
Uncle Yun's answer is quite straightforward.

Shen Yue became interested: "Uncle Yun, who is your acquaintance? Maybe I do know him

"It won't happen that way."

When Yun Er shakes his head with a smile, a Xia comes over with a cup. He digs off the topic: "Shen Yue, drink tea. This tea is made by a Xia herself. It tastes OK. "

After seeing him diverge from the topic, Shen Yue knew that people didn't want to continue the topic, and he didn't care, but he would certainly slander in the dark: "that man, should be the lover of this handsome old man?"

Compared with Lao Zhan, who would feel short of breath in the first half an hour, Yun Er, who is more unbearable than him, is much better than him. He beeps endlessly when he drinks tea. He just wants to know the bottom of Shen Yue.

As early as when he repeatedly fled from Sophia, Shen Yue summed up how to do it so that those who tried to find out about him could only see that he was full of sincerity and believed that he was a young and promising talent, but would never show any flaws.

As for Yun Er, he is very interested in his ability to deal with Sam's Kung Fu easily. Shen Yue admits that he once served in a special force.

Fortunately, when Shen Yue dodged Sam's bullet, ah Xia closed her eyes.

Otherwise, he'll have to explain.

Without a clue about Shen Yue, Yun er must be disappointed: "Shen Yue, where are you going to play after you come to Qingling?"

Shen Yue thought about it and asked, "Uncle Yun, I'm new to guidi. I really don't know where to play. Where do you suggest I go? "

"I haven't left Qingling village for 15 years. Ha ha, now the society is changing with each passing day. It must be different from when I was young. Well, I can let ah Xia accompany you around. "

"Well, it's a full-time tour guide."

After Shen Yue nodded and agreed, he said, "the tour guide fee should be based on the market price. Every day, I will pay a Xia two thousand yuan. "

When it comes to full-time tour guides, Shen Yue thought of sunanyin for no reason.

After he saw sunanyin for the second time, he worked as a full-time tour guide for her and went to the Bank of the Yellow River on foot. He was so tired that he was hunted by blood sucking bats that he almost died there.

What bothers Shen Yue most is that sunanyin, who should have been very generous, didn't pay the full-time tour guide fee afterwards.

Thanks to Shen Yue's magnanimity, she didn't care about three or two thousand yuan because she bought many shirts for him.

He now mentions the full-time tour guide fee. Of course, he is not learning from Nanyin's elder sister, but telling Yun Er tactfully: "don't think of my brother as my future son-in-law. I came to your place just to escape my feelings. I really don't want to escape from the wolf's nest and enter the tiger's mouth again. "

Yuner is very smart.

Otherwise, he would not frown slightly after Shen Yue finished.

He's not happy.

Shen Yue doesn't care.

Whether he was happy or not, Guan Yue said something.

As long as Shen Yue is happy.

I didn't sleep all night last night. The tea fried by a Xia is not as magical as Yun er said. As long as I drink it, I will drive away the tiredness.

Why does Shen Yue always yawn?

Generally speaking, after Shen Yue confessed, Yun Er should ask him to have a rest. He will pay 800 yuan for his stay every night. If he is a little less, he can't leave!

In that case, Shen Yue would take out forty thousand yuan of cash from Sam and fall on the wooden table with a rebellious look on his face, so that he could live for a few days.

After Shen Yue covered his mouth and yawned for the fourth time, Yun Er slowly asked, "Mr. Shen, are you refusing ah Xia?"

He was named Shen Yue just now, but now he is Mr. Shen again.

It's a sign of a turnaround.

Although Yun Eryi is weak, he is the leader of Qingling village and also the local emperor. At the command of the emperor, three thousand Qingling natives will hold up their firewood knives and rush to kill Shen Yue.

Shen Yue is awe inspiring

He laughed: "Uncle Yun, it seems that I have never promised anything. If you don't believe it, you can ask a Xia. "

Sitting on a bamboo chair beside her, ah Xia, who never spoke, suddenly stood up and walked quickly to the end of the corridor.

She's avoiding the problem.

Both men can see it.

Cloud two originally pale face, began to pan green, looking at Shen Yue's eyes, also sharp a lot: "since you have not promised anything, then why do you want to go upstairs?"

Shen Yue's dull appearance: "it's axia who pulled me up."

Cloud two silent sneer, no longer speak, end cup, bow to drink tea.

Shen Yue suddenly understood what, secretly scolded: "I wipe, can't be like this?"

As early as a long time ago, Shen Yue heard murongluo, who lives in the Miao area, say that there are many stockaded villages here. Basically, each stockaded village has its own unique customs.

Especially in the aspect of "weddings and funerals" habitually practiced by mainlanders, they are different from each other.

At present, what the mainlanders are familiar with is that on the night of a full moon, the handsome guy with the right eyes will climb up to the beauty embroidery room in the two-story bamboo building, do the good things, and then climb down and run before dawn.

Don't let her family see it, or it will be a good fight.

So in many stockaded villages here, the second floor is not just a strange man.

Shen Yue is in this situation at present.

Only a Xia's favorite man is qualified to come to the second floor and accept Yun er's interrogation.

Similarly, if Yun Er is satisfied with him, he will be with a xia tonight.

If he doesn't agree, ha ha, it's easy to say that Yun Er will turn his face and let him not want to leave Qingling village alive!

The problem is that a Xia didn't tell him these things.

That wench is simply too sinister, isn't this force good for prostitution?

But Shen Yue certainly can't blame a Xia, just because the custom here is so. If the girl doesn't take home the handsome guy she likes, she will be a fool.

What's more, Shen Yue's refusal attitude, in a Xia's opinion, is a man's hypocrisy.

Until he now politely refused, a Xia realized that she was wrong.

It made her feel like she had no face to sit with him.


After automatic brain filling out what happened, Shen Yue sighed heavily, stood up and said sincerely: "Uncle Yun, there is something I want to explain to you."

Yun Er ignored him and continued to drink tea.

After waiting for a moment, Shen Yue had to say, "to be honest, I'm going out to Qingshan to escape the debt."

With a bitter smile, Shen Yue picked up what he had to say and told it briefly.

Generally speaking, Shen Yue's favorite girl wants to grow old with others, but she is confused for a moment and provokes other women. As a result, she is seen by her sweetheart and is in agony

What's more, there is a married woman who loves him very much.

Shen Yue's current dilemma is not triangular love, but multilateral love.

Shen Yue is in a dilemma because of the popularity of women. He is at a loss and can't hurt any beauty. He can only choose to escape.

I came here to avoid love. Why do you force me to love you?

Shen Yue's meaning was so clear and clear, and his tone was so sincere. After hearing this, Yun ER was indifferent, but said faintly, "how many women are you out there? That's your business. It has nothing to do with Qingling village and a Xia. Shen Yue, since you have stepped on the second floor today, you must marry ah Xia. "


After a long time, Lao Tzu's blatant talk just now became nonsense.

Shen Yue was annoyed, but he always kept a gentleman's manner of respecting the old and loving the young: "Uncle Yun, please forgive me for not being able to obey my orders. Goodbye. "

With that, Shen Yue arched his hand and turned to the stairs.


All of a sudden, a clear bell came from the corner of the bamboo building.

Shen Yue subconsciously looked up and saw a yellow copper bell hanging there. There was a thin hemp thread extending from the bell to the railing on the second floor, where Yun ER was sitting.

He's calling people to stop me from leaving.

As soon as Shen Yuegang understood it, she heard a Xia cry behind her back: "Dad, don't! Let him go. "

Cloud two immediately sternly scolded: "nonsense! If he's gone, how can I explain to your dead mother? "


"Shut up."

Cloud two again reprimand sentence, once again under the bell.

Shen Yue wanted to look back.

Forget it.

He had heard a Xia's low sob. If he saw it with his own eyes, maybe he would be softhearted and stay.

In the sound of his rapid footsteps, Shen Yue came down the stairs quickly.

But as soon as he got to the bluestone Road, he stopped.

Shen Yue began to suspect that it was not the bell that rang, but the computer program that started.

Otherwise, the silver bell still reverberates in the light white fog. How could there be so many people in the originally empty street?

There are 50 men, women, young and old. It seems that they are pouring out.

Moreover, all these people, armed with long bows and full of hostility, stare coldly at Shen Yue.

Shen Yue doesn't care.

He can even avoid bullets, not to mention this ancient long-range weapon?

He laughed again great shift of the universe. Just now, what did he want to see under the supervision of the tough woodlouse? How could there be so many brave men on the bamboo buildings on both sides of the street?

Each hand tied long bow, flashing blue sharp arrow cluster, Qi Qi Qi aimed at him.

Are these people monkeys?

In the corner of his eye, Shen Yue caught a glimpse of another man on the top of the bamboo building on the left side as a long vine glided across the sky.

The bell is the order of Mr. Yun Er, the local emperor of Qingling village, to summon his subjects urgently.

When the bell rings, the rhythm of Qingling village is 18 beats slower than that of the outside, and it has to be changed immediately. All of you, young and old, will come as fast as you can with a long bow.

The sound of many people running and falling on the roof makes Shen Yue think of the ancient wolf soldiers.

Historically, the wolf soldiers in the border areas were quite fierce. They were fearless of death and had strict military discipline, which made the enemy cold.

However, no matter how fierce the enemy is, is Shen Yue afraid?


Who dares to say that they are not afraid? Who will come to the scene to have a try.

Although Shen Yue has some kind of magical stunt, he can dodge the bullet with a speed of more than 300 seconds, what if hundreds of long bows are aimed at him?

No matter how capable he is, it seems that he can only be shot as a hedgehog.


At last someone spoke.

It's an old lady.

When Shen Yue and a Xia passed by, they nodded and said hello to the old lady with a smile. I never dreamed that she was the messenger of Qingling village.


Old Mammy was still standing in the window, looking at Shen Yue coldly, her long bow creaking.

She began the countdown by giving Shen Yue an ultimatum: "don't force me to call out the last number. Otherwise, you will die. "

Looking at her, Shen Yue wanted to kneel down and yell to the old lady to let her brother go.

But in that case, will he still have the face to live?


Sometimes, even if you want to live, you have to die.

The goblin, the white goblin, the goblin Su, and who else, left Shen Yue and sighed in his heart. When she bowed her head and stepped forward, the old mother finally said the last number: "one."