As early as a long time ago, Qingling had the legend of black fog beach.

However, those legends were spread by the outsiders who were the aborigines of negative Qingling in the form of storytelling.

Of course, Qingling officials have heard these legends, but who will take them seriously?

At least, on the surface, they don't take it seriously, but in the exploration team from the East, they have to go to the sea on the full moon night to look for the legendary ghost ship. As a result, after they go to hell, they can only set up a monument on the cliff to tell those who are interested in the legend not to die.

A Xia, a real native of Qingling, would never tell these things to outsiders.

Ah Xia told Shen Yue that there are three main reasons.

1、 This guy is a lifesaver.

2、 She wanted him to soak him.

3、 He asked on his own initiative.

When Qingling girl wants to be soaked by foreign scum, she will say it to show that she is not "teasing you".

After showing the greatest sincerity, the scum does not intend to accept her, so we must believe their legend.

But the scum neither accepts her nor believes her legend. What about Qingling girl?

She will be punished by her ancestors and grow a tail.

Why only grow fox tail, not rabbit or monkey tail?

In the legend of heiwutan, there is a fox's cry on the ghost ship with only lights.

The Qingling natives, who came from the descendants of the ghost ship, thought that the fox was their ancestor. So far, they have always lived in a place free from any suffering.

The Fox also has a king. It is a white fox with nine tails.

"Isn't that the Nine Tailed Fox in the ancient legends of the mainland?"

Secretly sneer at a Xia is too stupid, even believe grow fox tail of Shen Yue, hear here after Leng Xia, say in the heart.

He didn't interrupt a Xia.

In the light of the morning, Shen Yue saw the awed piety from a Xia's face.

This proves that she is afraid when she tells these stories.

Because of the letter, will be afraid.

She is from time to time backhand, touch the part of the tail vertebrae, I'm afraid will suddenly more than a tail.

If Shen Yue is talkative at this time, he will offend ah Xia's faith and become an enemy.

What he can do is to take out a cigarette, light one and give it to a Xia first.

After taking a puff of smoke, a Xia continued: "the old people often say that the world we come from is governed by the fox king. Carefree people all have a fox tail. But if anyone makes a mistake, the tail will disappear and be sent to the world. "

Shen Yue doesn't understand.

According to the legend of heiwutan, the place where Qingling aborigines came from is an unknown paradise. Everyone has a fox tail. If they make a mistake, their tail will disappear and they will be sent to the world to become a Xia.

So, it must be ah Xia who yearns for paradise. Why is she afraid to grow foxtail?

If she really wants to grow foxtail, she can be a person who comes to live a good life.

Ah Xia seemed to know that Shen Yue was puzzled, so she took a smoke again. Then she looked at him and said softly, "the people who were exiled to this world and their descendants have no chance to go back. But after death. Can grow fox tail person, also cannot go back after death. Corpses, can only drift on the sea, rot. The soul is doomed. "

Shen Yue understood.

Subconsciously, he began to fantasize that the body of a Xia with a fox tail was floating on the sea and gradually decaying.

The more remote he is, the more he believes in these nonsense which are untenable in front of science. Shen Yue understands it very well.

Therefore, he must also choose and firmly believe what ah Xia said.

But he didn't understand why the Philips family sent people all the way to send the Peach Blossom Jade Pendant to Heiwu beach?

All of a sudden, Shen Yue's mind suddenly flashed: "is it true that the enslavement of the lady who heard the Yan dance is also related to the black fog beach?"

The two jade pendants Shen Yue saw, green or black, were identical.

It also proves that they all contain the same secret.

Since the Philips family sent someone to send the black Peach Blossom Jade Pendant to Heiwu beach, in order to get the jade pendant from Lao Zhan, he would not hesitate to smell the swallow dance for more than two years. After he got it, he could only send the jade pendant to that place.

"Maybe the legend of black fog beach is real. I heard that Yanwu and the Philips family did not know each other, but they both shouldered the same mission. "

Once a certain point is figured out, Shen Yue's inspiration is like a tidal current. It can be said that it is Diantong, just Diantong.

It's a bit of nonsense to think of the Philips family as the ghost ship in the legend of black fog beach, or even the subordinate of Nine Tailed Fox.

So, why did the Philips family send the black Peach Blossom Jade Pendant to Heiwu beach?

Since this thing is so important, how can you send Sam's two trash here?

It's really puzzling.

Shen Yue frowned and was stunned when he thought of it.

He thought of count Philip's wife, Sophia.

That super rippling woman's favorite thing to do when she's fooling around with him is to play a lady dog.

Although she claims to be brother Yue's lady dog, she always wears fox tail.

At that time, Shen Yue thought that fox tail was popular in boudoir music, and women basically called themselves fox spirits, but no one said they liked to call themselves mothers or dogs.

Fox and dog are both animals, which are used in the pleasure of boudoir. The former is charming, while the latter is cheap.

"Are some of the old legends of the Philip family also related to Qingling black fog beach? And as a result, it affected Sophia who married to his family? "

When Shen Yue's brain began to move, a Xia suddenly leaned over his forehead and gave him a kiss.

After his thoughts were interrupted, Shen Yue was stunned: "what's the matter?"

"I'm glad you believe what I'm saying."

A Xia smiles like a flower: "I don't have to worry about growing foxtail, and I can't go to the place where my ancestors came after I die."

Shen Yue racked his brains to think about those things. Ah Xia saw them in his eyes.

Only when he believed what she said would he think seriously.

In this way, ah Xia doesn't have to worry. She will tell the legend of black fog beach. Shen Yue doesn't believe it. She will grow fox tail. Of course, she is very happy.

After the big stone fell to the ground, a Xia restarted the car.

Shen Yue immediately hugged her waist and her movements were quite natural.

The morning wind is whistling in my ears, the birds are beeping in the trees, and a Xia is humming strange songs. The world is very beautiful.

Shen Yue is a man who can't stop talking, especially when he meets an interested person: "sister Xia, how many people in Qingling believe this legend?"

All the people who believe in this legend are the aborigines of Qingling.

The total population of Qingling is over 90000, and the number of authentic aborigines like a Xia is only about 3000.

Others came here because of wars, natural disasters or crimes. They are not authentic Qingling people.

Because of the belief, Qingling aborigines live in a stockade.

The stockade is called Qingling stockade.

There is a ancestral hall in Qingling village.

What the ancestral hall worships is a Nine Tailed Fox sculpture in black robes.

When folklorists came to do research, they thought that the Nine Tailed Fox was the totem of Qingling aborigines.

Every nation has its own totem. For example, the totem of the Han nationality is the dragon, claiming to be the descendant of the dragon.

Other nations believe in swans, wolf kings and so on.

Not only all ethnic groups in China have their own totems, but also many countries in the world have their own totems.

Some people in the east only believe in men, but they can't compare with yoga in India. It's the strange posture created by men and women who will pursue more fun. However, many people regard it as a treasure of fitness, which makes people laugh and cry.

Shen Yue doesn't have any opinion that the totem of Qingling people is fox.

What interested him was: "sister Xia, after you Qingling women told people about this legend, they didn't believe it. Did you really grow fox tail?"

A Xia shakes her head.

Shen Yue laughed. When she was about to say what you were afraid of, she whispered, "because I didn't wait for the fox tail to grow out, I jumped into the sea from the black fog beach and killed myself. Xiao Yue, if you don't believe me, I will jump into the sea on this full moon night. "

Qingling women tell the biggest secret to men, but they are not trusted. They are worried that they will grow foxtail and can't return to where they came from after death. So they jump into the sea to commit suicide before foxtail grows.

In this way, we can go back to our ancestors.

After hearing this, Shen Yue was startled: "ah? If I don't believe it, are you going to commit suicide by jumping into the sea on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival? "

Ah Xia looked back and said with a sweet smile, "but you believe it."

"Yes, I do. Fortunately, I believe it. "

Shen Yue's face was full of palpitations. After wiping her forehead behind a Xia, she closed her mouth.

He made up his mind that if he could speak less, he would speak less, so as not to say the wrong thing and unintentionally kill a Xia.

After he shut up, ah Xia didn't say anything more. She twisted off the accelerator, and the motorcycle roared and jumped over a puddle.

When Shen Yue felt that the leather stocks were about to be bumped into eight pieces, he finally came to Qingling county.

Shen Yue couldn't believe it if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes. This place is not as good as the remote mountain villages in the mainland. It's the county seat.

Poverty can limit people's imagination, so why not be rich?

Now if Shen Yue takes a picture with his mobile phone, pass it to Chen Lin and tell her that this is the county seat, I believe that the big maid's mouth will be surprised on the surface, but in fact, she will say that the big master is cheating.

Residents in poor areas are not necessarily simple.

At the very least, the Qingling residents Shen Yue saw had nothing to do with simplicity. Men and women, young and old, fat and ugly, all had nothing to do with their faces. They looked at people with slanting eyes and turned their mouths.

Shen Yue, who has just arrived in Guizhou, is very uncomfortable.

But to his surprise, less than five minutes later, he became like this.

The world is drunk, he wake up alone, this is to find the precursor of discomfort.

Must do as the Romans do, in order to get people's recognition, into the sea of the masses of the people, become a drop of water.

After admiring this guy's ability to straighten out his posture in such a short time, a Xia explained in a low voice: "since ancient times, there have been no good people in Qingling county. Good people can't eat here. Therefore, everyone in the street, must put on the appearance of villains, in order to avoid bullying. But when you get home, you can get back to who you are. "

Shen Yue grinned grimly: "hum, how do I feel that I have come to villain's Valley?"

A Xia asked: "villain's Valley? That's a nice name. Where is this valley? "

"It's at least eighteen thousand miles from here."

Shen Yue didn't want to talk too much with the "illiterate" and was perfunctory.

Ah Xia has never heard of the villain's Valley in the masterpiece of the great Xia Gu Long, the peerless double pride. She is not illiterate. What is it?

A Xia didn't ask where villain's valley was. Seeing him looking around, she asked, "are you looking for a hotel?"

Shen Yue nodded.

Ah Xia said with a smile: "don't look for it. Qingling has no hotel. Outsiders come here and live under the house. "

Without waiting for Shen Yue to say anything, ah Xia said, "why don't you go to my house?"