Qin Guang asked Ye Fei, "what animal is the machine? Do you know what it is? It looks like it's difficult to deal with!"

Ye Fei's expression has become severe. He replied, "in fact, it's a puppet. She makes all kinds of actions under human control, and the woman poured her strength into the mechanism beast, so it's not easy to deal with."

"Is there any way to stop it?"

"Let me try!"

Before ye Fei's voice fell, he had waved his palm wind and launched an attack on the mechanism beast on the ceiling. This energy hit the dark thing impartially, but it seemed to have no effect on it at all.

Meng po said proudly, "don't waste your energy. It has a lot of strength. To be exact, it has almost absorbed most of the strength I poured into the past, but it's not as fragile as you think!"

"This is the gift I left you, and I'm leaving now. Good luck!"

Meng po said and went to the back door. Without saying a word, ye Fei and Qin Guang rushed forward to catch up. But when they ran out for a few meters, they found something flying overhead, and then directly blocked in front of them.

The dark thing gradually began to change, and split into three hands, three feet, and the head looked like a face.

"This mechanism beast is different from the previous one. You should be more careful!" Ye Fei reminded Qin Guang for fear that he would make irrational actions again.

"I'm going to take a breath now. I won't clean up your bodies when I come back. Just let you rot in this house forever."

Meng Po left a burst of laughter and disappeared in front of Ye Fei and Qin Guang.

"Didn't you say that the mechanism beast needs human control? Why did the woman leave like this?"

"She didn't go far. She just hid somewhere to control and recover her body."

Ye Fei is also very headache now. Qin Guang beside him doesn't have any strength at all. He can only rely on himself to deal with this mechanism beast.

But just from the appearance, you can feel the power of this mechanism beast. I'm afraid he can't cope with it alone.

But now, he had to rush forward. First, he didn't want to be looked down upon by Qin Guang. Second, there was no way back when the matter came to this point.

After thinking of this, ye Fei refined his strength and said to Qin Guang, "Inspector, you can't cope with this mechanism beast. Keep a distance from us as far as possible. Although I'm not sure to defeat it, I must fight with all my strength."

When ye Fei's energy was poured into his palms, there was a leaping fire immediately. This feeling made Ye Fei's heart suddenly firm, as if he were surrounded by a warm force.

He was surprised to find that his strength was not exactly the original strength, but an unprecedented feeling mixed with another power.

This change is further improving Ye Fei's strength through every battle. It is precisely because of this unknown power that ye Fei is full of confidence in himself.

He launched an attack on the mechanism beast in front of him. Suddenly, his fine awn burst in his hand and hit the mechanism beast heavily. This force is thick and powerful, as if it were endless.

The mechanism beast stretched out his hands to resist, and both sides fought hard in strength. The huge two forces opposed each other, which greatly affected Qin Guang standing aside. He felt that the surrounding air seemed to be constantly torn, and even several torn blood marks appeared on his palm and skin.

"Who is this guy and why does he feel stronger and stronger!"

Qin Guang also found the change in Ye Fei, but it was more difficult for him to understand the change. However, he can only hope that ye Fei can destroy the mechanism beast in one fell swoop, so that they can have a chance to catch Meng Po.

What Qin Guang can't imagine is that ye Fei is suffering a lot at this time. Although his strength increased, his body still did not change, that is to say, when the two forces opposed each other, his body also bore an indescribable load.

This load almost made Ye Fei unable to hold on, and a bloody sweet smell began to appear in his throat. Although he can continuously output energy to fight against mechanism beasts through the palms of his two palms, he is also absorbing damage multiple times at the same time.


Ye Fei could only turn this huge pain into a rage and vent it. Under his encouragement, the power on his hand was instantly increased several times, and he even flew the mechanism beast directly.

Seeing that the mechanism beast was repulsed and bumped into two walls one after another, ye Fei had blood flowing from his quarrel, and the whole man knelt on one knee and completely lost his ability to stand.

Seeing this, Qin Guang immediately ran over. He tried his best to help Ye Fei and asked him, "are you okay? How do I think you can't control your own power!"

Ye Fei said, "this is not entirely my strength. I also feel very strange. I can't say it clearly for a while."

"But fortunately, it helped me fight with the mechanism beast to this extent. I think its power has been weakened by the blow just now. It is not impossible to completely destroy it."

But the mechanism beast soon reappeared in front of them. The chest of the mechanism beast was penetrated by the power just now and became a circular hole, but this did not affect it to continue to attack Ye Fei.

It sent out a hoarse roar, and almost in the blink of an eye it was approaching Ye Fei. Qin Guang threw a heavy fist at it in a hurry, but the fist brushed over the body of the mechanism beast, as if it were hitting the air.

"It's useless. You can only use strength to deal with this mechanism beast. Inspector, you'd better be careful and step back!"

Qin Guang is very unwilling, but he also knows that staying here can only make trouble for ye Fei.

At this time, he regretted that why he didn't learn how to use his strength on weekdays, otherwise he wouldn't encounter today's situation, and he would only be black and blind.

Ye Fei supports his body, but it has just caused a heavy burden on him, so he looks a little shaky, which is really worrying.

The mechanism beast didn't care so much. Its arms suddenly extended their joints and flew directly at the leaves. At this time, ye Fei didn't seem to be ready at all. He didn't even make any Parry or dodge.

"Get out of the way!" Qin Guang shouted anxiously. He wanted to help, but he couldn't touch the body of the mechanism beast at all.

Although Qin Guang's loud warning was heard in his ear, ye Fei only felt that his feet were weak, and it was a little difficult to stand still, let alone make other actions.

If he has no way to avoid it, he can only fight with the mechanism beast, but it is obvious that doing so will be more or less dangerous. At that time, he will face the moment of life and death.

At the critical moment, a figure suddenly crossed Ye Fei's eyes.