Shen Yue is asleep.

Sleeping sweetly, she ignores that there is a beautiful woman around her. As long as she wants to do that, she doesn't have to work hard. She just needs to hook her fingers. Chen Lin will try her best to make her feel like an emperor.

Kneeling beside him, Chen Lin, who has already beaten his legs gently, looks at him with a thirst for knowledge in her eyes.

How can her eyes, which have been tempered for so long in fengyuechang, not see through this man?

The women that Lin Ziming likes and vows to get are definitely not the "net red women" that can be seen everywhere on the street. They are very conceited with eyebrows and eyes. In fact, they don't know that men have long hated the goblin face of sharp chin.

On the contrary, Chen Lin, a woman with a plump figure, a round chin, and mature eyebrows and eyes, is the one who fascinates men.

She is unarmed, kneeling posture, a look is carefully put out, can arouse the man's impulse.

In fact, Chen Lin also succeeded.

When the guy was about to fall asleep, he felt very uncomfortable sleeping on his stomach. When he turned over and lay on his back, he opened his eyes and looked at her. He did not hide some thoughts in his eyes.

Especially when other people raise their legs to carry on her fragrant shoulder and ask him to help remove her shorts, Chen Lin's heart almost jumps out of her throat with excitement.

This guy is a normal man.

Even better than most normal men.

In bed, a woman's benchmark to measure a man's excellence is the thickness and length of the pole.

Compared with the three men Chen Lin had contacted before, they were all several times more powerful.

However, when Chen Lin forced her excitement, opened her little red mouth and slowly bent over, Shen Yue said four words.

I want to sleep.

The word "sleep" originally meant simply to close your eyes and have a rest, but I don't know when it began to derive that meaning.

But what Shen Yue is talking about now is simply sleeping, which has nothing to do with that.

Chen Lin was stunned.

When she finally woke up, Shen Yue had already made a slight snore.

She finally believed that Shen Yue would never touch her.

However, in order to get angry with a certain president and prove that he trusted her, he didn't have to worry about being kicked out, let alone being threatened by anyone, so he lay in her room and enjoyed her gentle service and beautiful rest.

"In gentle country, he always keeps a" pure relationship ", which is the most he can give me. Zhan Xiaobai is right. He has a certain cleanliness habit in this aspect. I should be satisfied, on the last bottom line, and let him rest here as much as possible in the future. "

Finally want to understand these, Chen Lin intuition all relaxed, slowly lying beside him, curled up, son, staring at him.

I don't know how long it took for her to reach out and turn off the lamp.

In the dark, time seems to slip away from the fingers of the sand, slow but without a pause.

Outside the window, when the sound of a car flute came, Chen Lin bravely raised her left leg and gently put it on him.

Shen Yue had no reaction.

Chen Lin had a lot of courage, quietly curled up her legs, and her knees touched the thing.

He still didn't respond, just snoring evenly.

Chen Lin kept this movement, motionless for half an hour, and then began to move further. Her left hand, like a snake, climbed up his leg and reached the place.

All her actions and thoughts are not trying to break Shen Yue's indifference to her.

Instead, she wants to pursue a greater sense of security.

Chen Lin succeeded in getting what she wanted.

Shen Yue still didn't respond after he was surrounded by small hands.

Maybe, he did fall asleep.

Perhaps, he acquiesced in her careful thinking.

Chen Lin breathed a sigh of relief in the dark. She finally moved her stiff muscles, changed her comfortable sleeping position, got under his armpit, smelled a clearer man's breath, closed her eyes, and soon fell asleep.

The stars outside are blinking.

The night wind is gentle.

When the treetops on the mainland swayed with the wind, the beaches on the Lingnan coastline were gradually engulfed by the sea water after the high tide.


A long fuzzy sound of the ship's siren, I don't know where it came from, startled a small crab sent to the beach by the sea, crawling fast horizontally.

From time to time washed up on the beach, and the rapid fall of the sea, and did not bring it back to the sea again.

Because it has climbed on the rocks on the shore.

Keep climbing.

If you crawl about 500 meters from here to the west, the beach will disappear and be replaced by black, jagged rocks.

Blocks of black rocks, under the starry sky, look like evil life hidden in them. As long as something appears, they will all come alive, open their mouths and eat people.

Little crabs are not afraid.

It may be because of its ignorance. It doesn't know that this area is covered with black rocks everywhere. There are countless reefs extending two nautical miles to the south. Ten meters to the north, it is the coastline of a hundred Zhang cliff, which is the local famous black fog beach.

Black fog beach, as the name suggests, should have black fog.

However, in reality, in addition to toxic chemical fog, there will be no black fog.

This place is still called heiwutan for several reasons.

First, it may be due to the special terrain or some other reasons. There is fog rising almost every night. No matter in spring, summer, autumn and winter, as long as the sun sets and darkness comes, fog will appear. At midnight, the fog is the heaviest.

Especially on a full moon night, when you stand on a cliff or look to this side in the distance of the sea and see the black rock hidden in the fog, you will have a strong visual illusion that the fog is black.

Second, this black rocky coastline stretches for at least tens of kilometers. Every year, people commit suicide by jumping into the sea. However, the corpse will not be swept into the sea or eaten by fish such as sharks. It will only float on the sea and wait for people to salvage it.

If there is no one to salvage it, it can only corrode gradually.

It's not that fish don't want to eat corpses, but that there are no other marine creatures in this area except crabs, shells and aquatic plants.

Relevant departments and departments have taken water samples and tested them carefully.

The sea water here, just like the sea water in other sea areas, has no harmful factors that are not suitable for the growth of other marine organisms.

But there is no other marine life.

Third, not only do people often make a shrill scream and commit suicide by jumping into the river on a full moon night, but also they accidentally deviate from the course, and ships near the black fog beach will have an accident here.

No matter fishing boats or warships, that is impossible. The natural conditions full of reefs do not allow large vessels and submarines to approach.

Ship accident, not rock.

All the modern instruments on the ship are out of order and disoriented.

Even if you can see the cliffs of the coastline with your naked eye, you can't get out of this sea area. You can only turn around in the same place and crash into a deadly reef, causing the ship to sink and people to die.

Experts speculate that there should be a very strange magnetic field under this sea area, just like Bermuda in legend, which is known as the graveyard of a ship. Even the plane in the sky may crash inexplicably.

Even worse than Bermuda.

Because there's at least marine life out there.

Fourth, it is related to an old local legend.

Many people say that every night when the moon is full, a ship will appear in the sea area of black fog beach.

A big ship, black, made of wood, without sails.

The bigger the fog, it will gradually appear in the fog like a ghost. No matter how good the eyes are, they can only see a general picture.

Ghost ship, or ghost ship.

If it is not a ghost ship, how can it appear in this sea area on time on the night of full moon every month?

If it's not a ghost ship, how can it avoid so many hidden reefs and not be afraid to lose its way and get close to the coastline?

There was no one walking on the ghost ship, but there was a light.

Lights, not modern lights, are lanterns and the like, which are raised high on the mast or on the side of the ship's side.

The ghost ship will appear when the fog is the thickest on the night of full moon, and will disappear when the fog gradually dissipates.

For example, it came out from the bottom of the sea. After a breath of fresh air, it went down again. There was no trace, and no one dared to find it.

Because of the above reasons, the sea area of heiwutan is listed as a forbidden place for navigation and play, with few people.

Even in the middle of the day, it is gloomy here.

A few years ago, there was a professional expedition from the Oriental Ocean, carrying the most advanced diving equipment, driving a submachine boat, with the help of shore companions at any time, sailing into the black fog beach on the night of the full moon.

As soon as Hou men entered the sea, Zhu Lang was a passer-by. Perhaps this poem can be used to describe the result of the expedition.

The companions waiting on the shore received their call half an hour after the expedition sailed into the sea.

Should it be a call for help?

In order to prevent accidents, the communication equipment they used were all special channels, which had been tested repeatedly during the day, and there was no fault at all.

But on that full moon night, people on the shore received their phone calls intermittently. They couldn't hear what they were saying at all. They could only judge by their voices. They were in extreme panic at that time.

And there's creepy screams.

And then there was nothing.

The people on the shore immediately contacted the local air rescue team. Sorry, no matter how much money they gave, no one would go to the sea to search and rescue the expedition team at night, because when they insisted on exploring at night, the government signed this kind of life and death contract with them.

They have to wait.

At dawn, the thick fog gradually dissipated, and the sea was rippling with blue waves. A few miles away, there was no charge boat, even a seabird.

Since then, the local authorities have said that no expedition is allowed to come to Heiwu beach, or they will bear the consequences.

In order to remind the uninformed passengers, the authorities set up a blue stone tablet on the edge of the cliff, with the words "black fog Beach" written on it and various warnings not to go to sea below.

Little crab had never heard of this, and he didn't know what was written on the stone tablet. Of course, he didn't care. He just found a piece of black reef to climb up, and curiously watched the mist rising from the sea, getting thicker and thicker.

When the whole sea area of heiwutan was covered by white fog, and the world was filled with strange smell, the little crab finally realized something was wrong. Just as he was about to climb down the reef and get into the sea, he heard a strange cry.

The little crab stopped at once.

If it's a human, it's time to recognize that the faint cry is a fox.

It can't distinguish, but it can feel some kind of danger. It moves quickly again, shrinks into the gap of the reef and peeps out.

I don't know how long after that, a shadow almost three stories high appeared in the fog.

There are several lights on the shadow.

Swaying in the wind.