Shen Yue's mobile phone number to tell Xie Rouqing, Chen Lin immediately noticed something wrong.

Indeed, she can see that the relationship between Xie Rouqing and brother Yue is very unusual. They live together, and it's normal for them to get married.

The problem is that the relationship between Xie Rouqing and Zhan Xiaobai is also very close.

Can two beautiful women keep a sisterhood when they fall in love with the same man?

The answer is yes, don't even think about it!

In particular, Xie Rouqing has already lived with Shen Yue. No matter how generous Zhan Xiaobai is, he would like to drink her blood, eat her meat and draw her tendons. No matter what, he would not come to the bar together that night.

What's more, when she saw Xie Rouqing's first glance, she saw that the goblin was a pure virgin.

I was just shocked by the lie that she was pregnant.

"No, I've been fooled!"

Chen Lin suddenly woke up, raised her hand to caress her forehead, and sat down on the chair.

She felt that she was smart enough, but she was still fooled by Xie Rouqing.

It's not a big deal to be fooled by the little landlady.

The problem is that before he left, brother Yue was told by thousands of people not to reveal his whereabouts to anyone.

It's anybody!

"I betrayed brother Yue's trust. Damn it."

Chen Lin closed her eyes and collapsed on the chair. She didn't know how long it took before she laughed miserably. Someone knocked on the door.

Now Chen Lin's mood is quite bad, but she can't let others see it, let alone ignore it when someone knocks on the door.

What if there's a big accident in the bar?

She sat up quickly and said in a deep voice, "come in."

This time, assistant Xun Xun came in: "Mr. Chen, someone is looking for you."

"Who? Just say I'm not free. "

Chen Linxiu frowned and just refused. Xun Xun said, "this lady claims to be brother Yue's mother-in-law."


Chen Lin was stunned.

Brother Yue's real girlfriend is Zhan Xiaobai, his second aunt is Xie Ruqing, and her husband's wife who is looking for life and death for him. Tonight, Chen Lin knows all about it, but she has never heard of it. He has a mother-in-law.

No, Shen Yue must have a mother-in-law.

As long as a man has a female ticket, he will have a mother-in-law, whether panting or ascending.

So, is it strange that Shen Yue has a mother-in-law?

I just don't know which mother-in-law is coming

No matter which mother-in-law came, Chen Lin did not dare to neglect, and quickly stood up: "come on, please mother-in-law."

Anxious, sister Lin made a slip of the tongue.

Hou didn't care when he heard Yan dance outside the door. After he said thanks with a kind smile and Xun Xun, he put the bag in front of his belly and walked in with a high heel.

Looking at the beautiful smell of Yan dance, Chen Lin was stunned again and thought, "is this brother Yue's mother-in-law? It can't be one of his best friends, can it? This appearance, this figure, this bearing, I do not know how much stronger than I, how can it be mother-in-law

At last, the old exhibition ended, and Wen Yanwu became a free man. In the future, no one would say anything about it, no matter wandering outside or fishing for a winner. It's not too good.

She also enjoyed the feeling that others were shocked by her beauty. It seemed that she was ten years younger and matched Shen Yue very well.

Chen Lin was shocked by the overwhelming momentum of the guests. Ten seconds later, Wen Yanwu walked to the sofa with an elegant pace. He sat down and said, "manager Chen, let's meet again."

"Have we met before?"

Chen Lin murmured.

Wen Yanwu laughed: "that night, Xiaobai and I, as well as tenderness, came to the bar to find Shen Yue."

"That night?"

Chen Lin blinked her eyes and suddenly remembered.

When Zhan Xiaobai came to see Shen Yue that night, he did have two women with him.

One is a little landlady, the other is a young woman in black pajamas and hair.

But that night Chen Lin's attention was on Zhan Xiaobai, ignoring the smell of Yan dance.

Now, after being reminded by her, she suddenly remembered and blinked again. Finally, she was sure that Wen Yanwu was really the young woman who came that night.

She quickly walked around the table and said, "ah, hello. Sorry, my memory is not very good. Would you like tea or "tea"

Wen Yanwu interrupted her and said with a smile, "since I've come to my son-in-law's bar, of course I'll have a drink."

No matter what she drinks, Chen Lin can satisfy her.

The problem is, Chen Lin doesn't know which woman's mother she is.

Fortunately, Wen Yanwu introduced herself: "I am Zhan Xiaobai's mother."

"Are you the mother of Zhan and Zhan Zong?"

Chen Lin began to blink again, subconsciously searching for places similar to Zhan Xiaobai on Wen Yanwu's face.

It failed.

Wen Yanwu said, "I'm her stepmother."

"I see. Stepmother, just a moment. "

Chen Lin suddenly realized that she had made a slip of the tongue again after saying this sentence. She couldn't explain any more, so she had to smile and quickly serve her stepmother and mother-in-law with wine.

The same is drinking, but different people drink, the posture is not the same.

This is just like the same apple, you throw it to the pig to eat, and invite the beauty to eat, the eating phase will be very different.

Chen Lin has been working in the bar industry for many years. She may not know anything else, but she can see how many people drink every day. She can basically judge their own upbringing from their drinking posture.

Education has a lot to do with money.

Do beggars, who are dying of hunger, still care about education?

Education, just never worry about children to go to school, what to eat next meal, how to do this month's mortgage, people with status, deliberately pursue things.

Chen Lin can see at a glance that her upbringing is no less than that of Sunan music.

A lot of things can't be obtained with money. Things like noble temperament need to be accumulated by generations.

"Good wine. Although this wine is not as good as Lafite in '84, it is also the best in the same brand. "

After slightly showing off his erudition, Wen Yanwu put down his glass and looked at Chen Lin sitting opposite him: "Mr. Chen, I came to you so late. I think you should understand something in your heart."

Chen Lin wry smile: "I would rather not understand. Well, that

"My name is Wen Yanwu. Hear the smell of beauty in the East China Sea, the swallow in the forest, the dancing dance. "

When hearing these words, Yan Wu's eyes were a little erratic, as if she had gone back to 15 years ago and said in a dreamy way: "although I look younger than you, I am Shen Yue's mother-in-law after all. Just like him, you call me aunt dancer. Well, I'm old. "

After listening to what she said, Chen Lin felt uncomfortable.

What looks younger than me?

Even if it looks younger than me, it's just that!

Chen Lin dares to think like this, but does not dare to say so. She can only be more respectful than obedient: "aunt Wu, I'm really sorry. I really don't know where brother Yue has gone, and I don't have his contact information. After all, I'm just working for him. I don't have the right to know that. "

Hearing that Yanwu raised her hand and gathered her hair around her temples, she had all kinds of manners and said with a soft smile: "Mr. Chen, if we Mingren don't talk in secret, I'll have something to say. If Xiaobai doesn't get news from you about Shen Yue, she won't leave. "

Chen Lin wants to tell Aunt Wu that she didn't tell Zhan Xiaobai about brother Yue!

But what's the difference between Xie Rouqing and Zhan Xiaobai?

With another gloomy sigh, Chen Lin had no choice but to say, "aunt Wu, since you already know that Zhan Zong is here and has got what she wants. Then go home and ask her. Please don't embarrass me

"She won't tell me," she said

Chen Lin didn't understand: "aren't you the mother of Zhan Zong? Although it's not pro, it's a mother daughter relationship after all. "

After she had said this, she realized that something was wrong.

What do you want to do with brother Yue?

To show Xiaobai?

She knows that Zhan Xiaobai has been here, so there is no need to find Chen Lin again.

As if to see the doubts in Chen Lin's heart, she smiles after hearing Yan dance.

This time, her smile, quite coquettish.

Chen Lin, who is trying her best to take the coquettish route, is ashamed of herself. Her heart jumps. When she bows her head in a hurry, she asks: "Mr. Chen, if you are Shen Yue, after you have such a coquettish mother-in-law and a stepmother of my girlfriend, will you be moved and want to try to ride my horse?"

Chen Lin was stunned.

It's a complete stupidity.

Even if all the people in the world pointed to sister Lin's nose and scolded her, she recognized it.

Who told her to do it?

But after hearing Yan Wu say these words, I feel that compared with her, I am just Zhen, Jie lie and Fu.

In the world, which mother-in-law would tell someone she just met that her son-in-law wanted to try riding her horse?

shame on you?

Wo Cao, don't insult these three words, OK!

Wen Yanwu said again: "I know, you must think I'm shameless. Hehe, I have an affair with my stepdaughter's fiance. However, this is the truth. Well, I've been ridden twice by that little villain. "

Chen Lin suddenly wants to hide her face and run out. She orders the security guard to come in and drag the shameless woman out to put a pig cage in the river!

She just raised this idea, smelling Yan dance asked again: "Mr. Chen, where is your hometown?"

Chen Lin's answer is "Shu Zhong."

"Shu Zhong? Well, it's not very far from Lingnan Miao border. "

When Yan Wu heard it, she lifted the glass again. When she shook it, she cocked up her legs. The thin high heel immediately hung on the tip of Xuezu's foot, swinging back and forth. Some kind of breath suddenly stirred up in the whole room: "well, you should have heard of Miao's poisonous insects?"

"Gu Du?"

After hearing such a terrible thing, Chen Lin finally woke up a lot: "I've heard of it."

"That's good."

The charming color on Yan Wu's face is more powerful, but in her eyes staring at the wine glass, there is a fierce spirit: "if I say that I have an affair with Shen Yue, it's because I've been seduced by a lover. If we don't keep that kind of relationship, we will bleed and die within a month. Do you believe that? "


Chen Lin wanted to ask these two words, but her mouth was wide open, but she didn't make any sound.

She laughed again when she heard Yan dance.

Very strange, more demonic smile: "whether you believe it or not, you should see the difference from normal people from my temperament now. The love bug can not only make a man and a woman loyal to each other in this life, but also bring peace to women

At this point, Wen Yanwu suddenly stretched out her hand and raised Chen Lin's chin with her scallion white index finger: "I can be so enchanting, thanks to my lover Gu. You can't catch up with me, even if you use all your charming skills. "

Chen Lin didn't know that lover Gu had this special effect.

But she must admit that the current release of the flavor of the smell of Yan dance is not what normal people can have.

Moreover, she said that she had been ridden twice by my brother-in-law, and Chen Linzhen saw it.

Hearing the swallow dance, she drew back her hand, bowed her head, looked at her slightly bulging abdomen, and said in a voice with high sugar content: "I'm pregnant with his baby."