These three handsome men with black hair, of course, are not Shen Yue's twin brothers.

But their figure and appearance, even their scars, are almost the same as Shen Yue.

Modern plastic surgery is developing at a high speed. As long as Sophia likes it, there will be as many Shenyue as she wants.

In fact, she has made 13 men, all of them Shen Yue, receive a month's professional training, and strive to be exactly like that heartbreaker in words and deeds.

God can testify that these 13 men are the same as Shen Yue in appearance, speech and behavior.

Even more like Shen Yue than Shen Yue.

This is equivalent to that Sophia has 13 Shen Yue at the same time. Except that she can't do that with them according to her ancestral rules, they have to do whatever she wants them to do.

Thirteen people, including massage, shopping, eating, drinking, playing games and walking the dog, Sofia enjoyed the real queen's treatment from them.

What's more, they are very obedient. No one dares to beat and scold Shen Yue when she is in a bad mood, and no one dares to run away.

She only needs to hook her little finger, and Shen Yue will come obediently and wait for her orders.

Even if she was whipped for a few minutes and rolled on the ground in pain, she had to wear a grateful smile on her face.

But no matter how many Shen Yue, how obedient and obedient they are, they are not really Shen Yue after all.

Modern high-speed plastic surgery can transform these men into Shen Yue's, but there are two places that can't be changed.

One is thought.

Apart from serving the queen, Shen Yue's work is to watch the videos of Shen Yue's daily behavior repeatedly. Even in their dreams, they try to make their thoughts perfectly overlap with him.

But they all failed.

A person's thought is as invisible as flowing water. No matter how hard these people try, they can't have the real thought of Shen Yue.

The second one is eyes.

It's the window of the heart. What's inside can be expressed from the eyes.

Shen Yue has been working hard to show his eyes, and constantly training, change, in front of Sophia to make evil, ironic, light and other eyes.

But the more they imitated Shen Yue's eyes, the more painful Sophia was. The harder she whipped them, the more hoarse she screamed: "no, it's not his! His eyes, should be let me heart evil, not dirty! Trash, you trash, you can't learn such a simple thing? "

The more painful Sophia was, the more she hated the man.

All his anger was on the thirteen Shen Yue and they were treated like dogs.

Thirteen Shen Yue wore the same collars as Sophia wore around her neck.


When one hundred people know this, one hundred people will say that she is a pervert.

Sophia admits that she is a pervert tortured by love.

Just because the man she loves most, her life and her whole life, regardless of how much she needs her, after the third escape, it's like a complete evaporation, no matter how much money is spent or how many people are sent to find it.

Of course, she could think that Shen Yue might have fled back to his hometown in China. She also spent a lot of money and entrusted a lot of relationships to thoroughly investigate his whereabouts.

But some things can't be done with money.

A big Chinese figure entrusted by Sophia can find out which army Shen Yue came from, his history after joining the army, and why he was kicked out of the army. However, when he wanted to check his hometown, the five scarlet letters "you have no right to read" were like a sharp knife, which stabbed him in the heart and made him sweat.

When money loses its energy, what Sophia can do is to enjoy the pain.

She hoped that pain would numb all her nerves.

That way, she would no longer want to think about that man and always want to end her life with that silver browning.

get the opposite of what one wants.

The more Sophia wanted her to be numb, the more sober she was.

It's not about nerves anymore, it's about the soul.

Nerves can be numbed, and the soul is always awake.

Sophia is very clear that her spirit has been broken down for a long time. As early as half a year ago, after she shot and killed four Shen Yue, her people were already dead.

Sophia, who is lying under the sun umbrella, enjoying the sea breeze and tasting delicious red wine, is just a walking corpse.

Her soul, already in the air with the wind, crazy smile, sad cry, with hoarse voice to the East: "good man, where are you now?"

Sophia came to Hawaii this time to end this perfect skin bag in the eyes of outsiders.

She is going to take this luxury cruise ship to the deep sea.

As early as half a month ago, Sophia learned from the weather bureau that this evening, when the sky is full of rosy clouds, there will be a big storm.

At that time, the current calm sea water will boil like boiling water, and will raise huge waves as high as tens of meters, which will easily smash the luxury cruise ship and hit the bottom of the sea.

When that moment comes, Sophia will stand alone in the bow of the boat when others are scared and running for their lives, stand up to the huge waves, spread out her hands, straighten her breasts, just like Ruth on the Titanic, smiling happily to welcome the arrival of death.

Unfortunately, she can't be like Ruth, with her favorite man around her waist.

In order to go out to sea when the rough waves are about to appear, Sophia bribes some officials in Hawaii and asks them to help cover up the news. Otherwise, the ten or so people who serve her on the whole luxury yacht will never accompany her.

She chose to die in Hawaii because she met Shen Yue here.

It's the most romantic thing to end your life where love begins.

"Good man, I'll find you when I die. Ha ha, at that time, I will pester you, never leave you, forever

Shen Yue, standing behind the rattan chair, may have forgotten to trim her nails. When she scratched hard, she pricked her.


Sophia shrieked and stiffened. She raised her hand, took off her sunglasses and threw them out. Then she picked up the silver browning on the table, opened the safety and pointed it at his forehead.

This Shen Yue, stop at once.

He dare not hide.

Better die than hide.

The consequences of hiding will be worse than death.

I dare not resist.

The other two Shen Yue, as if they didn't see it, still did what they should do.

They didn't know that their "obedience" was the source of Sophia's dissatisfaction.

If it's true, Shen Yue's head is aimed at by browning, he will just raise his hand and draw it with a big mouth, put Sophia's mouth full of blood, step on her full chest, and sternly warn her that if she dares to shoot me again, I'll kill you.

"Come on, I'll give you three seconds to whip my mouth, then pick my hair, torture me like a tyrant, and let me feel the real Shen Yue. If you can do that, I can completely forget him. Although I still can't let you enjoy my maturity, I have many ways to give you imperial enjoyment. Come on, do it, do it

Sophia looked at Shen Yue with a look of expectation in her blue eyes.

Shen Yue's lips trembled and his eyes contracted into a line because of fear.

His face changed, and in an instant there was despair, madness, shudder, and fear of weakness.

"You, after all, are not him. Go to hell. "

Three seconds later, Sophia, who didn't wait for any resistance from Shen Yue, gave a charming smile. Her right index finger was about to pull the trigger, and there was a rapid sound of footsteps from the cabin.

Instinctively, Sophia released the trigger temporarily, looked back coldly, and saw her bodyguard Helen, holding her phone high in her hand, flying over. Her face was full of crazy excitement, her mouth opened to the maximum, but she couldn't make a sound.


Like thunder in her ear, Sophia suddenly realized something.

He raised his hand and threw browning out. When he turned over and sat up, he pushed a Shen Yue on the deck, jumped up from the cane chair and stretched out his right hand.

Helen put her cell phone in her hand, then said in a loud voice: "husband, madam, yes, it's him!"

It's him.

It's him!

Even if Sophia had been psychologically prepared, she still felt as if she had been hit on the head with a heavy stick after listening to Helen's words. She was black in front of her eyes, faltered at her feet and sat down on the deck.

She wasn't on the deck.

A Shen Yue knelt down and climbed two steps in time, supporting her with his back.

Helen immediately took her arm.

Before the Venus disappeared, Sophia held up the satellite phone, put it in her ear and said faintly, "Hello, who's calling, please?"

Hello, who is calling, please?

In a year and a half, Sophia said it at least three thousand times.

Including with what kind of tone, voice decibels and how high, to show that she does not care about a heartless man's light ran.

Anyone who always uses the same tone and mood to say a sentence three thousand times will form an inherent pattern. No matter what the environment is, there will be no change when he says it again.