Someone is easy to handle.

In particular, Zhan is always such a pure looking girl. She seems to be a special match with Dr. Meng's grandson who just graduated from university. Of course, she has to be warmly treated.

After the two exchanged greetings, Zhan Xiaobai explained his intention.

Of course, she won't tell Dr. Meng that Lao Hu of Qianfo Mountain hospital said that her tailbone pain was due to the phenomenon of stratification, and that she might grow some kind of tail in the future. She only said that she fell down one day when she was on the stairs, and now her tailbone is aching faintly, and she doubts whether it's cracked.

Wrestling and squatting to the tailbone often happens in reality, and Dr. Meng doesn't care. She just asks her to take a film.

Maybe it's because the patients know that Zhan Zonggui is not in good health. There are very few patients coming to the specialist clinic today. When she got the film and knocked on the door, Dr. Meng was still alone.

Before he got the film, Zhan Xiaobai prayed in his heart, never to see the damned Festival.

She was disappointed.

After she got the film, she ran to the bathroom, looked at the sun carefully, and sighed heavily in her heart.

The extra piece of tailbone is very clear on the film, and it seems to be bigger than the one taken in Qianfo Mountain hospital a few days ago.

Maybe it's psychological?

When he gave the film to Dr. Meng, Zhan Xiaobai's hand trembled a little.

Fortunately, Dr. Meng didn't pay attention. After she sat down with a smile, she put on presbyopic glasses and began to watch the film carefully.

Zhan Xiaobai looks at doctor Meng's face.

She saw that Dr. Meng only looked for a few seconds, and his white eyebrows wrinkled, and his face became more dignified.

Zhan Xiaobai's last hope was shattered and his despair rose.

"Xiaobai, go and have a blood test."

When Dr. Meng put down the film, his face had returned to normal and he said with a smile.

Bone injury, blood test?

Zhan Xiaobai bit his lower lip and said with a strong smile, "Dr. Meng, do you see something bad?"

After pondering for a moment, Dr. Meng asked: "Xiaobai, have you checked before?"

Dr. Meng is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. What he pays attention to is to ask, smell, look and cut. After noticing the fear in Xiaobai's eyes, he knows that she is coming for a follow-up visit today.

Zhan Xiaobai replied softly: "last time, I went to Qianfo Mountain hospital and found Dr. Hu."

Of course, Dr. Meng knew Lao Hu. He immediately asked, "did Lao Hu tell you about the" layer Festival "

It's another bloody Festival!

Zhan Xiaobai bit his lips and nodded silently.

"Xiaobai, go for a blood test. Maybe there's something wrong with the blood. "

Dr. Meng didn't ask any more questions, but assured Zhan Xiaobai that she would not mention it to anyone without authorization.

It's a long process to draw blood, test and wait for the results.

Zhan Xiaobai declined Dr. Meng's offer and sat on the bench outside the corridor, staring out of the window in a daze.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, she finally got the test sheet.

This time, Dr. Meng didn't exchange any greetings with her. He took the test sheet and looked down.

Zhan Xiaobai found that Dr. Meng's face had a dignified look of surprise.

She suddenly wanted to cry: "my wife's fate will not be so bad, right? It's about to grow a tail. If there's another accident in the blood, will it make people live? "

"Xiaobai, don't worry. Your blood sample is normal."

When Dr. Meng took off his presbyopic glasses and wiped his eyes, he found that water mist had floated in Zhan Xiaobai's eyes. His small appearance was pitiful and distressing. He immediately understood something and quickly comforted her.

Zhan Xiaobai forced a smile and wanted to ask in a sharp voice: "since it's normal, why do you look so bad?"

As if knowing what she thought, Dr. Meng explained, "I was surprised just now because your blood type is very rare."


Zhan Xiaobai was stunned: "how rare is it?"

As we all know, blood groups are mainly divided into a, B, AB, O, and there are rare blood group systems such as RH positive.

But if it's just a rare blood type, Zhan Xiaobai believes that Dr. Meng, who is well-informed, will not use the word "rare".


Dr. Meng said, picked up the receiver, dialed a number, and said something in a soft voice.

Zhan Xiaobai can vaguely hear that she is telling the blood test department not to tell the case of blood type in Qilu Hospital, so as not to cause trouble for people.

For this, Zhan Xiaobai is very grateful to Dr. Meng for his thoughtfulness.

After instructing there, Dr. Meng continued: "originally, Rh blood type is only a rare blood type, not rare. But that's specifically positive. And yours is negative. "

"Maybe it's because I'm a girl."

Zhan Xiaobai pretended to be relaxed and asked, "what is the RH negative blood type? How rare is it?"

After thinking about it, Dr. Meng said, "you should be able to find this information on the Internet. This blood type is called Panda blood, also known as golden blood. So far, only 43 cases have been found in the world. As for these 43 people, why do they have this rare blood type? At present, the experts who study this have not found an authoritative answer. "

There is a saying that the rarity is the most important thing.

The quantity of anything, as long as it is rare to a certain extent, then it will double its value.

Not to mention the national treasure giant panda, take gold for example. If it is everywhere, who will be rare?

"I vaguely remember that seven years ago, a Swedish biologist, like Dr. Ron, claimed to have deciphered the unique code of panda blood."

Dr. Meng raised his hand to wipe his sparse gray hair and said in an uncertain tone: "but in fact, he did not publish his scientific research achievements in the authoritative media. It's only in our circle that it spreads occasionally. "

Although Dr. Meng is more than 60 years old and has been worrying about her grandson's marriage all day, he has a good memory.

Seven years ago, Dr. Ron, a geneticist at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, did claim to have deciphered the unique code of panda blood, saying that people with this rare blood type are related to a common animal.


Fox also belongs to canine family. It looks like a dog, but its reputation is never good. It's insidious and cunning.

In years of painstaking research, Dr. Ron first discovered this blood type by chance from a fox living in a subtropical forest.

Originally, the number of foxes in the subtropical forests is very rare. What's more, this kind of fox with the same fur as the Arctic fox will have this unique blood type?

From this, Dr. Ron boldly guessed whether there was a secret relationship between the panda blood type and the white fox?

Darwin can say that man evolved from monkey, so why can't Dr. Ron make a bold guess based on this?

And more importantly, people with this rare blood type are basically as "handsome and beautiful" as the white fox. They are cunning, intelligent and sometimes cruel.

If, on the basis of these, further research is carried out to improve some of the weaknesses in Panda blood, will genes be changed and new species will be derived?

Dr. Ron's bold conjecture is regarded as a challenge to Darwin's authority. It's pure nonsense. It's just a dream to be famous. Such a scientific scum should be expelled from the Royal Academy of Sciences and let him live with the white fox.

"Of course, what I said was just a joke. However, later I specially checked on the Internet that Dr. Ron was expelled from the Royal Academy of Sciences. Gradually, people forget about it. "

Dr. Meng then picked up the film and looked at the light for a long time before murmuring, "although I'm not a geneticist, how can I suddenly feel that Dr. Ron's bold guess was reasonable?"

Zhan Xiaobai's face turned pale immediately.

The speaker has no intention, the listener has intention.

Dr. Meng first saw that there was a layer on her tailbone, and after seeing her blood type, he mentioned the nonsense of Dr. Meng. Then, is she suggesting that Zhan Xiaobai has an ulterior relationship with some kind of animal?

Fox has a beautiful big tail.

It's cunning, intelligent and sometimes cruel.

Especially that kind of white fox is the "aristocrat" of foxes, handsome and beautiful.

But our exhibition general manager, besides does not have the big tail, looks like conforms to other conditions.

It doesn't matter. Beautiful big tail, sooner or later.

Because it's only a few days, and zhanxiaobai's level has a subtle development.

"Thank you, Dr. Meng. I, I have to go. Please keep it secret for me. Can I take that film? "

Seeing that Dr. Meng was always staring at the film and immersed in some kind of fantasy, he didn't move for a long time. Zhan Xiaobai bit his lip hard and got up to say goodbye.

"Ah? Ah

Dr. Meng just woke up from a dream. He was deeply ashamed that she said something she shouldn't have said. He blushed and stammered to apologize.

Zhan Xiaobai forgives the old man magnanimously.

When she walked out quickly with the film, she heard Dr. Meng's pitying sigh behind her.

"I don't want anyone to pity me! Even if I really grow a fox tail, so what? Who's in the way? "

Zhan Xiaobai really wants to go back and scream out these words to doctor Meng.

Take it!

When she drove out of the hospital, the sun was about to set. The golden sun was all over the world, and the scenery was beautiful.

"The world is so beautiful, but I want to have a long tail. What's the reason of heaven?"

Zhan Xiaobai took a deep breath and took back his tears by the way, speeding up the car.

No one wants misfortune.

But when the unfortunate dead face to knock on the door, in addition to suffering, it seems that there is no way.

Fortunately, a person's life is not too long. A hundred years have passed in the blink of an eye. Why should he be haunted by misfortune when he can enjoy himself?

It's better to get drunk, even if you don't get drunk.

At 7:30 in the evening, Zhan Xiaobai, who was crying and laughing all the way and didn't know what to say, drove to qingben.

Before getting off the bus, she took out a wet towel to wipe the tears on her face, and put on a little make-up to make sure that no one else could see that she had cried before she pushed the door.

Just as she was about to push the door, a black car slowly stopped beside her.

In order to avoid the car also open the door, will encounter, Zhan Xiaobai had to temporarily withdraw his hand.

Sure enough, as soon as the car stopped, the front passenger's door opened and someone stepped down from the car.

It's a woman.

It should be said that she is a beautiful young woman.

Zhan Xiaobai is so big that she has never seen such a graceful woman before. Just look at her more and you will feel ashamed.

After getting out of the car, the young woman bent down and took out a black baseball cap and a black mask from the car.

It seems that the young woman is also very aware of her peerless appearance. When she comes to a place like a bar, it will cause unnecessary trouble. She only wears a hat and a mask, which is also very common.

"Well, when I come to play in such a place, I hide and tuck in. I'm a whore again."

Zhan Xiaobai sneers in the dark. When he talks about it, he wakes up in time. What does a beautiful young woman like? Does she have a dime relationship with her?