. He plays with Shen Yue several times and makes him want to strangle her

But up to now, when Shen Yue thinks of Zhan Xiaobai, he always has some inexplicable feeling of kindness and sweetness in his heart.

This made him highly suspect that he might have a great tendency to be humble. As long as he saw that pure little face, all his troubles would disappear.

Shen Yue can forgive Xiaobai no matter how unforgivable her mistakes are.

Because he can deeply feel that he is the only one in her heart.

Zhan Xiaobai is always tossing, that is because she is a child.

The sound of Southern Jiangsu is different.

She is very mature. She is in the most beautiful time of a woman's life, no matter in body, body or mind. She knows what she is doing.

Let's put it this way. Sunanyin, who has a deep heart, will consider everything carefully.

Among them, including how to do, in order to make Shen Yue play.

Therefore, Shen Yue can forgive Zhan Xiaobai for making ten thousand mistakes, but he is heartbroken by sunanyin.

This face that once haunted him was the last thing Shen Yue wanted to see.

Who knows what's going on? Shen Yue is just waiting for a traffic light at the intersection. When he looks out at will, he can see Sunan sound.

This is a black business car. It stops on the inner lane. It should come from the direction of the airport. It is ready to turn around and head for the city.

Sunanyin sat on the right side of the back seat of the car. When Shen Yue just dropped the window, she just fell down and looked out.

Their eyes were opposite.

Just for a moment, Shen Yue saw her eyes changing!

Astonishment, surprise, gloom, pain and sadness finally become the cry of Shen Yue's inexplicable heartache.

Shen Yue didn't dare to look any more. His eyes moved away from her face. He was about to pretend that he didn't know her. When he looked away, he saw another face.

This is a man's face.

With good features, elegant appearance, and a faint air of pride between the eyebrows, one can see that he is a successful person.

Seeing this face, Shen Yue was stunned.

He knows this man.

This man is exactly the one Shen Yue saw in the palace of Wu Yuanming in Meisen Valley, South Vietnam.

It is also the man who bid with Shen Yue in the casino for more than US $10 million and finally succeeded in bidding for Shen Baobao.

How could he be in the same car with sunanyin?

Moreover, even a fool can see that they are very well matched when they sit together. Men are handsome and elegant, women are noble and dignified, and they are a kind couple

Husband and wife?

Shen Yue understood.

Man, should be the husband of sunanyin!

Once upon a time, in order to deceive Shen Yue, sunanyin made up a story that she was the lover of a senior executive of Dacheng Group.

As a matter of fact, whose lover is she.

And which man is qualified to let the famous Guanyin of Sunan in Huaxia shopping mall be his lover!

Her lover is her husband.

Sunanyin herself is the vice president of Dacheng Group headquarters, the eldest daughter of sunanyin's family, and the younger grandmother of Hua's family.

Funny is, mall small white Shen Yue, at the beginning unexpectedly believed her nonsense, just by her play dribble.

In the blink of an eye, after correctly analyzing that this man is sunanyin's husband, Shen Yue suddenly feels that he understands everything.

Sunanyin, who pretends to be crazy about him, did go to Meisen Valley in South Vietnam, but not to find Shen Yue, but to see her husband.

Her husband, a young and senior member of the Hua family, is a big shareholder of Wu Yuanming's business.

Otherwise, why should Wu Yuanming's men respect him so much?

Sunan Yinming is obviously looking for her husband, but in order to cheat Shen Yue, she carefully arranges a play in which Lin Yang follows him secretly, hides in the underground palace and cries. After leading him in, she tells him the lies and makes a poison oath on the spot.

"Maybe, when I swear to Lin Yang, sunanyin is hiding in the dark, coldly laughing at my whimsical. Hehe, no wonder I didn't find her. She was not kidnapped at all. I just didn't expect that I would find her husband and almost kill him. "

All of a sudden, Shen Yue, who thought he had understood all of them, felt a pain in his heart.

This is because, at that time, when he vowed to marry sunanyin, who was sullied by bad people, he was sincere

However, this smelly woman, who was very thoughtful, took advantage of his sincerity and played him with applause.

If it wasn't for chance, Shen Yue overheard the conversation between her and her third uncle on the day he returned to Castle Peak. He must still have a dream of marrying a seven star beauty.

"Ha ha, what's the virtue of Lao Tzu? In order to deceive me, he did not hesitate to seduce me with beauty and color. It seems that she is not completely lying to me. It's very likely that she also enjoys stealing love from her husband. She, at most, just treats me as a plaything. Alas, it's worthy of being a rich young lady. The way to play with people is very clever. I admire you. I admire you. "

Thinking of this, Shen Yue smiles with admiration and nods to Su Nanyin.

After he pretended not to know and moved his eyes, Sunan Yin was bleeding with heartache.

She wants to push open the car door, rush to Shen Yue's arms, hit his chest with her fist, and tell him that she is not playing with him, but really loves him, wants to marry him, wash his clothes, cook his meals, make his bed and give birth to his children!

But she didn't dare.

It's not because Hua Yingming is here.

If only Hua Yingming was there, it would not be enough to restrain Southern Jiangsu Guanyin from expressing his love for Shen Yue.

What really makes sunanyin dare not act rashly is that the old man of the Su family, who will die at any time, doesn't want to hear his favorite granddaughter, betrays the marriage between the two families and falls hopelessly in love with a dissolute son.

The person I love most is clearly in front of me. I look at her with the eyes of strangers, but she can't do anything except sitting in the car. The pain makes Sunan Yinjiao tremble.

Shen Yue suddenly laughed at her!

When sunanyin wants to hide her face with both hands and cry silently, Shen Yue smiles at her.

The world suddenly has light.

Sunanyin's eyes suddenly brightened, and his mouth was about to call out his name, but he was stunned.

Because she can clearly see that Shen Yue's smile to her is not friendly, nor does it mean love, but ridicule.

A cruel mockery!

It hurt more than ten thousand needles stabbing her heart at the same time.

"He saw me with Hua Yingming. I also judged that he was my husband, so I thought that I was kidnapped in South Vietnam at the beginning, and it was just a scam carefully arranged to play with him. He hated me even more

After the pain, sunanyin felt cold numbness.

In his ear, Hua Yingming hissed like a poisonous snake: "Guanyin, he just wants you to betray the marriage of Su Hua and his family and our love. Do you just want to marry his wife and head?"

Until now, Hua Yingming does not know that sunanyin has been to Meisen valley. After being kidnapped as a bidding product, he hides in a dark room through a small hole and sees with his own eyes that he and several girls are rolling in front of Wu Yuanming.

Su Nan Yin can't speak.

It's not that she wants to save face for Hua Yingming. It's not that she wants to ensure the face of the two big families when she learns that she is raising a lover in China.

But she regarded it as the most powerful nuclear weapon!

In addition to several key figures of the Su family, no one knows what she really thinks.

At the most critical time, she will take out these and bomb Hua Yingming and even the whole Chinese family!

She wants to use these to fight for her best interests.

Southern Jiangsu is one of the best women in the world for its dignified and noble voice, gentle personality, deep ingenuity and strong endurance.

So when Hua Yingming recognized Shen Yue, he knew that this was the culprit who let his beloved wife betray him. What's more, he once discovered his biggest secret in Meisen Valley, South Vietnam, and beat the villain who beat him, he was frightened and scared.

More, anger.

Hua Yingming has been discovered some secrets by Shen Yue. It's nothing.

Now Wu Yuanming has died miserably. Hua Yingming has destroyed all the criminal evidence before he left Meisen valley. Even if Shen Yue comes forward to correct him, what's the matter?

Hehe, don't forget that the Chinese are gentlemanly gentlemen. Outsiders will give a thumbs up and praise them.

What is Shen Yue?

Jing Hongming's nephew?

Lu Jiajun's supervisor?

Heici's successor

Stop it.

These other grassroots admiration of identity, in the eyes of the real aristocracy, it is not a matter.

Therefore, even if Shen Yue stands up and corrects him, Hua Yingming doesn't even need any explanation. People will think that this guy is making such ridiculous remarks in order to hold Su Nanyin's thigh.

What really makes Hua Yingming mad is that this bastard turns him green!

As early as more than ten years ago, Sunan Guanyin, who has the same reputation as Lingnan Yanwu fairy, is his.

It can only be his.

Anyone who dares to try to take her away, Hua Yingming will give the most painful blow, there is no doubt about this.

As long as the aura of Shen Yue's "sacrifice" for his country weakens, Hua Yingming will launch a series of attacks on him.

However, Hua Yingming can see from the way her wife looks at the bastard that she is full of the desire to jump into his arms and let others ride on her white body.

She, how could that be?

This shameless smelly woman!

Especially after he asked that sentence like a poisonous snake, sunanyin nodded and said in a soft voice, "yes, he is my lover and head now. But in the future, he will be the father of my children. "

When she said that, she suddenly felt a sharp pain under her ribs.

It hurts. It hurts.

It was Hua Yingming reaching out and pinching the soft meat under her ribs.

The pain made Sunan Yinjiao tremble. She opened her mouth to scream, but she bit her lips with silver teeth, without any reaction.

It's like Hua Yingming didn't pinch her.

Hua Yingming knows very well how delicate his wife Xuefu is. If he touches her carelessly, there will be bruises, which will disappear after a long time. As a result, he does not dare to enjoy himself when he loves her.

Now he pinches with all his strength, almost breaking the oil skin.

She just trembled, and nothing happened.

What's more, there was a sneer on her lips. She didn't even look at him, but just stared at Shen Yue.

The red light turns green and Shen Yue starts the car.

When he was in gear, he returned to sunanyin with a smile.

Sunanyin's sarcasm at Hua Yingming after offending her with brute force is completely accepted by Shen Yue

He thought that sunanyin was laughing at him: "I'm just playing with you. What can you do to me?"

Shen Yue won't do anything to her.

First, it's unnecessary. Second, it's too lazy to do anything to her.

"When they're gone, you can still see."

Looking at Shen Yue's car, Hua Yingming asked in a soft voice: "cheap, cheap, do you want to be killed by him?"

Noble Hua Da Shao, said such rude words.

Sunanyin was not surprised, but answered faintly: "yes. Now I want to see all kinds of grass changed into flowers by him