Shen Yue thought that since Qingling stronghold had its own system and Yuner fairy was relieved after his death, the funeral should be different when he was sent back to the ghost ship.

In fact, funerals in Qingling village are almost the same as those in the mainland.

The people of Qingling stronghold, each with a mourning stick, were dressed in linen robes, white hats, and straw ropes tied around their waists. They stood in the long street and looked up at Mr. Yun er's body. They were carried down by four strong men with door plates.

On the street in front of the bamboo building, a piece of wooden board has been laid out for a long time. The bed board is as big as that, and there are two wooden sticks in the middle.

As soon as the four young men put his body on the table, several nuns came up, opened a white cloth and covered it with a board.

As soon as they stepped down, some people began to put paper men and paper boats around the remains.

This custom is slightly different from inland customs.

In addition to paper men, there are white horses, old cattle, cars, TV sets, mobile phones and so on.

There are only paper men and paper boats here. After all, they are buried at sea. Those old cows and the like will drown when they go to the sea. It's better to be a boat.

When everything was ready, the old mother, who was in charge of the funeral ceremony, said something in a low voice. Immediately, eight young men came out of the crowd, bent down, grasped the four corners of the board and the two ends of the stick, slowly lifted them up and carried them on their shoulders.

As soon as they lifted up the board, Yunxia, who had been kneeling on the head of Mr. Yun er's body for a long time, raised a tile and hit a stone in the old mother's gentle voice.

When the tiles were broken, the old lady cried sadly, "send Mr. Rong back home."

Tile throwing is an indispensable ritual in many parts of China.

It is said that this ceremony began in the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period. After he lived in seclusion, Fan Li became a famous tycoon in history. He accumulated hundreds of millions of money, had nothing to drink, and went boating on the West Lake with the beauty of Xi Shi. It was a pleasant day.

Maybe sister Xi Shi did something immoral when she was young, or she didn't want to have children in order to keep her beautiful figure, so they had no offspring.

There is no successor, so who should inherit Mr. Fan's billions?

So he thought of a way to make a earthen pot. He said that when he was in mourning, who would kneel in front of the body and break the earthen pot when he woke up, he would inherit his property.

As for the number of young men rushing to throw tiles to Lao Fan, I don't want to mention it here. Anyway, the custom that whoever breaks tiles will inherit property has been passed down, which also means that the dead can take all the burnt paper money to the underworld.

After Yunxia fell the tile, she couldn't endure the grief any more, so she fell to the ground and cried.

"Go, go, get out of the way. Don't delay your husband's coming home!"

Eight young men carrying coffins, drinking in unison, rushed to a group of women and helped Yunxia up.

Hua La, thousands of Qingling people standing on the street are on both sides.

Where Mr. Wang's body passed, all the people knelt down.


Yunxia went after her crying.

Where the coffin was carried, someone knelt down and stood up, waiting for the cloud to come and follow her.

Go all the way, kneel all the way.

If you look down in the air, you can see Mr. Yun er's coffin carrying, just like a boat chopping waves. The white water waves fluctuate rapidly. After three hills, they meander to Qingling county.

When the coffin quickly came to the street of Qingling County, there were no more Qingling villagers on both sides, but there were white banners, which were closely raised in the funeral procession, like paper money like butterflies, dancing in the wind, as if to fly to the rising moon in the East.

The streets of Qingling county are also full of people, and even dozens of people in police uniforms walk back and forth nervously to maintain order.

They are really afraid that someone will provoke Qingling stronghold people at this time.

Once that happens, no one is allowed to delay the growth of the old people. The villagers of Qingling village will rush up in anger and drown the troublemakers.

Fourteen years ago, there was an accident.

It was ah Xia's grandfather's big trip. When carrying the coffin through Qingling County Street, a group of foreign tourists who claimed to be from the civilized world took out their cameras to take photos and said they would take them back to show their friends the superstition activities here.

As a result, all nine of them were smashed alive with mourning sticks by angry Qingling villagers.

In order to quell the incident, troops were dispatched to Qingling area.

But the thunder is loud and the rain is small.

In this case, the people of Qingling village, who have nothing to do with the world, would rather die than retreat. Even if they fight to the last person, they will never compromise.

In desperation, we can only let it go.

You can't send troops to destroy thousands of Qingling people just for the sake of nine sand sculptures?

Fourteen years ago, it left a deep impression on the residents of Qingling county.

When we learned that the qinglingzhai people were growing up tonight, although they all came out to watch the funeral, no one dared to Hu Bili.

Under the guidance of the highest banner, the coffin was carried faster and faster, and soon passed through the long street of the county. Only then did the pace slow down, and the eight young men were panting for breath.

They're more worried about trouble.

Your life and death is a small matter. It's a great sin to delay your lucky time.

After the speed of the flag slowed down, eight young men immediately ran out to replace the coffin bearer.

As many as thousands of mourners, holding mourning sticks, meandering in the moonlight, turned all over the Bay and headed east.

After getting off Qingling village, Yunxia did not dare to cry again under the old mother's warning.

Mammy told her that if she went out of the village and cried, she would be heard by her ancestors. She thought that if she didn't want her husband to go back to his hometown, she would refuse him to go back and let his body float on the sea.

The moon, rising higher and higher.

The wind, it seems, is also strong.

The villagers of Qingling village may have wiped out all the paper money and paper burning in Qingling county. After walking for a full hour, the paper money is still flying all over the sky. People are constantly kneeling down to burn paper when they pass the river or the intersection.

Shen Yue had never seen such a grand funeral, and he didn't think it was stupid or backward.

He only felt deep sadness from the long funeral procession and the flying paper money.

Although he is the husband of the new patriarch, because he will not die in Qingling village, he can only be regarded as a stranger, and he is not qualified to accompany Yunxia, so he will carry the coffin all the way East.

At most, he can only put on a white linen robe, hold a mourning stick, and mix in the team. Looking at the flag raised from a distance, he adds an inexplicable feeling: "if a man can achieve nothing in life, and have such a funeral after death, his life will be worth it."

Not all the people will see thousands of people off after they leave.

Not everyone in the seeing off team, like the people of Qingling village, was in a deep mood and could not help praying for a good trip.

Ye Xiuluo is not the slightest sad, only full of complaints and complaints, but also secretly curse Mr. Yuner is an old dog pit mother.

She has such an attitude because she has never walked such a long mountain road from the bottom to the top.

In particular, the shoes on her feet don't fit. When she walks down the second mountain of Qingling village, snow feet get a few blisters. She can't help but breathe in the cold air. She looks at Shen Yue pitifully many times, hoping that he won't follow him to the funeral.

The old lady made it very clear that Shen Yue was not a member of Qingling village. Whether he went or not, it was all right.

The villain chose to go without hesitation.

If he goes, Ursula has to go.

She doesn't dare to stay in Qingling village alone. Even if Zhuang Chun doesn't show up, she will be scared mad in the empty village.

Since she wanted to go, she had to give Mr. Yun er a bamboo basket full of paper money and burning paper.

In desperation, as ye Xiuluo walked, he and other female Qingling villagers were throwing paper money all over the sky.

She would scold the old dog every time


As soon as the coffin in front of him turned to the East, yeshura called softly, and squatted on the side of the road with his face full of pain.

She took a careless step, but she didn't sprain her ankle, but she broke the blister on the sole of her foot. The pain made her tears in her eyes. I didn't know that she thought that she was sad for her husband's big trip, and squatted down to burn paper.

Shen Yue stopped and looked back at her. He asked impatiently in a low voice, "can you still go?"

"No more."

Ye Xiuluo raised his hand to wipe the corner of his eyes, and said wrongly, "Shen Yue, shall we not go?"

"Whether you like to go or not, I will go anyway."

Shen Yue coldly said a sentence, no longer care about her, turned and walked quickly.

"I won't let you go!"

"I want you to stay with me!" yeshura whispered

How could Shen Yue listen to her? Without looking back, he soon walked away, mixed in a white linen robe, and could not tell which one was him.

"Villain, why don't you die. I swear, if you die, I'll climb and bury you. "

Ye Xiuluo cursed in a low voice. She stood up and was about to catch up with her. It was like a needle pricking pain. She snorted and squatted down again.

Miss Ye's wildness broke out. She just didn't go. She was going back to the long street of the county. When she passed the long street, she saw many police officers on duty.

At that time, she wanted to leave Shen villain and go to the police.

However, she was really afraid that the terrible witch would be in the crowd. Once she was alone, those police officers could not protect her.

But now, in his anger, he took a fluke: "even if the enchantress mixed up in the crowd, he would think I went to the funeral. I never thought that I would come back secretly. "

The more ye Xiuluo thought about it, the more he felt that it was such a truth. His mood was much better, and his feet didn't seem to hurt much.

Finally, the funeral procession passed by, pretending to be burning paper on the side of the road. Ye Shura looked left and right, stood up quickly and trotted to the road.

On the night of the full moon of the Mid Autumn Festival, the air is filled with the unique smell of burning paper, which makes people feel upset and depressed.

More than ten minutes later, ye Xiuluo limped to the long street of Qingling county.

And then you're stupid.

When the funeral procession passed by, it was full of people watching the ceremony. How could it be so empty that there was no hair left?

But there are two stray dogs, hiding in the dark, with bright eyes like ghost fire, staring at her. They will come up at any time and tear her to pieces.

"Where are the police officers? Police station, yes, it must be in the police station. "

After long street, ye Xiuluo once saw a stone house near the street with a sign of Qingling County police station.

Those people must still be in the police station.

Because they have to ensure that the funeral team can safely return to Qingling village before they can complete the task.

Ye Xiuluo did not guess wrong. When she came to the front of the police station quickly, she saw a dim yellow light coming out from the window paper.

With a long sigh of relief, she reached for the door.