Shen Yue didn't want to think about it. He only knew that after going out of No. 58, his heart was full of unspeakable melancholy.

Let his mood a little low, also did not rush back to find Zhan Xiaobai, found a small park, ready to make up for the lack of sleep last night.

Perhaps, after waking up, melancholy was blown away by the wind.

Unexpectedly, Niu Meng suddenly came out, which made Shen Yue very happy: "grass, listen to you first? Talk about your sister. What I hate most is that I don't know how to praise you. I let you go the first two times. I just don't know how to repay you. I also spilled dirty water all over my head, causing the company of my little wife to face bankruptcy. "

"Brother Yue, spare your life! I, I will never dare to plot against you again. "

Niu Meng hurriedly begged for mercy in a more miserable voice: "I came to you to help Wuwu, help me."

The cow howled and burst into tears.

Shen Yue really didn't expect that he would cry like a woman.

It's not easy for a big man to cry like this. Shen Yue closed his feet, covered his mouth with the sole of his shoes, frowned and said, "if you dare to howl again, I'll step on your teeth."

Fortunately, the afternoon sun was so hot that there was no one in the park.

If Shen Yue was seen crying when he bullied the cattle, maybe he would think of beibeishan.

Shen Yue let him go and sat down again.

Niu Meng got up in a hurry, raised his hand to wipe the tears on his face, and knelt down on his knees: "brother Yue, help me, help me."

"Who are you?"

Shen Yue looked at him and took out his cigarette box.

After the event, a bag of cigarettes, happy like a fairy.

Wake up after a nap, a cigarette, can also play a certain magic effect.

Niu Meng looks at the cigarette case in Shen Yue's hand. His Adam's apple rolls down and he raises his hand to wipe his tears.

When he put down his hand, Shen Yue handed over the cigarette case.

"Thank you, brother Yue. Thank you."

Niu Meng took it in a hurry, lit one in his mouth, took a hard puff, and half of the cigarette went down.

From his action, Shen Yue can see how much mental pressure he is under.

That day, Zhou Lin voluntarily surrendered to the police and said that after Niu fled fearlessly, Shen Yue knew that this guy was finished and that he was behind the scenes?

Don't forget that Niu Meng has worked hard in the Castle Peak. He is very proud. Only when he is kicked in the head by a donkey can he offend Shen Yue and Ren Mingming.

One hundred percent, he was bewitched and forced by others, and was used as a ghost for death.

Niu Meng can suddenly appear in Castle Peak today and find Shen Yue for help. He has a bit of brain and has made the right move.

The question is, will he be in charge of his affairs?

After smoking a cigarette, Niu Meng's mood returned to normal. He fell on the ground and banged his head to Shen Yue three times.

Shen Yue ignored him.

If others like to kowtow to him, just kowtow. Anyway, he didn't force anyone.

"It was the jungle that made me do this, to pour dirty water on officer Ren. At that time, I thought of you because I hated you. "

Niu Meng was very clear about what he should say now. He told the whole story like a bean in a bamboo tube.

Finally, he added: "the jungle is known as the Northeast wolf, and it is the boss of Fang Gang, the elder brother of Qingshan. He's still enslaved, I guess. Otherwise, he doesn't have to pour dirty water on officer Ren. "

Shen Yue nodded to show that you were right.

After gaining brother Yue's approval, Niu Meng's spirit was boosted: "after I ran away, I realized that they would kill me. Thanks to my wisdom "

Shen Yue raised his foot and pushed him to the ground.

Are forced to kowtow, but also NIMA has the face to boast wisdom.

After being pushed by Shen Yue, Niu mengcai realized that it was not the time to put gold on his face. He got up in a hurry, straightened his posture, changed his face constantly, and told the reason why he sneaked back to Castle Peak in a painful tone.

Niu Meng is concerned.

He has a blind mother, and a new freshman sister, yunmiao.

He reckons that in order to cover up the crime, the jungle will certainly do something on my mother and yunmiao. Through a special way on the gray Road, he will let him know that if he doesn't come back to die, don't blame his friends for being cruel and cruel and taking his mother and younger sister to the sword.

If Niu Meng is a bastard who breaks into a big disaster, regardless of his family's life or death, he will never fall into the trap.

Niu Meng is a filial son.

I would rather die than be hurt by those villains, so I have to go back to Castle Peak.

If after he comes back, the jungle will only kill him and let go of his mother and younger sister. If Niu Meng dies, he will die. Eighteen years later, he will be a hero again.

But he had learned from his younger brother that Fang Gang had a crush on his younger sister

In this way, Niu Meng's death is worthless. He wants to find someone to help him.

Who are you looking for?

Who can help brother Meng through the current disaster?

Lin Shao?

Stop teasing me.

Old fellow iron and address each other as brothers, and he really wanted to find him. He just sat down and had his feet on the back of the jungle.

Gather the brothers and fight with the jungle to the end?

In this way, there will be no other result except being killed by the Northeast wolf.

call the police?

Although Niu Meng is wanted by the District Bureau, as long as he calls the police, he will be protected by the police.

The problem is that after Niu Meng is sent to prison, he may not live for three days, and then he will die. After he dies, the custody mother escorts him, and his little sister's bad luck is still inevitable.

When Niu Meng was in despair and could only die before his mother and sister, he suddenly thought of a man.

Shen Yue.

Shen Yue can even dodge his bullets and wake Lin shaogei up in his dreams. That's enough to prove that northeast wolf is a pug in his eyes. He can play whatever he wants.

The only thing that makes Niu Meng's heart beat is that Shen Yue doesn't care about him.

But if you don't try, how can you know?

In this way, Niu dived back to Castle Peak, found some of his absolute confidants, helped to find out where Shen Yue was, and then came to the small park.

"Brother Yue, help me, please help me! I will be a cow and a horse in return for your kindness. "

After that, Niu Meng knelt on the ground again and banged his head.

Shen Yue yawned and said lazily, "for your pity, I won't pursue the matter of you throwing dirty water on me. Go away. Don't bother me. I'm still full of melancholy. I don't know what to do. Where can I spare you? "

"Brother Yue!"

The cow suddenly roared. When he raised his head, he had a sharp knife in his hand, and his face trembled.

Shen Yue looked at him coldly and sneered with disdain: "ha ha, this is going to be a dog jumping off the wall?"

"I'll make amends to you when I die. But please help my mother and my little sister yunmiao

The cow roared, raised the sharp knife and stabbed at his heart.

Shen Yue didn't like him, and Niu Meng expected that.

But he has long planned to make amends by death, only to ask Shen Yue to protect his mother and younger sister from being bullied by the jungle.

He was determined to die, and he did his best.

The sharp point of the cold knife pierced his chest, and there was fresh blood splashing. It was about to run through his heart. Niu Meng's left hand trembled like an electric shock, and the sharp knife flew out.

After kicking away his sharp knife, Shen Yue frowned at him. After a while, he slowly asked, "what northeast wolf will really kill your family?"

If the jungle just wants to exterminate the cattle, Shen Yue won't even manage it.

But after Niu Meng was exterminated, his family was also affected, which was a bit too much.

It's not as bad as your family. It's the morality of the world.

"Yue, brother Yue. I regret that I resisted when I was chased. If I'm a dead man, they won't give my family any advice. My little sister. She's beautiful. Woo, woo. "

With that, Niu Meng, who was sitting on the ground, began to howl like a girl.

A man does not shed tears lightly, only because he is not sad.

"Shut up. Your sister, no, NIMA, no, you're not a man. You always cry. "

For the sake of Niu Meng's filial piety and his younger sister, brother Yue had to swallow his rude words.

At the same time, there is also some disdain. Just like the bull, where can his little sister be beautiful?

But it's true that all the little girls in the world are second only to their wives in the eyes of their brothers.

Niu Meng immediately stopped crying, but also a smoke a smoke, and show Xiaobai also some similar.

"Especially, how can he compare with my little wife?"

Shen Yue was very amused at the idea. He turned his lips and asked again, "are you sure that the people in the jungle are really cruel to your family?"

"Brother Yue, facts speak louder than words."

Maybe it's because of talking too much with Shen Yue. Niu Meng, an old man, knows how to use idioms. Take out his mobile phone and turn it on.

Knowing what he was going to do, Shen Yue yawned again and lay on the lawn, looking straight at the white clouds in the sky.

The white clouds are changeable and invisible. They are like horses and faces.

It's like sister Guanyin.

Just when Shen Yue wondered why he thought of sunanyin again, a very polite voice came from Niu Meng's phone: "brother Niu Meng?"

"Fang Gang, it's me."

"I want to talk to the jungle," the cow said in a hoarse voice

"Hehe, Niu Meng, who do you think you can find Lin Ge?"

Mr. Fang Gang didn't install it for three seconds. When he was about to curse, the voice of the jungle came from his mobile phone: "I am the jungle."

Niu Meng said simply: "jungle, let my mother and sister go, I will do my own thing."

Brother Yue may not mean what he says, but the most important thing for those who are on the road like jungle is their promise. They will never break their promise easily.

After a moment's silence, the jungle whispered, "I'm old. It's time to die. But as long as your little sister is obedient, I promise to set her free in three years

Niu Meng's face changed and he asked in a loud voice, "you, you want to give my little sister away!"

According to his position in the jungle, if Fang Gang only took a fancy to yunmiao, he would not have to think about it. He would immediately answer whether to let it go or not.

Now that he said that, it proved that he wanted to give yunmiao to others as a plaything and help niumeng atone for three years.

"Ha ha, that's her blessing."

The jungle chuckled over there: "I'll see you at the farm under the swallow nest at ten o'clock tonight. If you don't come, not only my mother will be miserable, but your little sister won't even have the fortune to serve noble people. You can only afford to be brothers. "